Holy Submissions Batman! May 2012 was a truly astonishing month for submissions, there were 15,045 total submissions in May, yes you read that right, its over FIFTEEN THOUSAND! To put that in perspective, that's about five times the average submissions each month. And with that huge number of submissions, it also means that we have set a new record for most submissions in one month. The record was last set in October 2011 when we had 12,524 submissions. Now you're probably wondering why we had such a huge number of submissions this month. Well, I'm not too sure, but I think it may have something to do with the PAIN YOURSELF WITH SUBMISSIONS CONTEST going on right now. If you don't know what that's all about, you should probably check out the front page more often, its been going on since April 28th and will end on June 8th, so there is still some time to get your submissions and potentially win the contest! And yes, it is still possible to win at this stage of the contest, everyone loves a come-from-behind win at the last moment.
So you probably want to know who has been busting their humps make those 15,000 submissions in just 31 days. I'll tell you, its certainly not a short list, almost 70 people have contributed over the month to reach this record setting month of submissions. Some people made just one submission and others like Crabmaster2000 made 6234 submissions. Crabmaster2000, of course, is the top submitter for May and rounding out the rest of the Top 10 we have Aeroc, disloyalhead, Tynstar, raffa1985, NES_Rules, nupoile, CoinCollector, blcklblskt, and Sirgin. And of course, to review those 15,000 submissions we have our dedicated staff members to approve those things, and let me tell you, it was a ton of work reviewing that many submissions. It was not uncommon for there to be 500-1000 submissions in queue at a time because they were simply coming in faster than we could look at them. Tynstar was the biggest contributor in getting those submission reviewed with 5181 approvals. Other top reviewers were NES_Rules, Paully34333, Shadow Kisuragi, ApolloBoy, and OatBob. So a great big Thanks goes out to all the submitters and reviewers this month for making May 2012 the best month ever for RF Generation in submissions.
But wait, there's more! I know what you're thinking, "OK, there were 15,000 submissions, but what were they?" well, I'll tell you what the majority of them were. And they weren't just simple page edits filling in Release Types, which while incredibly important, is not all that fascinating to look at. Instead, the vast majority of these submissions were images! In particular, screenshots. Over 10,000 screenshots and 1,000 scans were added to the DB over the course of May. These screenshots covered everything from NES to Wii, from North America to Japan and Europe, just about every section got some new images.
Thanks again to everyone who has contributed in May and in the past. If you haven't contributed, what are you waiting for? There's still time to win the contest and help out THE Classic and Modern Video Game Database! Maybe we can break the record again in June?!
April has come and gone and it's fallen on me this month to thank the community for making Android Generation THE best Android collecting site on the web!
Whats that, were back to RFGeneration now? OMG what a relief. I dont know how much longer I could feign interest in Androids 
Even with that little hiccup in there April was a solid month for submissions. There were a whopping 9 members that exceeded 100 submissions each and an even more astounding 77 different members who made individual submissions. Thats a lot of different people contributing. Every little one helps make the database that much more complete.
No one could touch raffa1985 for April though. He was head and shoulders beyond the competition. Not that it was a competition. Speaking of competition..... we are smack in the middle of a submission contest for the entire month of May and the first week of June. Last years champion aeorc is already pushing his way to the head of the pack, but we may have a new victor this year. blcklblskt is well on his way with nearly 100 more submissions than his rival. Don't let these guys take it to easily though. Help make sure they at least earn their prize!
To keep tabs on your progress (and spy on the the others) just click the SUBMIT tab at the top of the page and look for submissions stats. So keep at it and make those staff members in charge of approvals earn their keep this month.
Welcome to April, everyone. It looks like a few of you thought we'd be exclusively moving to Android platforms.
[img width=297 height=296]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/90401ohnootter2.jpg[/img]
Yes, the otter has made its triumphant return. While Android is taking the mobile market by storm, we'll always make an attempt to provide everyone with ways to access RFGeneration.
