[img width=700 height=308]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/hardware/U-215/bf/U-215-H-00071-A.jpg[/img] I recently acquired a massive Playstation VR package in a mammoth trade with our very own Disposed Hero. You may recall from our podcast my initial excitement at PSVR being announced and my further excitement after actually trying it out at a friend's house. The steep cost of the add-on kept me from procuring one earlier, as did some apprehension about playing games in VR for prolonged periods of time. Would VR games just be gimmicky, short experiences, leaving me in a situation where I wouldn't feel like mustering the energy to set up and put the helmet on every time I want to play it? Or, is it possible to take deep, lengthy dives into more meaningful experiences like the ones I cherish on conventional platforms like televisions or handheld devices?
Continue reading I've been playing Skyrim VR
[img width=500 height=281]https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54afb782e4b0961c049713ff/54e491ace4b0e0362fa66d8a/56df34d7e707eb83275d633c/1457468663156/logo_flattened_2560X1440.png?format=500w[/img] There's something inherently natural about the desire to make rhythm. Leave a conga drum out in the open, and it's guaranteed to get bopped a bit by random folks passing by. We may not all have perfect timing, but thumping hands in a percussive manner comes as natural as whistling or toe-tapping to pretty much everyone.
In that sense, the real surprise isn't so much the recent rise and fall of music video games, but rather that they haven't had more of a longstanding presence alongside other classic genres. We've pretty much always seen some variant; sound and pattern recognition (endless runners like Temple Run), instrument training (Miracle Piano, Rocksmith), exercise and dancing (Dance Dance Revolution, Pump It Up), abstract music integration and layering (Frequency, Amplitude, Rock Band Blitz) and of course, the playful guitar/band sims (Rock Band, Guitar Hero).
Continue reading Spooky Plays: Thumper
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. Oh, and keep it on channel three