As many of you know, RF Generation was founded on April 28, 2004, by a wonderful group of people. At its insight, we were a tight community of gamers, collectors, and average Joes that loved the community we had. We still love the community to this day.
Many of you probably don't know this, but I was not the original Site Director. In fact, I wasn't even an original staff member. Site Director... was a position developed by me in late 2006 as a way to ensure that we had a group of people that would work together to keep the site moving forward. Prior to that we had a webmaster, and the original webmaster was none other than
Michael Collins. We miss him dearly, but since his passing a lot of us stepped up to keep the site growing, and grow it did.
We're not the little community we were in 2004. These days, we've got many, many members who use us as not only a game and hardware reference but also as one hell of a collection tool, coded by my good friend Eddie Herrmann. We've added a lot of things to the site since that fateful day in 2004, and in doing so we've grown dramatically.
We used to be on a shared host. We've since crushed that shared host and then in the course of 3 weeks crushed the VPS we were on. These days, we're on a dedicated server with an 85 dollar a month bill.
We used to not have a submission system for regular members. Back in the day there were the wonderful "Submit Missing Games Here" and "Submit Missing Images Here" threads. Oh, they were lovely things, and that's how you guys were able to submit content.
We used to not have a hardware database or variants. Since then, we do. The system to submit such things has seen more revisions than Michael Jackson's nose.
We used to have one programmer that programmed everything in Perl. After our proprietary file based database began being corrupted under heavy load, I stepped up to assist in transitioning the site to MySQL driven, learning PHP in the process. These days, We're entirely mySQL based with some file based caching for our more intensive scripts.
We used to have a different site design. Check it out on the web archive. These days we have the current template, and maybe someday in the future we'll change it again.
Oh memories. We've grown so much, but in the process those of us who run the site have grown older and busier. You may notice that two of the four directors, Tynstar and Tan, are no longer directors. Life has required them to move on. Similarly, countless staff members have moved on to the site to bigger and better things. We thank them for their grand service.
Now, it is with a tinge of sadness, and also happiness that I must announce that it's time for Eddie and myself to pass the torch onto someone else. It's been a fun 3 or so years, but our age and schedules are finally catching up with us.
It is my pleasure to announce that
Mike Fox (NES_Rules) will be assuming the role of Site Director. He's been one hell of an asset to RF Generation, and I know that he'll be one hell of a Site Director. I for one am happy that he took this role, and I thank him for taking the torch and running with it.
What does that mean for the site? Well, that means that Mike runs everything now instead of me. It also means that Eddie and I will be taking a lesser role in the operation of the site. While we will be sticking around as the technical crew that keeps the site up and running and also quashing programming bugs, Mike will be the guy who ensures that the site continues to grow. I know he'll do a great job.
So, on behalf of Eddie and me, I welcome Mike to his new role. Thank you Mike, you're a great asset to RF Generation, and I know you'll be fantastic.
Good luck Mike and congrats!
Congrats Mike! I know you'll do a great job leading the site into the future. I don't think there's anyone more qualified for this position, you've definately earned it. 
So is this like Civilization, where when there is a change in the power structure, we have to wait through one turn of anarchy?
@BadEnoughDude: I'd certainly hope not.
Congrats Mike, I send my best wishes! It was nice to have you as my fellow DB Editor, and now it'll be a pleasure having you as the Site Director!
Excellent replacement. Sorry to see you go, but I think NES_Rules will do an excellent job!!
Wow, big news! Pretty unexpected, too. Congratulations, Mike; I know you will do a great job! I freakin' love your blogs. Thank you, Dave, Eddie, and the rest of the staff for keeping this place running so nicely these years. Since I've discovered this site over a year ago (thanks to NES_rules' blogs), I became totally addicted to the database and the tracking software.
Long live the RFG!
Have a good future! Glad to see Mike will have the responsibility now, being a great member to the community.
Excellent. Grats, dude.
Now for some fun memories: "We used to not have a submission system for regular members. Back in the day there were the wonderful "Submit Missing Games Here" and "Submit Missing Images Here" threads. Oh, they were lovely things, and that's how you guys were able to submit content."
I remember that thread =p Me and Izret (Anthony) used to add everything from there. lolz
RFG has come a long way.
Ahh yes those were the good ole days. I was spending a frightening amount of time in RFG when i was in highschool.... I think those were 12 hour day minimums back then.
Congrats Mike on the step up and congrats to David and Eddie for freeing up themselves a bit more 
Oh shit. The lurkers are coming... with torches!
Congratulations, Mike!!!
Thanks Mike! Keep the dream alive!
Wow! Congratulations Mike!
Congrats and best of luck to you.
Congrats!!! And lets keep up the good work!!!!!! This site has been a big part of my collecting and gaming.
Very Nice!
I do not know what to say... It's hard to see Dave leave a position of such height, but Mike is a great guy, much like Dave. All I can say is that I understand the changing of hands, and I think that the site will continue to grow to new heights in this new governorship, just as it did when Dave was the head honcho. To Mike: Looks like you're my new boss type dude now! Isn't that dandy! You'll do a fine job, I know, hell, we all know, that you will.
Long live RFGeneration!!!!
I'd like to start by thanking Dave and Eddie for what they have done for the site. Their hard work has allowed us all to better enjoy and interact with the site and each other.
Mike, good luck with everything. Don't let Rob get to you After reading all of your blog posts and with the chats we've had on the IRC channel, I'm sure you'll do a great job.
Here's to the future of RF Generation!
Congrats dude!
Great job Dave and Eddie. You guys have been outstanding. Congrats to Mike and good luck!!
Congrats Mike and look forward to many years with you at the wheel.
Long live Treasure Hunt Chronicles Generation! Congrats and great work Eddy and David.
congratulations Mike
@BadEnoughDude: Good comment! hehe 
Glad it's NES_Rules as he is a good guy and we'll remain in safe hands. Cheers!
I'd like to personally thank David and Eddie for their foresight, drive and leadership in not only continuing Mike's original vision, but for enhancing it. Both were very supportive and encouraging in my endeavors and suggestions during the course of my tenure as an active staff member. Being a bit older than most of the members here, I can understand completely their decision - time becomes a non-renewable resource that is in high personal demand as life changes. I am glad that you both will remain a part of RFG - a family that you both have truly nurtured during the course of the last few years. My hats off to you both.
Mike Fox - congrats are in order and rightfully deserved. I haven't worked with you a great deal in the past, but I do see your efforts and commitment to RFG. Know that you have a supporter here in this corner.
Salute to David, Eddie and Mike - a sincere best wish to you all!
....I have no maners aparently as I've up to this point said nothing but congrats all the same. We never speak and I think I sold you a Genesis model 3 some time ago but I look forward to seeing just how and what you'll bring to RFG during the duration you retain top dog spot here. You've alot expected of you but I'm sure you wont disapoint. If David says your good, that's all I need to know.
Dave and Eddie -- Thanks so much for what you've done for the site, especially during the last three and a half years. Mike -- best of luck with your new position!