Last month saw the European sector flooding the site with submissions. It's always nice to see some of our more neglected pages getting some love, and you guys have certainly been keeping us busy with over 2200+ submissions. The following people gave us over 100 submissions for the month of March:
Members with 100+ Submissions: Sirgin 673 Duke.Togo 321 africangrey 230 Alabama-Shrimp 113
Staff with 100+ Submissions: Bildtstar 737 Shadow Kisuragi 505 raffa1985 374 NES_Rules 316 Madir 235 ApolloBoy 179 ga5ket 130 blcklblskt 106
Staff with 100+ Approvals: Shadow Kisuragi 1080 NES_Rules 772 Madir 129 ApolloBoy 112 Paully3433 110
As a public service announcement, we have been working with our European members to properly update our European database with the correct regions. I would HEAVILY suggest that our European members audit their collections to verify that their collections match the information stated on the Game Info pages. If the information doesn't match, please feel free to submit a Game Variation for the title with the proper information, or contact us in the Announcements and Feedback Forum for any information you may need. If you have not read it yet, this blog announcement contains information on how to sort out region information pertaining to many consoles.
Thanks again for all of your support in making RFGeneration what it is, and keep it on your Android device Channel 3!
Important note: As most of you reading this now know, we were hacked in February and had our databases deleted. And thanks to our fantastic staff of programmers, bickman2k, TraderJake, and St0rmTK421, we were able to recover most of our DB info. Unfortunately, we still lost two entire month's worth of submissions. Which in the grand scheme of things isn't a ton of information, but I know everyone that added anything to our DB in that time feels the pain of losing it. And I apologize for this loss and everyone should know that we're taking measures now so that a loss of information like this won't happen again.
So, thanks to dsheinem's blog post on how to recover our lost blog entries, here is December 2011's RFG Thanks. Now, keep in mind that everything mentioned here is now absent from the DB, but we still appreciate the hard work you put in in not only in December but also January for which an RFG Thanks had not been written when the site went down.
Can you believe that not only has another month come and gone, but another year? Time is just flying by and we're trying our best to keep up with all the submissions this month and year. December 2011 saw an excellent 3,491 submissions, which just goes how many of our members would rather spend time working on our DB than spending time with their families during the holiday season. The biggest of our submitters in December was Bildstar with an incredible 1,476 submissions, almost half of the month's total! Rounding out the top five submitters, all with over 100 submissions were Shadow Kisuragi, blcklblskt, raffa1985, and NES_Rules. Thank you guys for making this a great end to 2011 and thanks to everyone else who submitted during the last month of 2011. And of course, we have to thank our excellent staff of dedicated reviewers, especially our top reviewers, Shadow Kisuragi and Paully3433 with 1648 and 737 approvals respectively.
Now, you've seen what our staff and members have been up to month to month, but you're probably curious what we've done all year long. And its nothing short of amazing. Our group of members and staff from across the world have made 52,058 submissions this year! That's an average of one submission every ten seconds!
Of the 236 people who made a submission in 2011, there are obviously some who stand out from the crowd, in all, there were 13 people who made over 1000 submissions. And they are Tynstar (12,102 submissions), Shadow Kisuragi (4,517), Izret101 (4,029), aeroc (3,783), blcklblskt (2,996), Bildstar (2,583), NES_Rules (2,444), y2richie (2,254), raffa1985 (2,100), ApolloBoy (1,884), Necron99 (1,390), Fuyukaze (1,085), and ixtaileddemonfox (1,009). Thank you all, you are what makes RF Generation so special!
If you don't see your name up, why not try to get it up for 2012? As long as the world doesn't end before 2013, you'll get to see your name up here on the front page if you make enough submissions. And even if you don't make the list, you can still know that your submissions are appreciated and your name will forever be listed on the game's page.
And on a final note, I'd like to announce a new member of the staff. You can bet he was on of our top submitter's in 2011 and has a special knack for that 64-bit Nintendo console. That's right, none other than blcklblskt is now on staff as a DB Contributor. His first mission is to get that N64 section of the DB fleshed out and squeaky clean, so wish him luck, or better yet, why not help him out and make a few submissions for the N64 section!
November is already over? Time sure does fly, and another month brings a ton of new submissions to this place we call home. Just how many submissions occurred? Well, November brought exactly 4866 new submissions to the site. Of those, we had 1299 new images added to the site! Talk about a great month! You all were kicking butt with submissions!
Of course, one of you truly was the top submitter in November. That distinction goes to NES_Rules with 1304 submissions! Sure, he may be the Site Director but that does not mean he can't take top prize! Oh wait... sure it does. The top non-staff submitter was Bildtstar with 1025 submissions! That's more submissions than any staff member other than that certain Site Director!We also wish to thank Bildtstar for assisting with expanding our European PS2 database. It's appreciated, and we also appreciate everyone who submitted. We are truly grateful for all submissions, and though we can't thank each and every user we would like to at the least thank those users that submitted more than 100 things: Shadow Kisuragi, Tynstar, ApolloBoy, raffa1985, Necron99, and Alabama Shrimp. Thanks again to all made submissions in November!
