RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on May 4th 2016 at 12:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Thanks, RFG Thanks, Thank You, 2016, April, submitters, approvers,

[img width=297 height=400]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/knight%20rider_zpsfe9i0jqc.jpg[/img]

We had yet another great month of submissions in April and cracked the 5K mark with a total of 5,078! Last month's total submissions included 4,765 games and 313 hardware items added to our growing database. A whopping 2,462 of these submissions were images, which have really helped to brighten up our site. Thanks to everyone who submitted last month and we are looking forward to some extraordinary numbers in May with our "Pain Yourself With Submissions" contest. What?? You haven't started submitting yet?  Well, what are you waiting for?  The contest is underway right now and there is plenty of time to catch up and overtake the leaders. Here's a link to the official rules: http://www.rfgeneration.c...ons-Contest-2016-3286.php

Before I go into the submission and approval results for April, I'd like to recognize a few site members who were recently promoted.  Blog writer, bombatomba has recently accepted a position as the Assistant Editor for the front page. Don't worry, you will still be able to read his fantastic articles every month, but he will also assist with maintaining and editing the front page.  Along with bomba, our writing staff is also happy to welcome vlogger Pam into the fold. Pam runs the YouTube channel, Cannot Be Tamed where she produces high-quality, entertaining game reviews and other game-related videos that I know our members will enjoy. We are very happy to have her as a site member and her content on our front page. Congratulations to you both, we all look forward to your products!

Please note that the writing staff is still taking applications for writing positions, but there are only a few days left. See application rules here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...Call-For-Writers-3280.php

Now, on with this months top contributors!

Continue reading RF Generation Site News & Thanks: April 2016

Posted on Apr 4th 2016 at 12:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Thanks, RFG Thanks, Thank You, 2016, March, submitters, approvers

[img width=500 height=516]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/RFGen%20Blog/trump_zpsnmhbifgy.jpg[/img]
Sorry...couldn't resist one more

We had another great month of submissions in March a total of 4,540! Total submissions included 4,438 games and 102 hardware items added to our growing database. We had another strong effort from our international members and it's very nice to see our database and site becoming more diverse. Thanks to all of you who put forth such a good effort to help make the site an even more valuable tool for collectors.

Before I go into the submission and approval results from March, I'd like to recognize a few of our site members who were promoted last month.  Two of our international members, FatherJack and schlibby have accepted offers to join our database staff as DB Reviewers. Their outstanding efforts in growing our database over the last several months have been phenomenal and their knowledge will continue to help improve the information associated with our international submissions. Congratulations guys and welcome as full-time members of our staff!

I'd also like to mention that our outstandingly witty and handsome, editor-in-chief, singlebanana has been promoted to Site Director. No need to fear, he will still be handling all front page duties for your viewing pleasure and keeping you up-to-date with all the latest site news. If you see him around the office, please offer him your congratulations, but please remember to not become enchanted by his dashingly good looks and stare at him for too long. It makes him quite uncomfortable.

Now, on with this months top contributors!

Continue reading RF Generation Thanks: March 2016

Posted on Mar 4th 2016 at 01:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under fundraiser, RFG Thanks, Thank You, 2016, February, submitters, approvers

[img width=424 height=351]https://i.imgflip.com/4r0w3.gif[/img]
**image from whak.com**

I know that everyone is excited to know the results of our RF Generation 2016 Fund Drive. I am very happy to announce that not only did we make our goal of $1000......... WE CRUSHED IT! Over the month of February, we raised a total of $1423.24!!  The staff and I are extremely pleased with these results and are excited about another great upcoming year on the site. Our members truly drive this site and we can't thank all of you who donated enough for your generosity.  Personally, I was overwhelmed by all of the awesome private messages from people telling me how much they enjoyed the site and how invaluable of a tool it was. There were several "lurkers" who donated generous amounts who I got to meet, and I heard from many of our old members who though they have been quiet for some time, made sure to come "home" to donate. Thank you, thank you, one and all!

At this time, the staff at RF Generation would like to take a moment to thank the rest of our members who donated since the last update and helped push us over the $1000 threshold:

Razor Knuckles   

Prior to the release of this post, I will be sending out PMs to every donor who donated at least $10 to verify your donation amount and the number of tickets that will be placed into the raffle for you. PLEASE reply to this PM and let me know if your donation amount is correct (if you haven't already done so).  If you donated to the fund drive this month and have not received, a PM from me, as of this post, PLEASE send me a PM so that we can confirm your donation amount and get you the appropriate number of tickets for the raffle.  The quicker I can get donation amounts verified, the quicker I can conduct the raffle. If you have questions regarding the raffle, you can find more details here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=16247.0.

GRAND TOTAL: $1423.24


February was another great month of submissions, with a total of 4,576! The submissions for last month included 4,502 game submissions and 74 hardware submissions. Thanks to all of the submitters you for putting forth another great effort and for making the site a more valuable tool for collectors.  We truly couldn't do it without such great member support.

Our top submitters (those with a minimum of 50) for February were:
FatherJack                   2,821
Kam1Kaz3 NL77             513
Schlibby                            239
Shadow Kisuragi             179
sharp                                 121
Ack                                       81
OatBob                                75
Raidou                                 53
raffa1985                            52

Top approvers for the month included:
Shadow Kisuragi        859
Tynstar                         161
Flee                                 38
ApolloBoy                       33

Great work everyone, please keep those submissions coming!

Posted on Feb 3rd 2016 at 01:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Thanks, RFG Thanks, Thank You, 2016, January, submitters, approvers

[img width=479 height=319]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/60/3d/2e/603d2eb464ff9f1aa5ea6f84b3b4f68b.jpg[/img]

In January, we rang in the new year with a bang with a total of 4,593 submissions! The submissions for last month included 4,192 game submissions and 401 hardware submissions. Once again, we had another outstanding effort from our international members and it's nice to see the database not only growing in the number of items it houses, but also in its diversity. Thanks to all of you for putting forth such a wonderful effort to make the site an even more valuable tool for collectors.

Before I announce the top submitters and approvers for January, I'd like to take a minute to thank the Cartridge Club for participating in a banner swap with our site. If you are unfamiliar with their site, please give them a visit and enjoy the multitude of fantastic vlogs, reviews, podcasts, forums, and blogs that their members have created. Hopefully, this swap will help in directing members to our site and I'd like to welcome several of their site members who have recently joined and are enjoying our database tools and phone app. Thank you!

Continue reading RF Generation Thanks: January 2016

Posted on Jan 4th 2016 at 01:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Thanks, RFG Thanks, Thank You, 2015, December, submitters, approvers

[img width=500 height=353]http://40.media.tumblr.com/d13e82398ca82e7046466fef005beab1/tumblr_n0fdvgiI6j1ss93ulo1_500.jpg[/img]

Well, 2015 is behind us, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't take a moment to look back and thank those who make the site great.  Each month, I typically publish a list of top approvers and submitters who do a great job in improving the growth and accuracy of our database. However, since it's the end of the year, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank our staff for their fantastic and tireless work in 2015.

Continue reading RF Generation Thanks: December 2015

Posted on Dec 3rd 2015 at 01:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Thanks, RFG Thanks, Thank You, 2015, November, submitters, approvers

[img width=396 height=500]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/RFGen%20Blog/Han_zpsdz7xtygf.jpg[/img]
**image courtesy of Thumbs & Ammo**

It's nice to see that all of that Thanksgiving turkey didn't cause our submitters and approvers to fall asleep on the job in November. I'm once again excited to report that we had another fantastic month of submissions at RF Generation. With last month's impressive 6,174 submissions, I thought we might slow down, but I'm happy to announce that our members knocked it out of the park once again with 6,686 submissions! The submissions for November included 6,375 game submissions (4,187 of which were images) and 311 hardware submissions. We had another great effort from our international members and this month there we lots of members who contributed over 50 submissions.  Top contributors for the month of November include:

