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Posted on Oct 13th 2008 at 08:31:47 PM by (shadowforte)
Posted under site news, Resident, evil,

When I sit back and think of some of my top games of all times, one of the first games that come to mind is Resident Evil 4. Don't get me wrong, the first three are great, but everything that they reinvented about this game for the series is amazing. Now I know some of you will say that the old camera views made the game what it is, and with the over the sholder view it does not feel like a RE game. While I will say with the fixed camera the game is a lot less scary, the game did have me on the edge of my seat for a few parts.

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So the question I am posting for the members of RFG today is: Can RE5 match the awesomeness that RE4 brought us when it first came out? Now, let me make sure you understand what I am saying. I am not talking about taking RE4 in one hand and RE5 in the other and talking about which one is better at this time. No, I am talking about looking at RE4 when it came out and looking at RE5 now. So, what do you guys think?

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