[img width=700 height=525]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49725455167_2064b5756b_k.jpg[/img]
This year has been a good year for me in regards to making progress on beating my NES library. In January and February, I was able to pump out some serious completion numbers. For the first couple weeks of March, I was able to tackle a few games from my sublist of games that I anticipated to be the hardest ones for me to complete. Before all this COVID-19 stuff, I planned to continue putting time into these challenging titles specifically. Things are stressful enough at the moment, so I decided to change my tactics and go with some comfort food instead. My stress reducer of choice was the original Final Fantasy. Now I've beaten this game before, but not before I started keeping records and recording my plays.
Continue reading Maps & Manuals & Self-Isolation
[img width=700 height=393]http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah83/zophar53/RF%20Gen%20pics/Final%20Fantasy%20story%20pics/FFXV%20screenshot%20walking_zps2htfpwhs.png[/img] From the SquareEnix press site With the release of Final Fantasy XV a mere handful of weeks away, I should be getting more and more excited. I should be devouring every trailer and screenshot with abandon, but I'm not. Instead of squeeing at the thought of a new massive RPG from SquareEnix's flagship franchise like a 14-year-old girl at a Justin Bieber concert, I find myself caring less and less, to the point where I probably won't even play the new game. It's disappointing, and has had me thinking for a while now about other times this has happened to me.
Continue reading Final Fantasy, We Need to Talk....Call Me
If you've been following this blog you're likely familiar with this image, which I often use at the start of the article. We felt it did a nice job of getting across what our business does at a quick glace. But what if we wanted to add other products or services to our offerings? How would be communicate that to customers in a simple and straightforward way?
[img width=700 height=432]https://c4.staticflickr.com/4/3887/15272550855_e77fbfaea1_b.jpg[/img]
Continue reading Blog Quest: Re-Branding
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. Oh, and keep it on channel three