RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Jun 13th 2013 at 10:10:15 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, Birthday, Pain Yourself With Submissions, Contest, 2013

The 2013 Pain Yourself with Submissions Contest ended the other day, June 8th, to be exact. That date is the day this wonderful site went live to the public nine years ago. So Happy Birthday RFGen!
So now you're probably wondering why when the contest ended on the 8th, it has taken 5 days for me to post this. Well, the reason is simple, we just wanted Crabmaster to sweat it out for a few extra days to see if anyone could out-submit him in the last few days of the contest. And unfortunately for him, I'm going to make him wait a bit longer by announcing the other top ten before saying who got the #1 position.

#10: Madir
#9: douglie007
#8: Zagnorch
#7: ixtaileddemonfox
#6: Tynstar
#5: A8scooter
#4: Bildtstar
#3: techwizard
#2: ericeskapade

But who got #1? Did Crabmaster keep control of the lead, or did Aeroc come from nowhere in the end just to win it all again? Tune in next week to find out!

Oh wait, after reviewing this article, it doesn't look quite long enough, so I'll just announce the winner now. The winner of the 2013 Pain Yourself with Submissions Contest is . . .


So congrats to Crabby and everyone else who submitted anything during the contest. You guys kicked some major butt and added a ton of new info and images to the database this year.

And as always, keep it tuned to Channel 3! (There just may be another contest coming sooner than you'd think).

Posted on Apr 27th 2013 at 09:56:22 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, Birthday, Pain Yourself With Submissions, Contest, 2013

Its that time of year again! Time to PAIN YOURSELF WITH SUBMISSIONS! Yes, that's right, its contest time, where you can win awesome prizes, including an RFGeneration T-shirt and a game of your choice! Isn't that nice of us? We think so, but we do it for you guys, for all the hard work you put in through the year to make this site so awesome.
Our veteran members are probably very familiar with how the contest works, but for all the new members, the basic premise is very simple. Just be active on the site, get points, and if you accumulate enough points, you win! That's the gist of it, the details are a bit more complex.

Here's how the point breakdown will work:
  Title Addition: 5 Points
   Variation Addition: 6 Points
   Page Edit*: 2 Points
   Review*: 50 Points
   Overview*: 20 Points
   Image Upload: 10 Points
   Submission Review**: 1 Point
   Blog Post*: 30 Points
   Blog Comment: 1 Point
   Forum Post: 1 Point
   Forum Karma: See Explanation

*Regarding the asterisk: For page edits, if it is noticed that you are consistently only adding one field per edit multiple times for a single title just to up your points, you will be disqualified. Any review or overview completed will count as a page edit as well the points for an overview or review. To get the points for an overview or review you MUST contact me via Personal Message so that I can keep a tally. In addition, the review or overview must be on the actual game / hardware page. A review or overview of poor quality could result in less points than stated being granted. The same statement holds true for blog posts.

Regarding Forum Karma: Because we want the forum to be a lively place of fun and interesting posts, we're enabling Karma during this contest. Karma rewards members that make good posts and smites those who do not. Your Karma will play a wildcard role in posts. Positive Karma at the end of the contest will increase your point total by a factor, while negative karma will decrease it.

As with any contest, there is fine print. Any submission that you make must adhere to the RF Generation Policies and Guidelines. We wrote these policies and guidelines for a reason, and well, we’d like everyone to adhere to them. Failure to adhere to the guidelines could result in a disqualification.

Any point reduction or disqualification can be contested. In the event that you wish to contest, you must explain why the reduction or disqualification is unfair. If you win the contest, we’ll restore your greatness, but if you lose, you shall be pelted with figurative rocks and garbage.

Everyone, except for the directors of this site, is in this contest. Because staff members get that extra point for each submission review, and those staff members will have thousands of submissions to review in addition to their own submissions, their total score will be halved to make things a bit more fair and lively.

So now that you know all the rules and have the scanner warming up, you probably want to know what you can win. Well, don't worry, its quite a substantial prize. The winner will receive their choice of gaming swag (not to exceed $60) plus an official RF Generation Ringer T-shirt!

The contest will begin on April 28th at midnight Eastern Time and will end on June 8th at midnight Eastern Time. There will even be an announcement post at that time so even if you're outside the Eastern time zone, you'll know exactly when to start submitting.

So get that scanner fired up and start stockpiling scans and submissions!

Posted on Jun 28th 2012 at 03:18:46 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, Birthday, Pain Yourself With Submissions, Contest, 2012, Results

The results are in for the record setting 2012 PAIN YOURSELF WITH SUBMISSIONS contest. This year's winner really went above and beyond the call of duty, but he wasn't alone at the top. There was a close second place contestant that truly gave him a run for his money. As usual, the winner focused heavily on image submissions, something of which we always appreciate greatly. 5,575 images were submitted by this member alone through the course of the contest. Along with the other submissions this person made, they earned a staggering 55,945 points. More than 2,000 more points than last year's winner!
This year's second place winner submitted a close second place point total of 39,152.

