RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Mar 7th 2010 at 12:27:41 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, Milestone, Freaking Sweet, 50000 Games

Today marks a true milestone in the history of RFGeneration, for today at 1:39:30 AM, the 50,000th game was added to our database. In under 6 years we've accumulated information on 50,000 games for dozens of systems from all over the world, this is an astounding task when you really think about it. This milestone further cements RFGeneration's place as THE Classic and Modern Video Game Database.

The 50,000th game was Toy Soldiers on Xbox Live Arcade that was submitted by Izret101.
There have literally been hundreds of member from all over the world that have helped us  get this achievement, and each one of those people and their submission(s) have been important. Some members have left a huge mark on RFGeneration by contributing over 1000 title and variation additions since we began tracking them in October 2006; and those members are ApolloBoy, Funk_Buddy, Tynstar, Madir and Belgarath.

In celebration of this momentous occasion, I'd like to announce another way to get your daily fill of RFGeneration! This new aspect of RFGeneration is a personal pet project of mine that the donors and I have been using for a little while now. This will hopefully be a tool to help get our name out there in cyber-space as well as keeping our members that decide to use it, some of the latest information pertaining to the site and occasionally the video game industry as a whole. So here it is, http://twitter.com/RFGeneration. That's right RFGeneration is now on Twitter! As you can see from previous tweets, the Twitter page will be used to promote excellent blogs as well as reminding readers of upcoming DB milestones and site news. Now that the page has been announced for everyone, I will be using it more often than I am now, so don't be discouraged by the lack of tweets there already. They should be becoming more frequent.
I'd also like to take a moment to thank Den68 for making the graphics for the Twitter page!

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it's really too bad the facebook page for rfgen didn't take off, heres to the Twitter page!! Smiley
Eh when i started the FB page i was planing on doing more with it but i pretty much spend all my time here on RFG soooo.....

50k is a momentus occasion indeed. Too bad the submission count hadn't been around from the start. I wish i knew exactly how many pages i had edited. I wonder if i could figure it out doing a search for RFGen and my name...
Results 1 - 10 of about 23,000 for anthony terzi rfgeneration
Wow, truly a momentous occasion. It'll be fun to see when we hit 100K. It'll probably take a bit longer, but I'm sure it's possible. Heck, with all the European games in the DB that need to be split into variations, we'd already come a considerable way. Tongue

@Izret101: I just tried that too and got 1 - 10 van circa 22.600 for sirgin rf generation

I don't think it counts submissions alone. Wink

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