RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Dec 29th 2010 at 08:25:33 AM by (Paully3433)
Posted under People of RFGeneration, Members, Interview, Paully3433, RFG

The time has come after the busy holidays to get you guys some new content. I have posted a review about a DS game that I have just played beaten and shelved, look for that right here. Now with that in the bag it is time for another Interview with the People of RFGeneration. This time an Editor from across the pond in the UK steps up and takes his turn, none other than Ga5ket.

Anton aka Ga5ket

Location: Nottinghamshire, UK

Where does your screen name come from?Back in my motorcycle days at university I had a bike that I blew 5 head gaskets in 3 weeks, hence the name

How did you find RFG?I hung around racketboy's forums for a while, but they didn't really understand the collecting obsession, and someone there mentioned RFG

What made you stay and become part of RFG?
It's the first (and only site) that I've ever come across that caters properly for Euro releases. Every other site seems to list US releases with a small note about the Euro version. The community was an added bonus. Plus now I'm an editor it'd just be rude to leave at this point

Have you ever met or personally know anyone at RFG?Data and I work for different branches of the same company, and we've got together a few times


Number of Games Owned (at time of printing): 1694

Number of Games on Wishlist (at time of printing): 0, on RFG, but about 4000 on paper

Number of Systems: Including variations, 51

When did you start collecting? Not really sure about games, but I've collected something of one form or another most of my life

What was your first system you owned? Dragon 32. Dad bought it for me way back when, been programming and gaming ever since.

What was your first game? Probably Quest or Madness and the Minotaur

What was your first game you bought yourself (if different from above)? No idea, but it'd be for the Dragon

First game you ever beat? Franklin's Tomb on the Dragon. It's a text based adventure, and I remember my friend and I spending hours playing it.

Have you ever broken anything due to frustration from a game? Not that I remember

[img width=246 height=184]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/collections/ga5ket/figures20080912.JPG&sizex=246[/img]


Are you collecting now, if so what anything specific? Bundled games & peripherals, but just about anything I find really

That is always a good thing because you can usually find a deal somewhere on something you like. When did you feel a tipping point from gamer to both gamer and game collector?I've always collected, it just took a while to admit it

Yeah it is kind of like a habit, sometimes it takes time to realize what has happened Smiley What are your goals as a game collector, how have you developed them, and how do you feel about your progress toward them? I'm aiming for a full set of Dragon games, although I can't see it ever happening. I have a passion for bundled games, i.e. ones that come with a controller or similar, so I'm picking those up as and when I find them

That is a pretty impressive goal, how many games, systems, etc. are "enough"?
I didn't realize that I had to have a limit?

Well no there is no limit, hey sometimes people finally realize we collector types have way to many games! Shocked What's your proudest moment as a game collector? My longest serving friend donating his Dragon 32 to me, along with a ton of games

That is a true friend right there, anyone who donates games to a collector's cause is a true friend. What's your least proud moment as a game collector? Selling my original Dragon, back in the 90s

Where/how do you store it all? The media boxes and billy bookcase system from Ikea. I'm rapidly running out of space though, so I need to have a bit of a rethink

[img width=246 height=184]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/collections/ga5ket/Nintendo.JPG&sizex=246[/img]

Ikea is a great place to pick up storage things like that. I really like the way you have things set up. What's your favorite part of your collection? The Dragon stuff (see a pattern emerging here?)

Yes, the pattern is a good thing though, it shows you have a passion and really enjoy that system.What about a favorite series?
Difficult one that. Probably PS1 era Tomb Raider, Metal Gear Solid, Ratchet & Clank or Bioshock

Sorry that can be difficult. What is your guilty pleasure when it comes to gaming? Female characters in games. Nothing weird, or maybe it is! Given a choice between male and female I always pick female. No idea why.

No doubt, same here. And if there is a choice, I will always pick the dark sinister type that may not be on your side in the end. What would you like to improve in your collection? A proper stand up arcade cab, probably Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters. I loved that game back in the day

What game do you have the most nostalgia for?Sonic the Hedgehog 2

What is the most valuable part of your collection?I don't think there's anything especially valuable

What do you think was your best deal while game buying? ICO, original release with art cards. I found it in a charity shop for 3

Awesome, that is a great game BTW. What item in your collection do you feel you overpaid for? Bioshock 2 Collector's edition. Bought it once at full price to keep sealed, and then again when I found it in a sale so I could enjoy the contents. I don't regret buying it, but I could have just waited and bought 2 copies at sale time

I have done similar things so don't feel bad. What do you feel is the strangest or weirdest item in your collection? It's not a game, but it's related. It's a MGS4 Ga-Ko alarm clock. It quacks and shakes it's head.