So you're probably what awesome members we have that would submit like mad men to achieve such greatness here at RFGeneration. So, without further ado, the 2012 PAIN YOURSELF WITH SUBMISSIONS Contest winner is .... Aeroc. This is Aeroc's third year in a row of winning the contest. So a big Congratulations goes out to him for this achievement. Everyone here at RFG appreciates your dedication.

So who was the valiant RFG soldier who fought so hard in his attempt to topple Aeroc this year? It was Crabmaster2000 of course. He made a solid attempt, but just came up short. I heard he's already healing his carpal tunnel scanner hand and preparing for next year's contest. Will he be able to topple the reigning three-time champion? Maybe it will be YOU who topples him, or will Aeroc continue his domination? Only time will tell.

So what does Aeroc win? Well, he wins the usual $60 of gaming swag of his choice and this sweet RFG Ringer-T:

For the rest of you that attempted this great challenge, I know some of you fought hard and some of you didn't even realize you were competing. But I thank you for your work regardless of how many points you scored, every little bit really does help make the site better.

To round out the top 10 point gainers this year we have:
disloyalhead - 11,285 points
nupoile - 4,367 points
Tynstar - 3,980 points
Duke.Togo - 2,883 points
Sirgin - 2,854 points
raffa1985 - 2,138
Paully3433 - 1,937 points
blcklblskt - 1,874 points

Once again, I'd like to thank and congratulate everyone who participated this year. Without a solid community like you guys willing to submit like crazy we would never have been able to become THE Classic and Modern Video Games Database. But don't forget that you don't need to wait for the contest, we're happy to accept your submissions all year long!

Posted on Jun 8th 2012 at 02:32:39 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, Birthday, Pain Yourself With Submissions, Contest

Today marks the 8th anniversary of when RFGeneration officially went online for the public to use. This is always a big deal here at RFGeneration, every year of existing is a true accomplishment with a site of this size that has no sponsors, ads or any kind of user fees. To make it 8 years in the tough world of online video game databases is truly a testament to our founders' visions and our members' dedication. This accomplishment couldn't have happened without the help of everyone involved with RFGen over the last 8 years.
And to thank you all for helping with RFGen, we hold a contest every year where we challenge you to PAIN YOURSELF WITH SUBMISSIONS! There can only be one winner, one person who goes above and beyond everyone else and submits so much to the database that it causes them pain, whether physical pain of sore wrists or emotional pain of trying to beat everyone else competing in the contest.
And this year was no different, for the past 5 weeks or so, many people have been vying for the prize, and I know it has caused actual physical pain for at least one person. But will it be enough? The competition was fierce this year, we broke submission records, and even had over 5000 more submissions in May this year than we did last year. At this point it could be anyone's game, you'll just have to wait until we can get the points tallied up. So keep it tuned to Channel 3 for the next couple days so you'll be the first to know who won this year's contest.

And Happy Birthday RFGeneration!

Posted on Apr 28th 2012 at 05:00:00 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, Birthday, Pain Yourself With Submissions, Contest

RF Generation is turning 8, isn't that great?! For 8 years, we've been working to create an amazing database of games and a swell community. I think we've definitely accomplished that. Our database includes both games and hardware, something most other sites out there simply do not. We have over 80,000 scans, all unique to us and not seen anywhere else on the web. We have over 60,000 games listed and almost 5000 pieces of hardware. Our community is so close knit that it often feels more like a large family spread throughout the world than a gaming forum. So yeah, I think we've spent our 8 years on the Internet pretty well.
But none of this would have been possible with you, our dedicated members who have spent countless hours scanning, editing, and researching to do your part to make our little site even better.

So thanks to each of you that have contributed over these last 8 years. And in order to show how much we appreciate all your efforts, we're giving away a fantastic prize! Now that it is officially the 8th birthday of RF Generation, the Pain Yourself With Submissions contest has officially begun! So get out there, and do whatever you can to help make our site better and you could walk away with a great prize!

Posted on Apr 27th 2012 at 08:10:22 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, Birthday, Pain Yourself With Submissions, Contest, 2012

Here at RF Generation, we appreciate all the work each and every one of you does, we really do. Its all that volunteer work that makes this place the treasure that it is. So, as a token of our appreciation, we like to hold a contest every year for you guys. I'm sure by now, our veterans are very familiar with it, but for those of you that have joined within the last year, let me introduce you to the PAIN YOURSELF WITH SUBMISSIONS Contest.

