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Posted on Apr 26th 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (Disposed Hero)
Posted under Review, Capcom, Nemesis, Horror, Action, Remake

[img width=700 height=393]https://i.imgur.com/In042Ki.jpg[/img]

After Capcom's highly successful remake of their classic survival-horror hit Resident Evil 2 last year, fans have been asking for a remake of the third entry in the series. With REmake 3 feeling like an inevitability, rumors of the game started circulating around the web, and it was officially announced late last year alongside the multiplayer experience Resident Evil: Resistance. Although both games came bundled together in one package, this review focuses solely on the Resident Evil 3 Remake and not the multiplayer portion.

Released worldwide on April 3, 2020 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, Resident Evil 3 is an action/survival-horror title. Developed and published by Capcom, it is a remake of their 1999 title Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. It was packaged alongside the online multiplayer game Resident Evil: Resistance. The game has received mostly positive reception and successful sales numbers.

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Posted on Mar 30th 2019 at 12:00:00 PM by (Disposed Hero)
Posted under Review, Resident Evil, Capcom, Remake, Survival horror, Action

[img width=700 height=388]https://i.imgur.com/w8kWpdE.jpg[/img]

Resident Evil fans have been clamoring for a remake of the series' second entry ever since the excellent remake of the initial title. What seemed like a pipe dream for years was finally announced back in 2015, but many fans were skeptical at this point due to the direction the series had been going around this time. Although the positive response to Resident Evil 7 help assuage fears, early footage of the Resident Evil 2 remake still resembled the 'action-horror' titles that are oft maligned. I am glad to say that any fears were unfounded, and Capcom delivered what I feel is the best remake of their survival horror classic that they could have possibly made.

** Note: In an attempt to discuss all relevant gameplay mechanics, some mild story spoilers may be included. **

Continue reading Resident Evil 2

Posted on Dec 2nd 2017 at 01:00:00 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Remake, Video Game, Remake, Remaster, Rerelease, HD, Collection,

[img width=640 height=360]https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4540/38743263291_cb29a74e9a_z.jpg[/img]

In some forms of media, the word “remake” can be a scary thing. In the realm of Video Games though that word is often embraced and encouraged. In fact, the word "remake" often doesn’t do this “new” release justice, so many sub-catergories have been created to better describe a new version of an old favorite. You may have heard terms such as: Port, Enhanced Port, HD Remake, Re-Release, Localization, Director’s Cut, Compilation, Backwards Compatibility, Virtual Console, Emulation, Complete Edition, Game of the Year Edition, Legendary Edition, Demake, and so many others people use to better describe the type of experience you can expect from an impending release.

Continue reading Do We Really Need A 20th Port of Doom?

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