RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Jan 3rd 2025 at 12:55:13 AM by (koola6)
Posted under SNES2025, SNES2025, community challenges, RFGeneration

Link: https://www.rfgeneration....20462.msg290824#msg290824

Hey, so RFGeneration, am I right?

This site has been decrepit for... a while now. I'll not waste my time going into the specifics, like how the copyright banner said "2008" for the longest time, how the latest episode of the Press Playcast will be two years old relatively soon, how there are many relics of the just-starting Web2.0 still found here, and the code that just keeps breaking, especially the images... oh wait. I just wasted my time going into specifics.

Let's not get ourselves down about the whole thing, though. slackur and some helpful tech-minded people have been working at giving the site a nice refresh (some of the aspects of which you can already see, such as HTTPS support, some fixed image code, and the removal of the "2008" in the copyright notice, among plenty of things going on under the hood). In the meantime (and hopefully continuing on into the refresh!) we need to breathe new air into the dust to get it living again. This breath happens to be video game flavored, due to how things work around here.

slackur put me on content creation duty when it comes to the refresh, and while I can certainly help with other things necessary (such as graphic design drafts; I am Gen Z), creating content is where I've found my best skillset for this website. This shows, since it's been a while since one of my articles HASN'T been on the Hot Community Entries list.

What better idea to both have new RFGen content and have something to do all year gaming-wise then stepping back in time to a console with a lot of very fun games known as the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, and trying to beat all of its (North American, officially-licensed) games?

What started as a couple of jokes on the #nes2019 channel in the RFGen Discord has now become a full community challenge that hopefully will have several interested people and a lot of fun to be had.

As previously stated, our goal is to beat all of the officially-licensed North American SNES games on official hardware. A secondary goal is to use the forums as much as possible, because the best way to drum up interest in a site is to use it.

If you don't have official hardware, that's okay! Emulators are fine, as long as you don't use save states or abuse emulator-specific functions.

I really think that this will be a fun event and will help drum up interest in RFGen. Signing up isn't necessary - you only need to be an RFGeneration forum member, and have the ability to play SNES games, and considering that most of us are collectors, we probably have an SNES or two lying around (...or a computer that can emulate it...)

If you want to contribute to the refresh but aren't able to code or anything that Those Tech Wizards can do, then beating them SNES games this year and using the forum while doing it is a great way to contribute. It drums up interest in RFGen, and you're actively doing things for the site on the site, something that hasn't been done in many a year. With this goal, I really think many people would be interested in RFGen, give it a try, enjoy it, become lasting members, and then we can have a bigger community of collectors. Let's get this site out of the grave. Clear out the cobwebs! Refresh the site! having actual content is a great way to contribute. SNES games for the win, baby!

(Maybe I got a bit too excited there...)

...so what are you waiting for? Go out and join us! Play some SNES games! Go conquer the world (of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System...)

...oh, uh, claiming games? Yeah. That's fair. Claiming games starts on the the 12th (1/12/2025 if you're from the US, or 12/1/2025 if you're from a reasonable country that doesn't use a different system of measurement from the rest of the world. I'm an American...)

Let's beat some SNES games, RFGen!


Link: https://www.rfgeneration....20462.msg290824#msg290824

Posted on Oct 1st 2021 at 04:00:00 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Collectorcast, rfgeneration, podcast

We finally managed to finish off the Mass Effect trilogy together! Join us for a LONG talk about what made Mass Effect 3 special for us as well as our thoughts on the trilogy as a whole before we journey onward into the unknown with Mass Effect Andromeda.

Get the show at http://www.collectorcast.com
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Intro song by:
Steven Davis - Twitter = @TheDisposedHero, Youtube = DisposedHeroVGM

Posted on Sep 1st 2021 at 04:00:00 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Collectorcast, rfgeneration, podcast

We get into the weeds about the WATA controversy and then Bil educates us on the appeal of the recently announced Steam Deck

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Intro song by:
Steven Davis - Twitter = @TheDisposedHero, Youtube = DisposedHeroVGM

Posted on Jul 1st 2021 at 11:34:29 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Collectorcast, rfgeneration, podcast

With all the hype around Mass Effect still in full swing we decided to very slightly branch off and discuss our favorite Sci-Fi games from across all genres and generations

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Intro song by:
Steven Davis - Twitter = @TheDisposedHero, Youtube = DisposedHeroVGM

Posted on Apr 2nd 2021 at 04:56:50 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Collectorcast, rfgeneration, podcast

Yet again Kelsy dives deep into a franchise that his friends could care less about as we talk through each and every Twisted Metal game!! And for you DC fans Chris and Kelsy give their thoughts on the Snyder Cut of the new version of Justice League.