Continue reading RF Generation Thanks: November 2015

Posted on Nov 6th 2015 at 01:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Thanks, RFG Thanks, Thank You, 2015, October, submitters, approvers

[img width=440 height=451]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/RFGen%20Blog/goose_zpsak4hxfbu.png[/img]

I'm am sad to report that October saw a "enormous" drop in submissions from our high watermark in September.  In September, there were a total of 6,480 submissions and all that we could seem to muster for October was a mere 6,174 submissions........... But seriously, you guys RAWKED it!  Thanks for another fantastic month of submissions!  It's really nice to see the information on the site grow and especially on the international front. The submissions for October included 5,983 game submissions (3,861 of which were images) and 191 hardware submissions. Top contributors for the month of October include:

Our top submitters (those with a minimum of 50) for October were:
FatherJack                   4,042   
Schlibby                        799
Sauza12                        385   
Shadow Kisuragi          219
Raidou                            84
Kam1Kaz3 NL77           76
BJoin79                          67
raffa185                         64

Thanks for another great month!   

Top approvers for the month included:
Shadow Kisuragi    970
Tynstar                    152
Flee                            31

Great work all, please keep those submissions coming! Thanks to everyone who submitted or approved submissions this month. Have a great November!

Posted on Sep 10th 2014 at 12:00:00 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, RFG Thanks, Thank You, Thanks, 2014, August, August 2014

[img align=right width=400]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/17701thank-you-key.jpg[/img]
It's that time of the month again! No, not that time, the good time where we thank all those awesome members of our wonderful little site that have helped to grow our most prized possession, the Database!
I'll start off thanking some names I didn't recognize, though they have been around the site since 2013, so thanks amprice5474 and josulli3 for becoming active and making over 100 submissions. And then there's a couple regulars, CoinCollector, Furnessly, and Sauza12 who also each made over 100 submissions. But the real butt-kickers in August were Shadow Kisuragi with over 500 submissions, ae.tc with over 700 submissions and ApolloBoy with nearly 1000 submissions. Thanks to all of you and everyone else who made a submission in August.

But we can't forget about our awesome staff members who work tirelessly to make sure all those submissions are being reviewed and approved. Izret101 and Tynstar each had almost 300 approvals. ApolloBoy had almost 800 and Shadow Kisuragi had almost 1000 approvals. Thanks guys for keeping the gears of the RFGen running smoothly and getting those submissions taken care of.

Posted on Jun 3rd 2014 at 09:07:50 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, RFG Thanks, Thank You, Thanks, 2014, May, Donation Drive Update, We are poor and need money

First off, I want to give a big "Thank You" to the 9 members who have taken the time to donate money to the site during our annual donation drive. So Thank You Tadpole13, Razor Knuckles, Raidou, Nupoile, Zagnorch, OatBob, and Wempster. Together you guys have raised over $600 to keep the site running. And unless someone tops your donation in the next couple days, you'll be receiving an ultra-rare gold colored NES game. If you're not one of these fine gentlemen, and want to help keep the site alive, you can send a PayPal donation to webmaster@rfgeneration.com or just click the little Donate icon at the bottom of this article. Either way, your contribution is only used for paying the hosting bill around here, which is around $100 each and every month. If you don't know how much to donate, donate whatever you can, whether its $5 or $5000, every little bit helps. But for reference, the average donation amount this year has been $77.21. I'm not saying you must donate that much, but if you want to conform to the standard, you probably should.

And of course, I must thank all of you out there that are PAINING YOURSELF WITH SUBMISSIONS! In may, the most PAINED WITH SUBMISSIONS member was Zagnorch, with 2190 submissions. Next was ApolloBoy with over 1000 submissions, and each with over 500 submissions were Flee, MrMeek, Aeroc, and ae.tc. Thanks guys, you are obviously taking this competition seriously, and you should be. One of you is likely to walk away with another copy of that super-rare gold colored NES game.
If your name isn't listed here, don't worry, you can still win this thing. But you better get your butt moving, Zagnorch really wants that game, and you wouldn't want him to get it would you?

