[img width=610 height=343]http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o736/Fleach/castlevania%20res%20evil_zpssrpvfpzh.png[/img]
What October would be complete without horror themed playthroughs on the retro and modern side? Over the years, we've played some fun and exciting titles including
Alan Wake and
Fragile Dreams on the modern side and two installments of the Castlevania series on the retro side,
Simon's Quest and
Symphony of the Night. Next month on the modern playthrough, we delve into another popular franchise with
Resident Evil, which for content purposes, the GC/Wii versions will be played by the hosts. Those wishing to play the original on the PSX are still encouraged to play along, but please note that you may miss out on parts of the discussion and may not be able to abide by the same checkpoints. On the retro side, we return to the Castlevania series once again with our playthrough of
Castlvania: Bloodlines. This game is an oddity in that it was the only Castlevania game produced solely for a Sega console. Does it hold up to the rest of the series? Let's find out together!
Get ready to fire up your Genesis for another retro playthrough. This month we'll be whipping through
Castlevania: Bloodlines - the only Castlevania game for the Sega Genesis (and only Sega exclusive Castlevania). Dracula has been defeated, but his niece, Elizabeth Bartley, plots to bring the legendary vampire back to life. While in most Castlevania games you control a member of the Belmont clan, in
Bloodlines you can choose between the whip-cracking John Morris and wielder of the Alucard Spear, Eric Lecarde. So next month, take up the fight against evil with Fleach and singlebanana, and stop the resurrection of the world's most dangerous villain.
Castlevania: Bloodlines Discussion Thread:
http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=15945.0Over on the modern side, we play the original survival horror title that started it all,
Resident Evil! After a series of bizarre murders have occurred on the outskirts of Raccoon City, the Raccoon City Police Department’s S.T.A.R.S. team is assigned to investigate them. Almost immediately things begin to go wrong, and the S.T.A.R.S. team is forced to take refuge in a nearby mansion. Play as S.T.A.R.S. members Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine as you explore the Spencer Mansion in an attempt to uncover the mysteries held within. Ration your ammo, herbs, and ink ribbons, because you’ll need every advantage you can get to survive the monstrosities created by Umbrella.
Resident Evil Discussion Thread: