Today is International Play Your Vectrex Day! To find out how to join in on the fun, see details below and fire up that old, black box.
To join in on International Play Your Vectrex Day:
1. Play your Vectrex today; 2. Keep track of what you played; and 3. Edit the Vectrex wiki page for it ( or contact Vectorguy via either private message or in the thread on the message boards, and he will enter it for you. 4. Have fun!
Looking for something to do with your favorite black and white vector console on November 1? Play it with other Vectrex owners worldwide!
To join in on International Play Your Vectrex Day:
1. Play your Vectrex on November 1, 2015; 2. Keep track of what you play; and 3. Edit the Vectrex wiki page for it ( or contact Vectorguy via either private message or in the thread on the message boards, and he will enter it for you.