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Posted on Jan 14th 2016 at 01:00:00 PM by (wildbil52)
Posted under Games, PC Games, Steam, Adventure, Tim Schafer

[img width=700 height=393]http://i.imgur.com/xrFEKs1.jpg[/img]

Broken Age is a beautiful game.  Sometimes you just want to enjoy a piece of art.  I'm not going to open up the "Are Games Art?" can of worms argument, but I can say without a doubt that THIS GAME is a brilliant work of art.

Everyone knows the story of this game, but here's a quick recap if you aren't a part of "everyone": Tim Schafer and Doublefine started a Kickstarter asking for $300,000 to make an adventure game.  The project exploded and they received over $3.3 Million.  The game took a lot longer to make than anticipated, partially because they decided to make a much bigger game than they had originally planned now that they had way more funds than they thought they would.  Instead of a delivery date of October 2012, the first half of Broken Age was available for backers to play in January of 2014, with the second half arriving in April of the same year.  Along with the game, backers were given access to an episodic documentary of the making of the project.  Now that that's all out of the way, let's talk about the game.

Continue reading Broken Age is a Beautiful Game

Posted on Dec 19th 2007 at 10:38:21 PM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, 3D Realms, PC Games, Duke Nukem, Kicking Ass and Chewing Bubblegum, Forget about Halo

I really don't need to say much here other than HOLY FREAKING CRAP! This is perhaps the best thing I've seen in my life.

This is Duke Nukem Forever. It is real. It is happening. It will render all other FPS games irrelevant.

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