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Posted on Nov 26th 2009 at 06:38:45 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Sales, PS3, 360, Wii, DS, PSP, PS2

Updated 11/26 @ 12:36AM with Game Crazy deals.

So yeah, I haven't done a blog entry in quite some time, but I figured why not come back with a bang? Here's my yearly Black Friday deals post, a little early this time. As far as I know, everything on this post should be accurate. I used leaked scans from the ads found at blackfriday.info and some info from cheapassgamer.com. However, I did start working on this post about a week and half ago, so deals may have changed last minute. I'll review it on Thanksgiving day to check and see if what I have is correct. If you see any errors, please leave them in the comments.

Items in bold are ones that I think are pretty cool and worth checking out.

First things first: here's some notable deals I want to get out of the way from retailers that don't get a special spot in the listing:

Dualshock 3 for $30 at RadioShack
Lego Rock Band FREE when you buy $20 of stuff at Old Navy

Also, be sure to keep your eye on Amazon's Black Friday week section. They have some great deals going on all week.

For PC gamers, Steam is having day long sales every day for the next five days. They have some GREAT deals right now, like Osmos for only $2 and Batman Arkham Asylum for $25. Check this page every day for new offers.

PS3 owners, Sony is having a sale on various PSN games this week.

Bomberman Ultra
Comet Crash
The Last Guy
Prince of Persia Classic

Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Tao
Smash Cars

Fate/Unlimited Codes (PSP)

Killzone 2 DLC sale: Flash and Thunder for $3, DLC Bundle for $10

Anyways, now on to the brick and mortar stores. Click on the link to skip directly to the store you want to see.

Best Buy
Game Crazy
Toys R Us

Continue reading Black Friday 2009 Spectacular!

Posted on Sep 19th 2008 at 06:46:25 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Xbox 360, Microsoft, Japan, Sales

Praise the Gods! Our humble beseeching was heard by our humble lords. Our penitent pleas have been recognized by Yevon and in doing so he has ensured that the Wii was in fact the top selling console in Japan last week. What will Yevon do for us next week? Might he protect us from Sin? I only dread the thought of what city could become the next Zanarkand. They embraced technology too much, and in doing so were punished for the techological zeal. That's why I use a laptop powered by a hand crank, praise Yevon. Oh lordy, praise Yevon, for he is GOOD. Like I know that the Wii only sold 1500 more consoles than the 360 last week in Japan, but it least the cosmic order remains.

Oh merciful Yevon, what won't you do to protect your people? How we citizens of Spira praise your magnificence! Save Spira from Sin, in the name of Maester Seymour Guado! May we never experience the same fate as Zanarkand! Guardians, protect us!

Xbox 360 The Best Selling Console In Japan? Media Create Says 'No'

Posted on Sep 18th 2008 at 03:59:47 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Microsoft, Xbox 360, Japan, Sales, Hell Hath Froze

In what surely is to be a one in a lifetime occurrence, the Microsoft 360 was the top selling console in Japan for the week of September 8 through 14. It's... terrifying. What have we done to cause such a cosmic quirk to occur? Was it our capitalist overlords screwing with the subprime market, causing a financial meltdown? Could it have been the Japanese obsession with Used Pantie Machines finally caught up with them? Was it that as a world we're too preoccupied with shrubberies? I DON'T HAVE A CLUE!

Truly, someone must have done something to cause this strangeness to occur. It's not as though the Japanese could actually be genuinely interested in the 360, could it? I know it was popular in the US a couple months back, but the US and the Land of the Rising Sun are very, very different. They have Pachinko. We have Casinos. There's no way that the Japanese could be convinced to buy a 360 because of a price drop, could it? COULD IT? All I know is that last week the 360 was the top selling console in Japan, and it's scary. Such a freak oddity can not happen again next week, can it? CAN IT? I really hope not, I fear what would happen to the cosmos if it did.

OH MERCIFUL GODS! Hear my plea! Spare us from the impending cosmic rift! We humbly beseech you! We wish not to invoke your wrath! Please, take these shrubberies as a token of our most sincere acquiescence. Please, PLEASE! Don't let the 360 top the chart for another week, I don't know if the cosmos could take another week of such stress!

Holy Snot! Xbox 360 Tops Home Console Sales In Japan [Kotaku]

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