Get the show at http://www.collectorcast.com
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Intro song by:
Steven Davis - Twitter = @TheDisposedHero, Youtube = DisposedHeroVGM

Posted on Oct 3rd 2020 at 01:17:24 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Collectorcast, rfgeneration, podcast

Everybody is back for this episode so we talk about our favorite Mario games, why he's so important to each of us and why Chris is wrong for not liking any of the 3D Mario games.

Get the show at http://www.collectorcast.com
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Intro song by:
Steven Davis - Twitter = @TheDisposedHero, Youtube = DisposedHeroVGM

Posted on Sep 10th 2020 at 04:00:00 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Collectorcast, rfgeneration, podcast

[img width=583 height=639]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49960445063_7af92045ee_z.jpg[/img]

Collectorcast Episode 58: Our Song Swong

Bil and Kelsy both couldn't make it for this one so Chris recruited fellow Chris (Roberts) to join him and talk actually talk about collecting for the first time in quite a while!

Get the show at http://www.collectorcast.com
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Continue reading Collectorcast 58: Our Song Swong

Posted on Jun 1st 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Collectorcast, rfgeneration, podcast

[img width=583 height=639]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49960445063_7af92045ee_z.jpg[/img]

Nearly half a year later we are finally back! Since everything else is getting a remaster now, why not our show? Check out the new and hopefully improved show. We've got a new vision for the show and renewed passion to keep it going and evolve it into something special. Please enjoy!

Get the show at http://www.collectorcast.com
Follow the Collectorcast on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Collectorcast
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Google Play: https://play.google.com/m..._Generation_Collectorcast
iHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/po...ion-Collectorcas-30981252
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/...ow/6VP51savAVFpTsDo9MdvLb
On YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/Collectorcast

Posted on Dec 2nd 2018 at 01:00:00 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Love of Gaming, NES, PS4, Playcast, Switch, Shmup Club, RFgeneration, Nintendoage

[img width=640 height=429]https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4908/32113228248_53567e34a5_z.jpg[/img]

2017 was a very weird year for me. I was in a funk for much of the year and not really enjoying any of the things that I used to love so much. I wasn't happy running my game store, I didn't want to air guitar to my favorite bands, I wasn't exercising or eating healthy like I typically do, I wasn't watching cool sci-fi movies or TV shows, I wasn't reading any new comics, I wasn't socializing much if at all most months, and for the first time I can ever remember I didn't really have a desire to play games when I had the chance. It was a lame year and 2018 started off just as depressing. Early in 2018 though I was able to get control of my mind once again and make some important changes in my life that made me start to appreciate things again and see the joy in all the things I used to love so very much.

Continue reading The Joy of Gaming

Posted on Dec 7th 2012 at 03:55:13 PM by (Shadow Kisuragi)
Posted under RFGen Thanks, November, RFGeneration, Submissions, Approvals, Thanks

Welcome to December, everyone. For those that celebrate it (including our Canadian members), I hope your Thanksgiving left you full and happy. Congrats to those that were able to take advantage of Black Friday here in the US, and for the rest of the world, enjoy the upcoming holidays.

It looks like our members were able to feast on things other than turkey this month. We were able to increase over last month's submissions by 1317 submissions, leaving us just under 5000 at 4977. A large number of these were in the Game Addition and Variation categories. Large shoutout to Paully, Sirgin and Bildtstar for their efforts on those fronts!

Way out in front his month is Paully3433 with 1600 submissions! He's been adding large chunks of Game Boy, Game Boy Color, PlayStation Portable and PlayStation games to the database, so let's give him a hand for his hard work.

Further down the list, with 1/3 of Paully's number, is Bildtstar with 547, Shadow Kisuragi with 513, Sirgin with 452, and Izret101 with 317. Looks like the staff has been busy!

