RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Aug 19th 2015 at 12:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under playthrough, retro, modern, 2015, September, October, November, December, playthroughs


**Before, we get too far into our game announcement, the RF Generation Playcast has some other exciting news for our loyal listeners. Around the middle of September, we will be moving our hosting services from Podomatic to PodBean. With Podomatic's service, we have always been confined to a specific storage and bandwidth limitation. Once we neared our storage capacity, we had to start deleting old episodes every month, which also removed them from iTunes and Stitcher. For a lower cost, PodBean allows us to house all of our episodes and maintain full download capabilities from their site, as well as our RSS feed affiliates (iTunes & Stitcher). Once we compared our options, the move was kind of no-brainer.  We have already uploaded all of our episodes to PodBean and created a working homepage at http://rfgenplaycast.podbean.com/, so please go ahead and check it out!

If you subscribe to use on Podomatic, iTunes, or Stitcher, please note that our next episode (which will be released at the beginning of September) will be our last episode released on Podomatic. You will need to resubscribe once we change our RSS feed. This will occur toward the middle of September and we will be sure to notify you on the RF Generation forums and homepage. Thanks for listening, and we hope that this move will only enhance your listening experience.**


[img width=610 height=343]http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o736/Fleach/mgs%20indigo_zpss3tinvzg.png[/img]

With the month of August nearly half over, we continue to struggle through the rugged platforming of Little Nemo: The Dream Master and a few of us are wading through the tumultuous sands of Dubai in Spec Ops: The Line. Get ready to plow through some other great titles this September, and join GrayGhost81 as he moves to the retro side with playthrough veteran, Fleach, to host the Konami PSX classic, Metal Gear Solid (PSX/PSN/PS2/PS3/360/PC). Likewise, retro host singlebanana takes a walk on the wild side with games buster, Disposed Hero, and hosts next month's modern playthrough, Indigo Prophecy (PS2/XBox/Steam).

Continue reading Retro & Modern Playthroughs: September - December

Posted on May 15th 2015 at 12:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under playthrough, retro, modern, June, 2015, July, August, September, playthroughs

[img width=610 height=343]http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o736/Fleach/mass%20effect%20mega%20man_zpshmqld3bs.png[/img]

In May, we continue to rack our brains with some early RPG tactical warfare in Shining Force and we're still cutely platforming our way through Dreamland strand-by-strand in Kirby's Epic Yarn. This June, join Disposed Hero and singlebanana as we ratchet up the action with the Capcom classics, Mega Man 2 & 3 (NES/3DSVC & the Mega Man Anniversary Collection for GC/PS2/XBox) for the retro playthrough.  On the modern side, fill your hands for an all out assault to save the galaxy in the original Mass Effect (360/PS3/PSN/Steam/PC) with your hosts Fleach and GrayGhost81.

Continue reading Retro & Modern Playthroughs: June - September

Posted on Oct 4th 2014 at 01:48:53 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under playthrough, Suikoden II, Ico, September, 2014, podcast, Community Playthrough

[img width=639 height=355]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/Podcast/SuikodenIco_zps9235926b.png[/img]

Join RFGeneration Community Playthrough hosts, Rich (singlebanana), Jamie (techwizard), Floyd (Fleach), and Shawn (GrayGhost81) as we discuss September's retro and modern playthroughs. In this episode, we discuss one of the greatest RPGs ever released on the PSX, Suikoden II and the fantastic and awe-inspiring, puzzle platformer, Ico. During the Suikoden II segment, host Grayghost81 is once again joined by Suikoden series enthusiast and RFGeneration member, SirPsycho.  Enjoy!

Episode 6 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...x.php?topic=14621.new#new

Get the show on Podomatic: http://rfgenplaythroughs.podomatic.com/
On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...27459?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4
On YouTube:
And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs
And Twitter: https://twitter.com/rfgplaythroughs

Show Notes:
Introduction - 0:00:15
Suikoden II - 0:01:50
Ico - 0:49:44
Conclusion - 2:47:48

Opening/Closing theme by Cameron Johnson of Atma Weapon - http://atmaweaponnc.bandcamp.com/

Posted on Aug 23rd 2014 at 04:07:51 AM by (singlebanana)
Posted under playthrough, September, 2014, Ico, Suikoden II

[img width=560 height=311]http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o736/Fleach/suikoden2ico_zps25434e4c.jpg[/img]

Next month, the RFGeneration Playthrough Group attempts to conquer the "sequels" to our June playthoughs. If you've been following the Community Playtrough threads, it should be no surprise as to what these titles are.

Continue reading September 2014 RFGeneration Community Playthroughs

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