[img width=700 height=527]http://i.imgur.com/DJPSjbB.gif[/img] We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you the November 2021 edition of RF Generation's Site News! In this issue, we announce our next Community Playthrough title, reveal next month's shoot 'em up club game, and of course, thank those members who sent in submissions to our site and registered approvals last month. Thanks for keeping it on Channel 3 and please continue to keep you and your loved ones SAFE!
REMEMBER: If you have any news about upcoming events or topics that you think the site needs to hear about, please PM singlebanana and put "RFG Site News" in the subject line. Who knows, maybe your news will make our front page!
Continue reading All Our News Are Belong To You: November 2021 Edition
[img width=700 height=527]http://i.imgur.com/DJPSjbB.gif[/img] We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you the October 2021 edition of RF Generation's Site News! In this issue, we announce our November Community Playthrough title, reveal next month's shoot 'em up club game, and of course, thank those members who sent in submissions to our site and registered approvals last month. Thanks for keeping it on Channel 3 and please continue to keep you and your loved ones SAFE!
REMEMBER: If you have any news about upcoming events or topics that you think the site needs to hear about, please PM singlebanana and put "RFG Site News" in the subject line. Who knows, maybe your news will make our front page!
Continue reading All Our News Are Belong To You: October 2021 Edition
[img width=700 height=527]http://i.imgur.com/DJPSjbB.gif[/img] We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you the September 2021 edition of RF Generation's Site News! In this issue, we announce our October Community Playthrough title, reveal next month's shoot 'em up club game, and of course, thank those members who sent in submissions to our site and registered approvals last month. Thanks for keeping it on Channel 3 and please continue to keep you and your loved ones SAFE!
REMEMBER: If you have any news about upcoming events or topics that you think the site needs to hear about, please PM singlebanana and put "RFG Site News" in the subject line. Who knows, maybe your news will make our front page!
Continue reading All Our News Are Belong To You: September 2021 Edition
[img width=700 height=527]http://i.imgur.com/DJPSjbB.gif[/img] We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you the August 2021 edition of RF Generation's Site News! In this issue, we announce our September Community Playthrough title, reveal next month's shoot 'em up club game, and of course, thank those members who sent in submissions to our site and registered approvals last month. Thanks for keeping it on Channel 3 and please continue to keep you and your loved ones SAFE!
REMEMBER: If you have any news about upcoming events or topics that you think the site needs to hear about, please PM singlebanana and put "RFG Site News" in the subject line. Who knows, maybe your news will make our front page!
Continue reading All Our News Are Belong To You: August 2021 Edition
[img width=700 height=527]http://i.imgur.com/DJPSjbB.gif[/img] We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you the July 2021 edition of RF Generation's Site News! In this issue, we announce our August Community Playthrough title, reveal next month's shoot 'em up club game, and of course, thank those members who sent in submissions to our site and registered approvals last month. Thanks for keeping it on Channel 3 and please continue to keep you and your loved ones SAFE!
REMEMBER: If you have any news about upcoming events or topics that you think the site needs to hear about, please PM singlebanana and put "RFG Site News" in the subject line. Who knows, maybe your news will make our front page!
Continue reading All Our News Are Belong To You: July 2021 Edition
[img width=700 height=527]http://i.imgur.com/DJPSjbB.gif[/img] We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you the June 2021 edition of RF Generation's Site News! In this issue, we announce our July Community Playthrough title, reveal next month's shoot 'em up club game, and of course, thank those members who sent in submissions to our site and registered approvals last month. Thanks for keeping it on Channel 3 and please continue to keep you and your loved ones SAFE!
REMEMBER: If you have any news about upcoming events or topics that you think the site needs to hear about, please PM singlebanana and put "RFG Site News" in the subject line. Who knows, maybe your news will make our front page!
Continue reading All Our News Are Belong To You: June 2021 Edition
[img width=700 height=527]http://i.imgur.com/DJPSjbB.gif[/img] We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you the May 2021 edition of RF Generation's Site News! In this issue, we announce our June Community Playthrough title, reveal next month's shoot 'em up club game, and of course, thank those members who sent in submissions to our site and registered approvals last month. Thanks for keeping it on Channel 3 and please continue to keep you and your loved ones SAFE!
REMEMBER: If you have any news about upcoming events or topics that you think the site needs to hear about, please PM singlebanana and put "RFG Site News" in the subject line. Who knows, maybe your news will make our front page!
Continue reading All Our News Are Belong To You: May 2021 Edition
[img width=700 height=527]http://i.imgur.com/DJPSjbB.gif[/img] We interrupt your regularly scheduled tom foolery to bring you the April 2021 edition of RF Generation's Site News! In this issue, we announce our May Community Playthrough title, reveal our shoot 'em up club game, and of course, thank those members who sent in submissions to our site and registered approvals last month. Thanks for keeping it on Channel 3 and please continue to keep you and your loved ones SAFE!
REMEMBER: If you have any news about upcoming events or topics that you think the site needs to hear about, please PM singlebanana and put "RFG Site News" in the subject line. Who knows, maybe your news will make our front page!