Top 5 Submitters - November 2012
Paully3433 - 1600
Bildtstar - 547
Shadow Kisuragi - 513
Sirgin - 452
Izret101 - 317

Top 5 Submitters (Non-staff) - November 2012
techwizard - 303
Sauza12 - 207
singlebanana - 138
ixtaileddemonfox - 88
CoinCollector - 70 (Thanks for the Steam submissions, and the humorous comments!)

Keep up the good work everyone! Many of the staff edits that we're working on are for a very specific reason - I'll reveal this in another announcement later, but the changes mainly affect folks living in Europe and modifications to our region policies for Europe.

I'll be reading the threads this month, eager to see what everyone receives for gifts, especially those involves in the Secret Santa this year. Last year's Secret Santa was amazing, and I hope to see it topped this year! Enjoy your holidays everyone.

Posted on Nov 1st 2012 at 12:49:33 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under RFGen Thanks, October, RFGeneration, Submissions, Approvals, Thanks

Now that the spookiest month of the year is over its time to check in on the submissions yet again!

Apparently you guys have started slacking off on your school work now since you were able to get a few hundred more submission in than last month bringing the total for October to a nice big 3660 total submissions.

Possibly to commemorate his one year anniversary on the site Bildstar was the top submitter by a good margin. Thanks so much for putting in the time to expand our PAL submissions!

Hot on Bildstar's heels was our very own Database Editor, who also shares an October anniversary here at rfgen, Paully3433!

And to round out the top 5 we had members Shadow_Kisuragi, singlebanana and ixtaileddemonfox who were able to pry themselves away from their Sega consoles, Pinball machines, and High School Musical games and each slam down some serious submissions for the month.

Shadow and Paully each took the brunt of the approvals in too, with both members approving over 600 submissions each.

Great month guys!!

Posted on Sep 9th 2010 at 07:48:27 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Podcast, rfgeneration, nation, ideas

So, the first episode has been released, I'm going to be working on getting it up on iTunes for easier subscribing, and now it's time for you guys to chime in for an upcoming episode. (We have the next episode blocked out and should be recording very soon!)

What we want from you is to ask us some questions. slackur and I both agreed that there should be some sort of an introductory episode that lets you know just where we are coming from when we are giving our opinions. The time between our ages is about the same as a console generation, so while we have probably played many of the same games, we are bound to have different viewpoints on different games and topics. So, we would like to get some input from you (yeah, you, the listener!) about what you want to know about us. We'll be answering your questions in an upcoming episode. You can comment here or in the thread here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=10781.0

Look for more episodes soon (with your input!) and don't forget to keep it on channel 3!

Posted on Jun 9th 2010 at 03:20:39 AM by (bickman2k)
Posted under IRC, rfgeneration, chat

I'm sure most of you know, but for those who don't, RF Generation has a chat room! It's always great corresponding with everyone via the forum, but it's also nice to be able to chat with you guys in real time. Whether it's about gaming or nothing at all, feel free to jump in and join us!

You can use your favorite IRC client on QuakeNet (irc.quakenet.org) at #rfgeneration or just use the link below to launch it as a Java applet in your browser!

Click Here for the RFG Chat

Posted on Jan 7th 2008 at 06:44:54 PM by (logical123)
Posted under Site News, guests, logon, site news, rfgeneration, forums, Register Today!

This is a public sevice announcement brought to you by logical123

Hello to all you guests on RFGeneration right now! I'm logical, and I'm here to tell you REGISTER!!!!! Please! Yesterday, while on the forums, I noticed that there were 30 guests on-line, but only 6 registered users. The site and its members won't bite, we promise. The site is great! You can find people to ask questions, you can sell extra controllers, and of course, the Collection Software tool, the pride and joy of the site. Our coding monkeys are some of the coolest dudes around, the site works nearly perfectly. Find an error? Post in the forums. It will get fixed. Bar-none. The site is great. Register, you won't regret it.

Handy dandy link to register -> Register Now!!!

Ed Note: You got to love our members' dedication. It's ravenous. Join the fun, will you?

Edit By logical: The link was made into a "Register Now!" type thingy. I'm in the process of learning html. :-) Thanks!!

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