Of course, member submissions are meaningless if people do not exist to approve them. I'd like to thank Shadow Kisuragi for being our top approver this month. He approved 1149 of the submissions. That's a lot. Of course, Paully3433, ApolloBoy, and Tynstar also helped with approvals, and it's appreciated!
So, December is here! Do you feel the Holiday Cheer? Here's to a great month of submissions!
I hope everyone survived their Halloween night and didn't get too scared. While yesterday may have been frightening, October certainly wasn't scaring away our submitters this month. Not only did we have a good month here at RFGeneration, we had a record breaking month at RFGeneration! That's right, in October 2011, we had more submissions in one month than any other since we starting tracking submissions in November 2006. Our previous record was in May of this year with an amazing 9,587 submissions. So you better believe this month was OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!! In fact, RFG members made an astounding 12,790 submissions in just 31 days. Thank you to all of you who made that happen.
Now, we normally try to not single out any particular member for their submissions since they are all important in their own way, but this month special credit is due to Tynstar. Because, you see, 10,000 of the monthly submissions were made by him. That's right, in one month he alone submitted more than our entire community in any other month. He even celebrated his 7th year at RFGeneration this month, so its especially nice to see someone who has been around for so long still so active in the database. So if you see Tynstar around on the forums or in person give him a pat on the back, he really deserves it.
For the rest of you, you won't be overshadowed by Tynstar's accomplishments. There were 72 other members who made submissions this month, so thanks goes out to all of you. The rest of members who made 100 or more submissions in October was Shadow Kisuragi, Izret101, Necron99, ixtaileddemonfox, NES_Rules, douglie007, and raffa1985. And of course, we have our dedicated team of submission reviewers, who have to sift through the thousands of submissions every month. Our top reviewers were Shadow Kisuragi, Tynstar, and Paully3433.
If you're wondering what all these fine people were making so many submissions for, they were adding 884 images, adding 222 games, adding 50 hardware pieces, and editing 11,418 game pages.
Thanks everyone who made this record breaking month happen.
So, July is over. For those of you in the US, let's hope that means the heat is going to subside. Things were HOT. No, not just outside, but here as well! You guys made 3795 submissions! That's a hell of a lot! Of those, we added over 1100 images! You guys were blazing in the realm of submissions and it showed!
So, who submitted the most this month? That distinction goes to Izret101! He submitted 1095 things, most of which were probably in a secret project that I have already spoken too much of. Of course, plenty of other people submitted as well. y2ritchie, ApolloBoy, Shadow Kisuragi, raffa1985, NES_Rules, Marriott_Guy, and Box In the Back all submitted over 100 things! Great work you guys. Of course, they were not the only people who submitted things, and we thank everyone for the submissions they made.
Of course, someone has to review this stuff, and our DB Reviewers do an excellent job doing so. This month, ApolloBoy approved the most submissions; and Shadow Kisuragi was just behind him. Thanks to all staff members for approving the submissions! You guys keep the site going!
Thanks to you all for your submissions and approvals. RF Generation grows stronger with each submission! Here's hoping for a great August!
If you guys thought that things were going to slow down submission wise after the contest run in may, boy were you wrong. Game images may have been way down comparatively, but the other important info kept pouring in. Game Edits and Non Image Game Submissions where somehow actually higher in June than during the Submission contest. We're talking 2300+ more Game Edits and 1900+ more Non Image Game Submissions than in May!!
Considering there was no incentive other than to better the database/community (not greedy people like me trying to cash in on a prize) I find the month's numbers to be amazing. The real shining star of June though was someone you'rE definitely familiar with if you frequent the forums. Our very own Postmaster General, Defender of Variants and all around Mortal Kombat aficionado, Izret101! He had more than 3x the submissions of his closest competitor for the month.
But the others weren't slacking off either. In total we had 10 members make over 100 submissions each last month. So if you run into Shadow Kisuragi, y2richie, pdrydia, ixtaileddemonfox, raffa1985, ApolloBoy, blcklblskt, aeroc, or Marriott_Guy on the street make sure to give them a great big hug for their contributions to RF Generation. There were dozens of other members who found the time to add anywhere from 1-99 items to improve our database also.
And lets not forget the staff members who work tirelessly and often thanklessly to approve all those submissions. Shadow Kisuragi lead the way with over twice his nearest comrades approvals. Also make sure to thank Tynstar, ApolloBoy, Izret101, NES_Rules, ga5ket and Paully3433 for their behind the scenes contributions to the site approving (or rejecting) the thousands of submissions sent in last month.