But don't forget about those poor souls who tirelessly sift through all those submissions to find the ones that are worthy of approving into the database. Without them, we'd have a database full of incorrect information and stolen images. May's biggest Approver was Shadow Kisuragi with an astounding 3468 approvals and who knows how many rejections. Next up was Tynstar with just shy of 1000, and ApolloBoy with 733. Thanks guys, you have been doing an awesome job at keeping that queue down this year, I only saw it above 100 once this year.

Thanks to everyone else who has contributed in May and during our annual contest so far. It really is true that every little bit helps. Whether its a page edit to fix a typo or a donation of $500, we truly appreciate it all.

Click the button, you know you want to.

Posted on Feb 4th 2014 at 06:28:14 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, RFG Thanks, Thank You, Thanks, 2014, January

Looks like 2014 is already 1/12th over. Despite off and on connection issues, our dedicated members have been hard at work makin' those submissions. In fact, you guys made over 2600 submissions in January. Which is very commendable considering the sporadic outages we've been experiencing. And if those outages have been keeping you away from making submissions and from the site in general, I've got some good news for you. There will be more info once it's all done, but rest assured everything will be lightning fast again by the end of the month.

So who made all those submissions in January? Well, it was mostly ApolloBoy with 757 submissions! ericeskapade had over 400, and HungryMoose and Shadow Kisuragi each had over 200. And of course, there were another 63 members who together made another 1000 submissions. So thanks to all of you who helped out this January, I know it wasn't easy with the downtime and sluggish load times.

As always, I'd like to thank our dedicated submission-approving team that has to deal with all of those submissions every month. Our top approvers in January were Tynstar and Shadow Kisuragi with over 700 and over 400 approvals respectively. Paully3433 also had over 100 approvals in January.

Thanks again everyone, and if you've been putting off those submissions because of our site issues, be assured it will be getting better, but as always, good things take some time, so expect things to get speedier by the end of February, and possibly sooner, depending on how smoothly things go. We're definitely trying to roll out these changes as quickly as we can.

Posted on Jan 1st 2014 at 11:39:36 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, RFG Thanks, Thank You, Thanks, 2013, December

Happy New Year! Its hard to believe another year has come and gone, and just as I was getting used to dating stuff with 2013...

2013 wasn't an easy year for RFGeneration, with temporary outages and performance issues have been occasionally plaguing us the last couple months, but nothing worth doing is ever easy. Luckily for us, things don't have to be so easy when you have hundreds of awesome members helping out. With so many people each doing a small share, we no longer have to employ a dozen children in China to fill in the tedious information. But who needs them when you have slaves members who will work for free? Kidding aside, we really do appreciate all the work every one of you do here at the site. Whether its just a small page edit to fix a typo or adding every game for a system that's been neglected.

And boy, did we ever have a lot of submissions in 2013. How many, you ask? 44,373 total submissions if you must know. The best part of that IMO is that more than half were images, which are always awesome to have more of.

So, who submitted the most this year? It was our very own DB Reviewer, Bildtstar with a truly astounding 5542 submissions this year, that averages out to more than 15 submissions every single day in 2013. I tip my hat to you sir, and I suggest everyone else does so as well.

Up next, we have DB Editor ApolloBoy with 3909 submissions. Thanks man, you've been here since week #6 and have made over 20,000 submissions over the years, more than all but one other member.

Next is a fairly new member, joining in only November, he has somehow managed to rack up 3331 submissions. Keep up the pace Kaysow, and you'll do just fine here.

And our last member to get over 3000 submissions this year, the world famous Crabmaster2000. Somehow, between shoveling a mountain of snow 9 months out of the year, co-hosting the greatest podcast of all time, and running his own store, this man has managed to make 3280 submissions this year.