Essentially, the contest boils down to this: Be active on the site and you get points, the person with the most points wins! Sounds simple right? It is, but there are a few more things you need to know to fully understand how it will work.

First off, keep in mind while this contest may not be easy to win (last year's winner had well over 3000 submissions), any little bit you can do to contribute is appreciated. And we've tweaked the point system from last year, so hopefully the contest will be a bit more unpredictable to give more people a fair shot at winning.

Here's how the point breakdown will work:
  Title Addition: 5 Points
   Variation Addition: 6 Points
   Page Edit*: 2 Points
   Review*: 50 Points
   Overview*: 20 Points
   Image Upload: 10 Points
   Submission Review**: 1 Point
   Blog Post*: 30 Points
   Blog Comment: 1 Point
   Forum Post: 1 Point
   Forum Karma: See Explanation

*Regarding the asterisk: For page edits, if it is noticed that you are consistently only adding one field per edit multiple times for a single ID just to up your points, you will be disqualified. Any review or overview completed will count as a page edit as well the points for an overview or review. To get the points for an overview or review you MUST contact me via Personal Message so that I can keep a tally. In addition, the review or overview must be on the actual game / hardware page. A review or overview of poor quality could result in less points than stated being granted. The same statement holds true for blog posts.

Regarding Forum Karma: Because we want the forum to be a lively place of fun and interesting posts, we're enabling Karma during this contest. Karma rewards members that make good posts and smites those who do not. Your Karma will play a wildcard role in posts. Positive Karma at the end of the contest will increase your point total by a factor, while negative karma will decrease it.

As with any contest, there is fine print. Any submission that you make must adhere to the RF Generation Policies and Guidelines. We wrote these policies and guidelines for a reason, and well, we’d like everyone to adhere to them. Failure to adhere to the guidelines could result in a disqualification.

Any point reduction or disqualification can be contested. In the event that you wish to contest, you must explain why the reduction or disqualification is unfair. If you win the contest, we’ll restore your greatness, but if you lose, you shall be pelted with figurative rocks and garbage.

Everyone, except for the directors of this site, is in this contest. Because staff members get that extra point for each submission review, and those staff members will have thousands of submissions to review in addition to their own submissions, their total score will be halved to make things a bit more fair and lively.

So now that you know all the rules and have the scanner warming up, you probably want to know what you can win. Well, don't worry, its quite a substantial prize. The winner will receive their choice of gaming swag (not to exceed $60) plus an official RF Generation Ringer T-shirt!

The contest will start on April 28th, at midnight and will come to and end on June 8th. So get your stuff ready, the contest will start soon.

Posted on Jun 8th 2011 at 08:12:54 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, Birthday, Pain Yourself With Submissions, Contest

It was seven years ago today that a group of wonderful people put this site on the Internet for everyone across the world to use. While a lot has changed in the past seven years, I bet we have more variations now than there were total game entries when the site first launched, the mission of the site has not changed. We're here to serve YOU, the community, this is your database. The site may have been started by Michael Collins, Eddie Herrmann, Mark Hartholt, Laurel Settee, Mike Leon, and Rick Kuethe, but its been you guys and every member for the past seven years that has made this website what it is today.

And to celebrate everyone who has made this site so awesome, we have a contest every year that starts on April 28th and ends today, June 8th. During this contest, we challenge you guys to PAIN YOURSELF WITH SUBMISSIONS and submit as much as you possibly can in an all out war against empty game pages.

And boy, did you guys answer the call this year! 8,622 images alone were added to the database. Imagine if those images were printed out as 4" x 6" prints and laid side by side, they'd stretch out over 0.8 miles. There were also more than a thousand entries added to the DB, and almost 2000 entries were edited. All this in just over a month, its truly astounding.

Now, there is the matter of announcing a winner to this contest. Is the winner blcklblskt who added over 200 entries? Or was it Shadow Kisuragi who made over 800 page edits? Maybe it was Izret101 who approved nearly 4500 submissions? Perhaps it was Crabmaster2000 for making 43 blog comments? Even though these gentlemen all kicked butt in those categories, it was actually Aeroc who won it all! During the contest, he added more than 3500 images which when combined with his other contributions, earned him 53,543 points.

To round out the top ten points gainers, we have
  • blcklblskt with 30,406 points
  • Necron99 with 10,958 points
  • y2richie with 10,737 points
  • Crabmaster2000 with 9,553 points
  • Shadow Kisuragi with 6,821 points
  • Izret101 with 4,742 points
  • raffa1985 with 4,311 points
  • ixtaileddemonfox with 3,529 points
  • douglie007 with 2,547 points

Congratulations Aeroc! You're now the winner two years in a row! You'll be receiving a PM shortly regarding your prize.