Thanks for the incredible commitment to keep improving an already fantastic place everybody!
For anyone interested in checking out the stats for themselves just highlight the part on the top bar that says "Submit" and then click on "Submission Stats" or just use this link: http://www.rfgeneration.c...p?action=submissionreport
Its got submission info from late 2006 to now so you can see how we've progressed over the years.
It's a bit past the end of March. March, was a great month. We have tons of submissions from you guys. Without the submissions of our staff and members, we truly are nothing. For that, we are grateful.
We'd like to take this moment to thank those submitters who made a major difference in the month of March. Overall, the community made 873 submissions. All of you deserve a huge pat on the back for that. Our top five submitters were Apolloboy, NES_Rules, Shadow Kisuragi, Necrosaro, and tigerhandheld1989 Congrats on being the top five! Of course, if you made a submission and weren't in the top five please know that we are also very grateful for your submissions as well.
Similarly, we have staff members that must approve member submissions. Last month, ApolloBoy made the most number of approvals! Of course, every other reviewer contributed as well, and we are very grateful for that as well.
Thank you so much all! You guys make RF Generation what it is! Keep submitting strong! Without you guys we are nothing!
I know what you're thinking, the last edition of RFG Thanks was for March, and this one is for February. But don't worry, we didn't travel back in time (I didn't anyway, I don't know about you), it really has been 11 months since the last one. And I do apologize for that, you guys are what make this site possible, the members that make the submissions and the staff members that review them and make their own. And the least I can do is thank you all for the work you do here at RF Generation.
Now, without further ado, the stars of RF Generation! The top five submitters in February were Y2richie, Fuyukaze, ApolloBoy, NES_Rules and Shadow Kisuragi. Together, these people made over 1,300 submissions, with y2richie and Fuyukaze making an astounding 466 and 408 of those respectively. Thanks guys, you've all done an excellent job!
But that's only one side of the story, without our team of highly skilled and trained staff reviewers, none of those submissions would have done anything other sit in queue. These staff members each approved over 100 submissions in February: Fuyukaze, ApolloBoy, NES_Rules, and Izret101. As always, you guys are awesome and the backbone of RF Generation!
Though these members were the top submitters and reviewers in February, they are not alone. This site is a group project and can only be complete with the help of every member, whether its a small page edit or submitting a thousand images. So thanks goes out to the other 54 members who made at least one submission in February.
With the help of all RFG members, in February there were a total of 1,813 submissions, with 1178 of those being images. 139 new titles were added to the DB, and 372 pages were edited. I'd say that's a good month, and it was the shortest month of the year!
And finally, I'd like to mention that I won't be the only one writing these anymore. Instead, a team of writers from the Blog staff will be taking turns to help ensure that they continue each and every month. If you want to know who else will be writing these, you'll just have to keep it tuned to Channel 3 to find out.
What's that? You say its April 20th? OK, it is a little late for the RFG Thanks for March, I guess the zombie brain eating earlier this month left me a little forgetful. But late is still better than never, right?
March was another great month for RFG and its members. There were 2,352 total submissions;1,037 page edits; 358 image submissions; and 525 title additions. Many of you helped us to gather all these wonderful bits of information. But five of you stood out of the crowd and made over 100 submissions alone. Those members were Paully3433, Izret101, Link41, ApolloBoy, and Madir. Rounding out the top ten submitters were ga5ket, Duke.Togo, NES_Rules, Shadow Kisuragi, and Pop Culture Portal. But as always, many of those submissions wouldn't go anywhere without our team of reviewers. In March, with well over 100 approvals, the top reviewers were Izret101 and ApolloBoy.
Now let's see if we can April even better! We're getting very close to 55,000 scans and 30,000 screenshots in the database. Maybe we can do it in April, if you've got a scanner and/or a way to capture screenshots; get to it and make some submissions. You will be helping out RFGeneration, its members and the countless others that use us as a resource for their collecting needs. Plus, its always neat to have your name and/or a picture of one of your games forever immortalized on the Internet!
Finally, I'd like to announce the promotions of Izret101 and Paully3433! Because of their continued contributions, they have been promoted to DB Editor and DB Reviewer, respectively.
