RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Apr 19th 2012 at 02:17:23 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, Milestones, Software, Database, Scans, Images

Yes, that's right, we now have over 80,000 game scans in our database! Just think about that for a minute, hundreds of people from all over the world have brought together 80,000 scans of thousands of different games in just under 8 years. And if you think about it, that's about 10,000 scans per year, or just under 30 new scans ever single day!
And that's not even including the more than 30,000 screenshots.

So congratulation RF Generation on this milestone. And thanks to everyone has added any of those scans, whether you've added just one or a thousand, you've helped us become and continue to be THE Classic and Modern Video Games Database!

Remember to keep it on Channel 3 and those scans coming!

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What a fantastic milestone. It also reminds me that I need to do some more scanning...

I wanna do the kind of scanning that makes people's heads explode.

That's, like, one of the most awesomest powers ever!

Well, except for the dry-cleaning...
100,000 doesnt seem so far off. I really wish I still had access to a scanner.
@Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq.: You're crazy buddy, but I love ya. Stay classy.

@Crabmaster2000: Stadium Events? No problem. Cheap scanner? Oh HECK NO! ;p
I'll send Crabmaster a scanner in exchange for Stadium Events. I've heard that scanners are harder to obtain.

Also, I suspect that number will greatly increase in the next coming months with a certain yearly contest...
Congrats, guys!
@Duke.Togo: You forget where I live. Its basically 1990 up here which is why the NES still rules at my house.
@Crabmaster2000: I'm sure that you could pay a sled dog team to traverse the frozen wasteland to the nearest city to retrieve one for you.
@Duke.Togo: First I need to salt enough seal meat for the trek.
I agree with Shadow.  I think the contest is gonna be crazy for subs.  I don't know if I have anywhere near as much stuff to scan as I did last year, though.
What's a contest?
aeroc, I've seen you updating your collection... Also, I still have your box to send from last year. It was lost for a bit in the move, but I unearthed it. I'm going to clean up my game room this weekend (hopefully), which means I'll be able to get to it and send it out. Grin
I have sooo many games to scan Smiley need to get them organized and then the scanning starts... they just take forever Smiley
Good, now get Sonic's Schoolhouse for PC on your database so I can track all my Sonic games Smiley
@Razor Knuckles: If you have information for it, feel free to submit it!
Thanks bickman2k, will get to that soon. It's the only Sonic game not in the database.
Amazing Smiley
Keep up the good work!
@douglie007: If you're planning on scanning your copies of the games you sent me, that will save me some time. I'll just skip over the stuff that's heavily stickered and only scan the good stuff. Which means once I get to that, it'll be less for you too. Smiley
I basically blew my scanning load this month.  I wish I would have known about a looming competition earlier. =/
I'm new here, but... congratulations!!
@NES_Rules: yeah I will scan the best copy, if you want to scan some of the good ones you have that will work.

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