As an honorable mention, I'd also like to thank Shadow Kisuragi not only for his 2910 submissions this year, but for his tireless and never ending work on keeping the site running. He and bickman2k are out there every day in the code trenches fighting bugs as well as trying to bring new functions and features to the site.

But that's not everyone, I'd also like to thank the following people for making over 1,000 submissions in 2013. Tynstar, ericeskapade, CoinCollector, thegreatska, Sirgin, and Razor Knuckles.  And thanks to the other 240 of you who made another 14,500 submissions.

If you're sad that your name isn't listed here, there is a simple solution, just submit more. Its simple to do and is even a bit addictive. Start out simple with the games you know well and then move onto things you're less familiar with.

And if every game page you look at it is full on information and pictures but you still want to help out, there is always the option to help us out financially. We haven't started our annual donation drive yet, but that doesn't mean you can't beat the crowds and get that donation in early. Just hit the button below and chip in a few bucks.

Posted on Sep 10th 2013 at 08:28:33 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Site News, RFG Thanks, Submissions, Stats, Numbers

Hey guys! I'm late on this one, but we have another set of thanks to give out for August!

In August, we had 2550 submissions! 2324 of those being games and the other 226 were hardware. That's back up from our summer lull of July! This month also pushed us over 30,000 submissions on the year! Thanks to everyone who submitted!

The top submitters for August were: ApolloBoy with 1043 submissions! Nearly half! Then there was Shadow Kisuragi with 328, thegreatska with 236, Sirgin with 154, and ericeskapade with 127 to round out the other members with over 100 submissions.

The top approvers for August were: Shadow Kisuragi with 390, Tynstar with 215, Paully3433 with 198, and ApolloBoy with 118!

Great job everyone! Let's keep up the awesome work!

Posted on Jun 4th 2013 at 01:35:32 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, RFG Thanks, Thanks, Submissions, Stats

Over 8000 submissions this month? What could have possibly created such a huge influx of submissions? Maybe it has to do with that contest thing going on. Yeah, that's probably it. With the awesome prizes, I don't see how anyone could resist making hundreds of submissions, or in Crabmaster's case, thousands of submissions...

Apparently, Crabmaster really wants another RFGen T-shirt and his choice of a game valued up to $60. Because he was the top submitter in May with 3,272 submissions. But, if you want that shirt and game, there's still hope for you in the contest. You have until June 8th to make more submissions.

Crabmaster isn't the only competition this year though, plenty of people have been kicking butt this month. Rounding out the top ten this month for submissions we have Bildtstar, Madir, ApolloBoy, ericeskapade, Tynstar, Izret101, ixtaileddemonfox, Shadow Kisuragi, and Addicted.

As always, all those submissions would just sit in submission limbo without our crack team of reviewers. The top reviewers this month were Tynstar, Bildtstar, and Shadow Kisuragi.

So thanks to everyone who has submitted and reviewed submissions this month.

And if you're wondering what your odds are of winning the contest, I'm not telling you. But I will let you know who is winning, but you'll just have to guess how far behind you are from the leader. And if you want to win, just keep those submissions coming, you've got a few days, which is actually enough time to make enough submissions to win. You may have to give up some sleep and food, but you can still submit while you're using the toilet, we won't even know the difference.

The ten members with the highest scores as of this writing are as follows: Crabmaster2000, techwizard, Bildtstar, ericeskapade, ixtaileddemonfox, Zagnorch, Madir, Addicted, h1ghw1nd, and A8scooter. If that's you, then congrats, you're doing pretty good so far. But if you want to do better or if your name has a "2000" in it, you should keep those submissions coming in, you never know when you'll get passed up in this intense competition. And if your name is absent from that list, you still have a shot, don't be discouraged (hint: screenshots are a great way to get a ton of points). That T-shirt can still have anyone's name on it at this point!

