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Posted on Aug 23rd 2008 at 02:27:50 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Wii, Sega, Samba de Amigo

You know, I hear that Samba de Amigo is coming out for the Wii soon. Might be coming out on September 23 of this year in the US. Should be a lot of fun, but then I am a biased source. I love rhythm games. Probably now my favorite genre of games, either that or Sims, and Samba De Amigo is a quality experience, well, at least it was on the Dreamcast. Fortunately for those of you who never played it on a Dreamcast, it is coming out on the Wii, and it's coming out soon. Personally, I am enthralled by the thought of playing this game, I hope you will be too after playing this mini game, located after the jump.

Continue reading Samba de Amigo is going to be Awesome... Again

Posted on Oct 25th 2007 at 11:31:35 PM by (OatBob)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Nintendo, Wii, Sega, Samba de Amigo, Dreamcast

Japanese Samba de Amigo coverWith a year of speculation and anticipation, a Wii version of this Dreamcast classic has made its rounds in the rumor mill, and last month's announcement in Nintendo Power only caused more head scratching.  Now comes news straight from Sega themselves confirming that this title is indeed coming to Wii.  Developed by Gearbox Software (makers of Brothers in Arms and the PC Half-Life expansions) this title will be Wii exlusive with a release date of Spring 2008.

Recently Sega and Nintendo have made all buddy-buddy, producing big license titles for Wii titles like Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games, NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams, Sega Superstar Tennis, Alien Syndrome, and Sonic the Hedgehog's appearance in Super Smash Bros.: Brawl.

Source: Sega Europe

Posted on Aug 7th 2007 at 04:43:51 AM by (OatBob)
Posted under Site News, Features, Weekly Features, Kirby, Tilt, Maracas, Samba de Amigo

Kirby Tilt 'n' TumbleFeatures this week are mixing things up a bit.  One of the big "next-gen" selling points for the Wii and PS3 are the use of motion controls as a new means of playing games in relation to mashing buttons and twiddling your analogs.  First off is a handheld game with a built-in tilt controller.  That game, my good friend, is Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble.  Tilt forward, and it feels like Kirby will roll off screen, and a little flick will pop him into the air.  This game earned me a lot of funny looks the first time I was seen wiggling my Game Boy Color around.

Shakin' it up is the featured hardware, the highly sought-after Dreamcast Maracas.  These babies were never bundled and fetched a high price in stores; yet, they worked with only one game!  (Well, maybe a few minor exceptions, but they are poorly applied.)  Lets just say that they didn't sell too well and have become a wee bit difficult to find.  Speaking of that one game...

The featured image for the week is the cover shot for Samba de Amigo.  Why the Japanese version?  It captures the spirit of the game.  Anyways, playing it for the first time might remind you of your first forray into DDR, club-footed and uncoordinated.  Never fear, for an easy learning curve will make you a cha-cha master in no time.  Available in all three major regions, this game is for every culture.  Getting some of my Columbian friends into it was definitely a rewarding experience that everyone seemed to enjoy.

Oh boy, that commercial gets me excited every time.

The featured collection of the week is someone with even more funky rhythm controllers.  Sauza12  has a lovely standee for Donkey Konga in addition to all three GameCube games that make use of the Bongo controllers.  In addition to that he also has some interesting items including two arcade cabinets worth checking out.

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