[img width=700 height=437]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/Podcast/PlayCast_zpsmi6bsclk.jpg[/img] Join RF Generation Playcast hosts, Rich (singlebanana), Shawn (GrayGhost81), and former Playcast co-host Steven (Disposed Hero) as they discuss one of the most well-known and genre-defining PC titles of the last 20 years. This month's Playcast crawls deep into the bowels of Hell to seek out and destroy it's formidable caretaker during March's site playthrough discussion of Diablo. One of Blizzard's first entries that helped establish the famed developer, Diablo thrilled fans of action/adventure RPGs during it's time. But, how does this game hold up after 20 years, and will this retro pick impress some of our more modern gaming centric hosts? How do the PC and PS1 versions compare, and which should you play? And does The Butcher still make us s#%t our pants just as he did in days of yore? The answers to these questions and many more in this episode of the RF Generation Playcast!
As always, we are happy to hear your thoughts on this game on our discussion page (linked below). We will respond to your comments and are always happy to discuss the game more. We hope you enjoy our show. Please be sure to rate and write a review of the show on iTunes to help us increase our listenership. Thanks for the listen!
Episode 36 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=17680.0
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Continue reading Episode 36 - RF Generation Playcast
[img width=551 height=483]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-061/bf/U-061-S-06980-A.jpg[/img] Certainly, I can't be the only one on this site who gets a little jealous when they read slakur's articles and hear about his weekly nights of gaming with friends. As I've mentioned before, I don't have a lot of friends who game and even fewer that actually collect games. However, over the last few weeks, a buddy of mine has been coming over to the house on Thursday nights to game. We have a great deal of fun playing some of the new games I've purchased (some of which I'm playing for the first time) and pulling games off the shelf that maybe he or I have never tried out. The best part of the night is that he always has a plastic grocery bag in his hand when I open the front door to my house and I feel like a kid at Christmas eagerly awaiting to see what goodies are in that bag. Our game nights are definitely making my wishlist increase and my bank account lessen.
This past Thursday, we had another great night of gaming and played such awesome titles as: Castlevania: Bloodlines (Genesis), Soldier Blade (TG16), Air Zonk (TG16), The Combatribes (SNES), and Choplifter III (SNES). As is always the case, we played a few stinkers as well and that night the list included The Tick (Genesis) and Tail of the Sun (PSX). However, out of all of the games we played, none of them surprised us more than Mobile Light Force for the original Playstation.
Continue reading Banana's Rotten Reviews: Mobile Light Force
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. Oh, and keep it on channel three