Posted on Jan 12th 2013 at 08:44:49 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under RFG Thanks, Submissions, Thanks, December 2012, December, 2012

Well, we made it, the Mayans were wrong and we survived December 2012, we'll say it was because you guys were kicking butt in making submissions. Surely, the world couldn't end with so much being done to the DB, it just wouldn't have been fair. December was the fifth straight month of increasing total submissions. And this was our best December since we started keeping track of submissions in 2006. And it goes without saying that it was so much better than what happened last December.

So what were the 5175 submissions in December you ask? Most were actually images, over 1600 to be exact. And boy do we love getting images. So who made all those image submissions? Quite a few people actually, but the majority were submitted by ericeskapade.

But of course he wasn't alone in the war on empty DB entries, the other top 10 submitters in December were Paully3433 (1444), ericeskapade (619), Sirgin (493), Shadow Kisuragi (314), Bildtstar (260), thegreatska (170), aeroc (158), CoinCollector (157), ApolloBoy (126), and raffa1985 (123). Thanks guys, you did an awesome job!

And of course we have to give some recognition to our tireless staff that approves all those non-staff submissions. In December, with over 100 approvals we had Paully3433, Shadow Kisuragi, and Izret101.

So you're all pretty familiar with what can happen in a month's time here, but you ever think of how much gets done in an entire year? Well, its roughly 12 times as much Tongue In 2012, there were 59,374 submissions! Over 27,000 of those were images, over 12,000 new DB entries were added.

The top 10 submitters for 2012 each had over 2,000 submissions, with the top spots having 2-3 times that many. The top 10 submitters for 2012 were, Crabmaster2000, aeroc, Paully3433, Shadow Kisuragi, Sirgin, Tynstar, NES_Rules, raffa1985, Bildtstar, and ApolloBoy.

And the top staff reviewers, each with over 6000 reviews, Shadow Kisuragi, Paully3433, NES_Rules, Tynstar. Thanks to all of you who have submitted in 2012, December, or any time in the past. Every submission, however minor or seemingly insignificant helps us out. And if you haven't made any submissions, then what are you waiting for? Its really easy to get started and we have a wonderful staff and members that will help you out with everything from the most basic questions to the incredibly advanced.

I have one more "thanks" to give before I end this. And that goes to Shadow Kisuragi for going through and fixing dozens of little errors that have been occurring on the site. Some of them have been around for as long as I can remember, and I'm sure most of the RFG veterans, like me, don't even notice them anymore. But once all these bugs are squashed, we'll be able to actually focus on bringing new features to the site!

And lastly, I'd like to remind everyone of the Donation Drive currently in progress. The official Drive will end on February 1st, so if you want to get in on the action, you have a couple weeks to help out. By donating, you not only help keep us alive, you'll also be eligible for some sweet prizes, click here for more information. As of this writing, we're about 42% of the way to our goal, so don't be shy and toss a few bucks our way, you'll feel good and we'll still be here!

Posted on Sep 18th 2012 at 05:36:52 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under RFG Thanks, Submissions, Thanks, August 2012

Well, this is a bit late, but better late than never right?
August was another solid month for submissions here at RFGeneration. Our wonderful members made a total of 2,962 submissions in August, 866 of those were images and 500 title additions! While it wasn't our best month, its still certainly something to be proud of, there's not many sites out there that get over 800 images in a month during a good month, let alone a slow one. And its all done for you, by you guys, the community.

So who submitted the most this month? That was ApolloBoy with 1074 submissions. Shadow Kisuragi, Techie413, Sirgin, and aeroc all also had over 100 submissions during August.

And of course, we can't forget about our dedicated team of reviewers. The top reviewers in August were Shadow Kisuragi, Paully3433, and NES_Rules, each with over 100 reviews.

Thanks to everyone who helped out in August, now get to submitting even more for September. We're on track for 50,000 submissions this year, but let's see if we can get 60,000!

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