RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Dec 18th 2020 at 01:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under Jamestown Plus, Shoot the Corecast, podcast, Shmup Club, Final Form Games, shooter, STG, shmup, shooting game, shoot em up, indie game

[img width=500 height=420]http://rfgeneration.com/podcasts/shmupclub/images/2020-12-17_stcc_ep_029_jamestown_plus.jpg[/img]

In Episode 029, Addicted and MetalFRO explore an alternate take on the British colony of Roanoke, but this time, set on Mars! Jamestown+ was developed by Final Form Games, and is the full realization of the original release from 2011, with extra content and tweaks. Does it warrant your time this holiday season? Hopefully, we can shed some light on that for you!

Get the podcast from on your device via your favorite service:

Or stream/download the episode right here on RF Generation!

Check out the original discussion thread for the game here:

Posted on Nov 19th 2019 at 01:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under N2O, Shoot the Corecast, podcast, Shmup Club, Gremlin Interactive, Nitrous Oxide, STG, shooting game, shooter, shoot em up, t

[img width=500 height=501]http://rfgeneration.com/podcasts/shmupclub/images/2019-11-17_shoot_the_core-cast_ep_017_n2o_nitrous_oxide.jpg[/img]

In Episode 017, MetalFRO and Addicted talk about a Western-developed game that is largely forgotten today among shooting games, despite being heavily inspired by one of the genre's early hits, Tempest. N2O: Nitrous Oxide takes the Tempest formula to new, psychedelic places, and we give you an in-depth look at the game! What makes this tube shooter different than its predecessors? We discuss that and more!

Here's the direct link to listen to the podcast on the site, or download the MP3 for later:

Check us out and subscribe (and rate!) on Apple Podcasts!

We're listed on Google Play - subscribe and review the podcast over there!

We're on Stitcher Podcasts now, as well, so if you use that service, have a listen to the show from there!

We also have a presence on SoundCloud now, though it's just the most current episode at this time:

We have t-shirts! Help support the podcast, and rep the shmup community by buying a Shoot the Core-cast tee - now with Gaiden design!

Check out the original discussion about the game:

Posted on May 8th 2019 at 12:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under Switch N Shoot, Nintendo, Switch, eShop, download, shooter, shmup, shooting game, STG, shoot em up, Galaga, indie game

[img width=700 height=350]https://i2.wp.com/cliqist.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/SwitchNShoot.jpg?fit=1600%2C800&ssl=1[/img]
Title screen image shamelessly linked from Cliqist

Do you like Galaga? Do you like Space Invaders? Do you like Gorf? What about Phoenix? If you like blasting alien baddies in 8-bits, with simple, arcade style and fun, then boy, have I got a game for you! Switch 'N' Shoot, on the Nintendo Switch, might just scratch that old school arcade shooter itch you've been nursing.

Continue reading Switch N Shoot - Old School Arcade Fun Returns

Posted on Mar 14th 2019 at 12:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under Shoot the Corecast, shmup, podcast, Zanac, Compile, shooting game, STG, shooter, shoot em up

[img width=700 height=480]http://rfgeneration.com/podcasts/shmupclub/images/2019-03-12_shoot_the_core-cast_episode_009_-_zanac.jpg[/img]

This is Episode 009 of Shoot the Core-cast! In this edition, MetalFRO and Addicted look at Zanac, the classic NES shooter that most of us played as kids. Does it hold up? What's good about it? Why is it so well loved? To help us answer these questions, we called upon Collectorcast members Duke.Togo and Crabmaster2000, to weigh in on the game. We hope you enjoy it!

Direct episode link:

Check us out and subscribe (and rate!) on Apple Podcasts!

We're listed on Google Play - subscribe and review the podcast over there!

We're on Stitcher Podcasts now, as well, so if you use that service, have a listen to the show from there!

We have t-shirts! Help support the podcast, and rep the shmup community by buying a Shoot the Core-cast tee!

Here's the thread from the play-through:

Thanks for listening, and any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Posted on Dec 20th 2018 at 01:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under Steel Empire, Shoot the Corecast, shooter, shooting game, STG, shoot em up, shmup, HOT B, Starfish, steampunk

[img width=700 height=700]http://rfgeneration.com/podcasts/shmupclub/images/itunes_image.png[/img]

Welcome to Episode 006 of Shoot the Core-cast! This time around, we take a good look at the HOT-B Sega Genesis classic, Steel Empire! We dive into the original game, and dissect the re-releases since then, talking about the changes, and getting into the game's steampunk world. MetalFRO and Addicted go into great detail about the game's history, talk strategy, share high scores from the month's participants, and discuss how this game has lived on since its initial release.


Check us out and subscribe (and rate!) on Apple Podcasts!

We're listed on Google Play - subscribe and review the podcast over there!

We're on Stitcher Podcasts now, as well, so if you use that service, have a listen to the show from there!

We have t-shirts! Help support the podcast, and rep the shmup community by buying a Shoot the Core-cast tee!

See all the discussion about Steel Empire, as well as participant high scores, in the discussion thread:

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