That is sweet, although my wife would probably not like it Smiley What item(s) do you not have in your collection that people are surprised to hear you don't have? SNES games. I think I only own about 4, but it was just never part of my scene growing up, so it doesn't have the same draw for me as say the Mega Drive or Master System

Really? Quite different from the last interview with bickman who was crazy about his SNES. Diversity makes us who we are! Is there any way you'd ever stop collecting? Death or financial crisis maybe?

Do you have a funny story about your collection? Not that I can think of

Have you ever had to move your collection to another house? What was it like? Not really, been here 15 or so years now, I guess it's grown mostly during that time

That is probably a good thing, it is difficult to move and people really don't understand what it means to be gentle with totes full of games. If your significant other told you no more games, what would you do? Never happen. She buys them for me too. She bought me a 320Gb PS3 a couple of months ago because she knew that the limited space on the original 40Gb one (that she bought me) was winding me up. In fact thinking about it, she's bought all my PlayStation consoles.

Sounds like you have a keeper! What percentage of your games are still sealed? Less than 1%.

What percentage of your game have you actually played? Completed? Probably about 20% max, sadly

Do you own any complete collections (every game for a certain system)? No, and I don't think I ever will. I only (usually) buy games that I intend to play, so no Barney for me Smiley
Actually, that's not quite true, I'm attempting a sealed collection of Tiger Game.com just cuz

[img width=246 height=184]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/collections/ga5ket/Misc.JPG&sizex=246[/img]

Well, Barney can be fun according to bickman, he revealed later in undisclosed notes of the interview he plays it frequently.... Anyways, I am the evil interviewer with these questions....
What is your favorite game of all time (Top 5 if you need to)?
Original Tomb Raider, Ratchet & Clank, Bioshock, Gran Turismo, MGS4 in no particular order

Least Favorite? Halo. Not generally a fan of FPS or online multiplayer. Can't see what all the fuss is about. Let the flaming commence.
The funny thing is, I have Halo, but I also don't like FPS as much. I have never played it online and barely made it past the first stages without regretting turning it on.


Do you collect anything else besides games? SF Books, over 1200 and still counting. Records, mainly metal & 80s. Gaming memorabilia.

Sweet, metal rocks Smiley  What do you outside of games? Time with the family, camping (UK style), hiking

Do I need to ask what UK style of camping is??? Finally, what other features would you like to see more of at RFG (Example: Reviews, Articles, Interviews, Previews, etc)? As we're a retro community I'd like to see more reviews. We've got some really good bloggers now, and the quality of stuff they're putting out is great. More I say! Oh, and image submissions.

Agree, Reviews and image submissions, non-stolen images ahem, would be great. Lastly, do you have a question for the next interview?If you had to give a part of your collection away for a worthy cause what part would it be, and why?

Sweet look for that question coming up in the new interview. Thanks for your time! Below you can find Antons RFG Collection.

Click the banner below to check out more of Antons, collection, RFG Profile and many more picture of his awesome collection.
[img width=468 height=60]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/banners/RFGFullbanner01.gif[/img]

And on a last note, the end of the year is approaching quickly, make sure you add a few more submissions to get your yearly total just that tad bit higher! And always I am open to suggestions/comments and everything else. Please let me know via PM or email if you are interested in being interviewed. Thanks again!

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Another fantastic interview! Keep up the awesome work Paully!

The only error I noticed was you asked the question "What is the most valuable part of your collection?" twice and the first answer didnt make much sense.
Great interview!

@Crabmaster2000: Haha, yeah, I was wondering that too when I saw the answer about the female characters. I was like.."huh? that doesn't really answer the question."

Keep em coming!
Sorry, typo, missed a question when I was putting it together, fixed Wink
UK style camping is camping, in a field with a toilet block and showers.

Looks like some of the image links are a bit messed up?
Another great interview.  Keep up the good work.

Another interesting one...looking forward to reading more!
@ga5ket: yeah not sure why that is. Sometimes they show up, other times they do not. I took the link off of my email so maybe that is why. I will check into if I get a moment.
Great interview.
I was/am also working on a CIB Game.Com collection.
I'm not sure it is going to happen anytime soon. Which is odd considering how bad the system was and how small the library is.
Another great read.  Nicely done!
@Izret101:I find that too. There's always something else to be bought
Again, a great interview with a lot of details, thanks a lot!
@ga5ket How do yall like your image submissions - technically speaking?  Is there a limit of pictures per game and is emulation ok?  And is there a way I can submit in bulk?

Ive been meaning to buy a new capture card, but emulation would make it a quicker process - I just need to rig up a foot pedal/button for screenshots.

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