February was not our best month, but even without a huge number of submissions, its still progress and progress is always a good thing. While we did not see our lowest submission numbers last month, it was below the mean number of monthly submissions. So I would like to thank those of you that made some submissions in a slow month to keep us going. Even being below the average, we still managed to crank out over 2,000 submission; 2,094 to be exact. 536 of those were images, 298 were game title additions, and 974 were page edits.
The top ten submitters were Paully3433, Izret101, ga5ket, Madir, Doug Plummer, ApolloBoy, Shadow Kisuragi, Malingo, Spoon and Seno. Out of those ten, nine had over 100 submissions each. Thanks guys, you are the truly dedicated members that keep us going!
The top three staff members approving all those submission with over 100 approvals each were Izret101, ApolloBoy, and NES_Rules.
So, February wasn't a spectacular month for submissions, that means only one thing. We need to make March even better, so get out your games, find them in the database and see what information you can add. If you've got a scanner, that's even better because you can add images if they're missing and your game will be forever immortalized on the pages of RFGeneration.
It looks like 2010 is going to be another awesome year for RF Generation. In the first month of the new decade there was a whopping 5,366 total submission. There were 2,012 image additions, 859 game additions, and 1,915 page edits. The top ten submitters all had over 100 submissions and were Paully3433, ga5ket, logical123, Madir, Izret101, Spoon, Malingo, ApolloBoy, OatBob, and Medevilblader. These ten members made 87% of the total submissions last month. Truly these are a dedicated bunch of members that make RFGen the special place that it is. The top staff approvers last month were Izret101, Madir, NES_Rules and ga5ket, each with over 200 approvals last month. These guys let the January submissions in out of the cold that is the queue line and let them into the warmth of the RFGen DB. Without them, those submissions could have very well frozen there, and we don't want frozen submissions.
So remember as you go about your days on the site and remember to thank these eleven individuals for all the hard work that do to keep RFGen THE Classic and Modern Video Game Database!
Well, it's been another spectacular month here at RFGen, submissions abounded and good times were had by all. There were a toal of 726 images submitted last month, 324 games were added, and 471 game pages were edited. There was a whopping 1,684 total submissions in November.
There were four members who each submitted over 100 submissions, those members were ApolloBoy, Fuyukaze, Pop Culture Portal, and Spoon. Rounding out the top ten top submitters were ga5ket, Paully3433, Funk_Buddy, Tynstar, dom meatball, and NES_Rules. A special thanks goes out to all of you for taking the time and energy to make all those submissions. And for the 46 of you that made submissions but weren't in the top ten, I thank you as well, every little bit certainly helps. And for those of you who didn't submit anything in the last month, what are you waiting for? Your fellow gamers and collectors need that information you have, so why not submit it and share the knowledge. Even just filling in something as simple as UPC codes is a help.
But as always, submissions do no one any good if there is no one reviewing and approving them. The top approvers last month (with well over 100 approvals each) were Fuyukaze and ApolloBoy.
And if anyone noticed, there was no RFG Thanks for October, this was not intentional, it just completely slipped my mind until I started doing this write up, I can still hardly believe November has come and gone already. And since a late thanks is better than no thanks, thanks to all that submitted stuff in October. The top submitters with over 100 submissions were ApolloBoy, ga5ket, Donkey Kong Kid, and Funk_Buddy. The rest of the top ten submitters was den68, tigerhandheld1989, Spoon, Madir, NES_Rules, and Darth Sidious. Thanks again guys.
The top approvers in October were ga5ket and ApolloBoy, again, both with well over 100 approvals.
If you weren't mentioned for October or November and want to be, there is one way to fix that, make some submissions! And even if you don't make the top ten list for the month, your name will be forever immortalized on the game page you helped make better.
I told you this was going to be a monthly thing, and I wasn't lying. I may lie to my grandmother, but never to RFGen members. So here is another RFG Thanks, this time for September of course.
In September we had 3 members submit over 100 entries, those members are ga5ket, ApolloBoy, and TigerHandheld1989. A huge thanks goes out to these members. But we can't forget all the members that made less submissions that are just as important to the database. Rounding out the top ten submitters for September 2009 we have Duke.Togo, NES_Rules, itatton, Sirgin, Donkey Kong Kid, OatBob, and Darth Sidious.
Of course, without a very dedicated approval team, all those submissions would just sit in queue forever, so I'd also like to thank the staff members that approved the most submissions last month. With 100+ approvals we have ga5ket, NES_Rules, and ApolloBoy.
Thanks again for all the contributions everyone has made in the past, each one is truly appreciated. Now let's try to get even more this month!