As for the rest of you, thank you for participating, you all did an excellent job and really gave Aeroc a run for the contest this year. He only had 21,000 points last year, so the competition was much stiffer this year! Let's keep that spirit going the rest of the year, and make RF Generation's 7th year the best one yet!

Posted on Apr 28th 2011 at 08:00:00 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, Birthday, Pain Yourself With Submissions, Contest

RFGeneration is getting old, seven years old in fact. That's right, way back in 2004 this fantastic site was founded. And while a lot has changed in these seven years, one thing has remained the same - its all about YOU, the members. Without all of you, we would be nothing and our database would just be an empty desolate place.

So, as a token of our appreciation, we like to have a little huge contest for you guys. We call it the "Pain Yourself with Submissions" contest, because to win the fantastic prize, you'll have to pain yourself with submissions. It wouldn't be any fun if it wasn't challenging.

Of course, this contest has some rules. Basically, you win the contest by submitting and being active in the community. Just about everything you do on the site will garner you points, the member with the most points at the end of the contest wins!
This is how the points will be gained:

   Title Addition: 4 Points
   Variation Addition: 4 Points
   Page Edit*: 2 Points
   Review*: 30 Points
   Overview*: 10 Points
   Image Upload: 15 Points
   Submission Review**: 1 Point
   Blog Post*: 30 Points
   Blog Comment: 1 Point
   Forum Post: 1 Point
   Forum Karma: See Explanation

*Regarding the asterisk: For page edits, if it is noticed that you are consistently only adding one field per edit multiple times for a single ID just to up your points, you will be disqualified. Any review or overview completed will count as a page edit as well the points for an overview or review. To get the points for an overview or review you MUST contact me via Personal Message so that I can keep a tally. In addition, the review or overview must be on the actual game / hardware page. A review or overview of poor quality could result in less points than stated being granted. The same statement holds true for blog posts.

Because we want the forum to be a lively place of fun and interesting posts, we're enabling Karma during this contest. Karma rewards members that make good posts and smites those who do not. Your Karma will play a wildcard role in posts. Positive Karma at the end of the contest will increase your point total by a factor, while negative karma will decrease it.

As with any contest, there is fine print. Any submission that you make must adhere to the RF Generation guidelines / policies. We wrote these policies and guidelines for a reason, and well, we'd like everyone to adhere to them. Failure to adhere to the guidelines could result in a disqualification.

Any point reduction or disqualification can be contested. In the event that you wish to contest, you must explain why the reduction or disqualification is unfair. If you win the contest, we’ll restore your greatness, but if you lose, you shall be pelted with figurative rocks and garbage.

**KICKER!  Everyone, except for the directors of this site, is in this contest. There is a catch though for staff members… their final score will be halved. So, that should lead to a lively competition. I think halving their scores is fair, and I hope you do as well. Oh yeah, there is that 1 point for a submission review, that unfortunately only applies to staff members because they are the poor souls who must review your submissions.

What do you win? Well, we're a poor bunch here at RF Generation, but we've got a lovely prize for the top winner:

Gaming swag not to exceed $60 and an RF Generation Ringer T***

If you want to win, you better get to it, the contest ends at MIDNIGHT, JUNE 8th, 2011 (Wednesday 12:00AM Eastern). And it started when this blog post was posted, so you've already missed at least a few minutes.

Posted on Jun 9th 2010 at 06:00:47 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, Launch Anniversary, Contest, Pain Yourself With Submissions

You might remember a few weeks back when we announced the 6th birthday of RF Generation, and today we celebrate the day that the site went live! We've come a very long way in these six years, but one thing has not changed, RF Generation has always been and always will be the independent site dedicated to its members, because we know that you guys are the ones that have made us THE Classic and Modern Gaming Database!

To thank those that have made us what we are today, we hold a little contest every year that ends June 8th each year. Which means that we have a winner to announce! During the contest, we added over 2,400 images to the DB, 1,300 pages were edited, and 700 titles were added. One member has stood out from the crowd with an astounding 21,368 points, nearly 7 times the points of anyone else, and that member is aeroc!
Congratulations, you deserve it for all the hard work you've done in past few weeks. Aeroc now has his choice of up to $60 worth of gaming swag and a RF Generation ringer T or 2 entries into the drawing to win this prize pack:

But Aeroc isn't the only one that has the chance to win this prize pack, the top 5% of the points gainers also have a chance to win! With nearly 100 members participating in the contest, the top five point gainers after aeroc are gecko007, Paully3433, Y2richie, dom meatball, and Den68

Keep it tuned to Channel 3 to see what prize aeroc chooses and who wins the special prize pack!

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