Continue reading All Our News Are Belong To You: April 2021 Edition
[img width=700 height=527]http://i.imgur.com/DJPSjbB.gif[/img] We interrupt your regularly scheduled pot o' gold tracking to bring you the March 2021 edition of RF Generation's Site News! In this issue, we hold the raffle for our Annual Fund Drive, announce our April Community Playthrough title, reveal our shoot 'em up club game, and of course, thank those members who sent in submissions to our site and registered approvals last month. Thanks for keeping it on Channel 3 and please continue to keep you and your loved ones SAFE!
REMEMBER: If you have any news about upcoming events or topics that you think the site needs to hear about, please PM singlebanana and put "RFG Site News" in the subject line. Who knows, maybe your news will make our front page!
Continue reading All Our News Are Belong To You: March 2021 Edition
[img width=700 height=527]http://i.imgur.com/DJPSjbB.gif[/img] We interrupt your regularly scheduled panicked, last-minute candy and flower shopping to bring you the February 2021 edition of RF Generation's Site News! In this issue, we provide you with an update for our Annual Fund Drive, announce our March Community Playthrough title, reveal our shoot 'em up club game, and of course, thank those members who sent in submissions to our site and registered approvals last month. Thanks for keeping it on Channel 3 and please continue to keep you and your loved ones SAFE!
REMEMBER: If you have any news about upcoming events or topics that you think the site needs to hear about, please PM singlebanana and put "RFG Site News" in the subject line. Who knows, maybe your news will make our front page!
Continue reading All Our News Are Belong To You: February 2021 Edition
[img width=700 height=527]http://i.imgur.com/DJPSjbB.gif[/img] We interrupt your regularly scheduled New Year's resolutions to bring you the January 2021 edition of RF Generation's Site News! In this issue, we announce our February Community Playthrough game, reveal our shoot 'em up club title, and of course, thank those members who sent in submissions to our site and registered approvals last month. Thanks for keeping it on Channel 3 and please continue to keep you and your loved ones SAFE!
REMEMBER: If you have any news about upcoming events or topics that you think the site needs to hear about, please PM singlebanana and put "RFG Site News" in the subject line. Who knows, maybe your news will make our front page!
Continue reading All Our News Are Belong To You: January 2021 Edition
[img width=700 height=527]http://i.imgur.com/DJPSjbB.gif[/img] We interrupt your regularly scheduled hall decking to bring you the December 2020 edition of RF Generation's Site News! In this issue, we announce our January Community Playthrough game, reveal our shoot 'em up club title, inform you of a database update, and of course, thank those members who sent in submissions to our site and registered approvals last month. Thanks for keeping it on Channel 3 and please continue to keep you and your loved ones SAFE!
REMEMBER: If you have any news about upcoming events or topics that you think the site needs to hear about, please PM singlebanana and put "RFG Site News" in the subject line. Who knows, maybe your news will make our front page!
Continue reading All Our News Are Belong To You: December 2020 Edition
Posted on Dec 18th 2020 at 01:00:00 PM by ( MetalFRO) Posted under Jamestown Plus, Shoot the Corecast, podcast, Shmup Club, Final Form Games, shooter, STG, shmup, shooting game, shoot em up, indie game |
[img width=500 height=420]http://rfgeneration.com/podcasts/shmupclub/images/2020-12-17_stcc_ep_029_jamestown_plus.jpg[/img] In Episode 029, Addicted and MetalFRO explore an alternate take on the British colony of Roanoke, but this time, set on Mars! Jamestown+ was developed by Final Form Games, and is the full realization of the original release from 2011, with extra content and tweaks. Does it warrant your time this holiday season? Hopefully, we can shed some light on that for you!
Get the podcast from on your device via your favorite service: https://linktr.ee/shootthecorecast
Or stream/download the episode right here on RF Generation! http://www.rfgeneration.com/podcasts/shmupclub/?name=2020-12-17_stcc_ep_029_jamestown_plus.mp3
Check out the original discussion thread for the game here: http://www.rfgeneration.com/forum/index.php?topic=19444.0
[img width=700 height=527]http://i.imgur.com/DJPSjbB.gif[/img] We interrupt your regularly scheduled turkey stuffing to bring you the November 2020 edition of RF Generation's Site News! In this issue, we announce our December Community Playthrough game, reveal our shoot 'em up club title, and of course, thank those members who sent in submissions to our site and registered approvals last month. Thanks for keeping it on Channel 3 and please continue to keep you and your loved ones SAFE!
REMEMBER: If you have any news about upcoming events or topics that you think the site needs to hear about, please PM singlebanana and put "RFG Site News" in the subject line. Who knows, maybe your news will make our front page!
Continue reading All Our News Are Belong To You: November 2020 Edition
[img width=700 height=527]http://i.imgur.com/DJPSjbB.gif[/img] We interrupt your regularly scheduled repetitious typing of "All work and no play makes (insert your name here) a dull boy/girl to bring you the October 2020 edition of RF Generation's Site News! In this issue, we announce our sequelicious November Community Playthrough game, reveal our shoot 'em up club title, and of course, thank those members who sent in submissions to our site and registered approvals last month. Thanks for keeping it on Channel 3 and please continue to keep you and your loved ones SAFE!
REMEMBER: If you have any news about upcoming events or topics that you think the site needs to hear about, please PM singlebanana and put "RFG Site News" in the subject line. Who knows, maybe your news will make our front page!
Continue reading All Our News Are Belong To You: October 2020 Edition