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Posted on May 15th 2009 at 01:08:45 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, FREE, Playstation 3, Sony, Sprint, Rag Doll Kung Fu

Hey you, random PlayStation 3 owner! I see you out there with your Dualshock 3 in hand thinking, "Hey I want a new game to play on here, but I'm cheap". Well, the good folks and Sony and Sprint have heard you and have decided to give you a FREE game for one week only.

That's right, Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic is free for all US Playstation Network members for this week. Why is it free? I guess it's because Sprint is sponsoring it.

If you feel bad for missing out on this because you don't have a US PSN account, well, there is a way you can make one if you live in another country, just Google around. Or what if you don't have a PS3 but want to add it to your collection, I'm sure there are people out there (HINT HINT) who might give you a helping hand in adding it to an account for future use.

Oh and, did I mention the game has trophies? So download it for free trophies! Cheesy

Source: PlayStation Blog

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