RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Apr 4th 2013 at 03:29:03 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under RFGen Thanks, April Fools, Collectorcast, Donate, Community

Apparently none of you guys took advantage of spring break this year and decided to instead stick around rfgen submitting to the database. We had quite an impressive month in March with 9 different members making 100+ submissions for the month. It’s especially nice to see some members from the PAL region working hard on filling in those gaps. So let’s give a special thanks to the top 5 submitters of this month: Bildstar, Fragems, The Razemeister, Apolloboy and Sirgin!!

And don’t forget about the amazing approval staff we have. Shadow Kisuragi and Paully3433 were prolific this month and took on the brunt of those submissions approving well over 600 of them each.

Just as importantly though, we want to thank all of you for having a good sense of humor. It seems that many of you guys forgot, or were just unaware, of how important April Fools is to us here at rfgeneration. This year’s April Fools Blog suckered in quite a few of our members  Luckily the staff here are as honest as they are humorous and disabled the donate button for the day so that nobody was duped into donating under false pretences. 

It’s great to know that so many of the members here are willing to pony up for our services, but rest assured that won’t be the case. Rfgeneration has always been a community driven site. It was founded with the idea that site can be, and so far always has been, supported by its members. Every year you guys have stepped up and donated enough to keep the site both free and ad free. So even though you don’t have to worry about being forced to pay to access our database we are always accepting donations to cover our server and other costs. That donation button at the top of the page should be functioning properly again now Wink

With all that said there was a kernel of truth in the April Fool Blog. The Collectorcast has been successful and because of the size of the episodes we are quickly running out of space on our podomatic account. The cost to upgrade to the next storage level is quite sizable. To help out Duke, Bil and myself with this financial strain the benevolent staff here have offered to host some of our older episodes through the site so that we can lower our storage on podomatic. A landing page for the collectorcast is also in the works.

So in summary, thanks to everyone for supporting the site with your time, generosity, knowledge and support (except for Zagnorch of course Wink )!!

Posted on Dec 7th 2012 at 03:55:13 PM by (Shadow Kisuragi)
Posted under RFGen Thanks, November, RFGeneration, Submissions, Approvals, Thanks

Welcome to December, everyone. For those that celebrate it (including our Canadian members), I hope your Thanksgiving left you full and happy. Congrats to those that were able to take advantage of Black Friday here in the US, and for the rest of the world, enjoy the upcoming holidays.

It looks like our members were able to feast on things other than turkey this month. We were able to increase over last month's submissions by 1317 submissions, leaving us just under 5000 at 4977. A large number of these were in the Game Addition and Variation categories. Large shoutout to Paully, Sirgin and Bildtstar for their efforts on those fronts!

Way out in front his month is Paully3433 with 1600 submissions! He's been adding large chunks of Game Boy, Game Boy Color, PlayStation Portable and PlayStation games to the database, so let's give him a hand for his hard work.

Further down the list, with 1/3 of Paully's number, is Bildtstar with 547, Shadow Kisuragi with 513, Sirgin with 452, and Izret101 with 317. Looks like the staff has been busy!

Top 5 Submitters - November 2012
Paully3433 - 1600
Bildtstar - 547
Shadow Kisuragi - 513
Sirgin - 452
Izret101 - 317

Top 5 Submitters (Non-staff) - November 2012
techwizard - 303
Sauza12 - 207
singlebanana - 138
ixtaileddemonfox - 88
CoinCollector - 70 (Thanks for the Steam submissions, and the humorous comments!)

Keep up the good work everyone! Many of the staff edits that we're working on are for a very specific reason - I'll reveal this in another announcement later, but the changes mainly affect folks living in Europe and modifications to our region policies for Europe.

I'll be reading the threads this month, eager to see what everyone receives for gifts, especially those involves in the Secret Santa this year. Last year's Secret Santa was amazing, and I hope to see it topped this year! Enjoy your holidays everyone.

Posted on Nov 1st 2012 at 12:49:33 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under RFGen Thanks, October, RFGeneration, Submissions, Approvals, Thanks

Now that the spookiest month of the year is over its time to check in on the submissions yet again!

Apparently you guys have started slacking off on your school work now since you were able to get a few hundred more submission in than last month bringing the total for October to a nice big 3660 total submissions.

Possibly to commemorate his one year anniversary on the site Bildstar was the top submitter by a good margin. Thanks so much for putting in the time to expand our PAL submissions!

Hot on Bildstar's heels was our very own Database Editor, who also shares an October anniversary here at rfgen, Paully3433!

And to round out the top 5 we had members Shadow_Kisuragi, singlebanana and ixtaileddemonfox who were able to pry themselves away from their Sega consoles, Pinball machines, and High School Musical games and each slam down some serious submissions for the month.

Shadow and Paully each took the brunt of the approvals in too, with both members approving over 600 submissions each.

Great month guys!!

Posted on Oct 4th 2011 at 09:55:31 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under RFGen Thanks, Submissions, Approvals, Images, Data, Scans

Isnt September supposed to be busier for most people than August? Apparently not the case here at RFGen, since you guys nearly doubled the submissions of the previous month. We were just shy of 3000 total submissions for the month of September. Tynstar and Zagnorch dominated submissions while Shadow_Kisuragi and Paully3433 handled the bulk of the approving end.

Dozens of others filled in more missing data and deserve a nice slap on the butt next time you see them. Check them out for yourself, or if you've ever wanted to know exactly how awesome our database is than look no further:


Thanks to everyone involved for helping make rfgeneration.com THE site for game collectors!!!

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