RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Mar 24th 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (NeoMagicWarrior)
Posted under Nintendo

Wait days on end fro progress with Neo's "A Brief Look At" series!

This month, we check out Animal Crossing New Horizions for Nintendo Switch...with Special Guest: Becca (My wife) I have had to do a bunch of working from home due to crazy circumstances, so watch Becca play on release day as she streams for her game store, Level UP Entertainment! I make some cameos, since im supposed to be working!

Check out more of Neo, and the rest of the RFGeneration stream team at http://Twitch.tv/RFGeneration

Posted on Mar 22nd 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under Grid Seeker, Shoot the Corecast, Shmup Club, Taito, Project Storm Hammer, The Dictator of Justice, shooting game, STG, shoot em up, s

[img width=500 height=499]http://rfgeneration.com/podcasts/shmupclub/images/2020-03-21_stcc_ep_021_-_grid_seeker.jpg[/img]

In Episode 021, Addicted and MetalFRO go for an unlikely first entry, among Taito's shooting game canon. Rather than tackling the grandfather of all shooting games, or the company's famous, aquatic-themed franchise, we decided to tackle a lesser-known game from 1992: Grid Seeker. We pick this game apart, and try to figure out what's good about it, and also, why it just misses the mark for us.

Here's the direct link to listen to the podcast on the site, or download the MP3 for later:

Continue reading Shoot the Core-cast Episode 021 - Grid Seeker

Posted on Mar 20th 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (GrayGhost81)
Posted under tv, review

[img width=700 height=393]https://i.imgur.com/3wYTohm.jpg[/img]

When we played South Park: The Stick of Truth for the podcast, I could not tell you the last time I watched a full episode of the show. It's pretty impressive that the show has been on the air for so long with basically the same two dudes at the helm the entire time. I've seen many episodes over the years, but never watched through an entire season. I'm not sure if I still have them, but at one point I owned a few seasons on DVD but I don't think I ever watched them. South Park was pretty much a show that I had seen a few episodes of, thought was pretty funny, and no strong opinion of. I do remember the movie being hilarious, though.

Continue reading This is now a South Park fansite!

Posted on Mar 18th 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (slackur)
Posted under How To Survive, Video Games, Tetris 99, Words With Friends,

[img width=421 height=237]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/3d/Plague_Inc_loading_screen.png[/img]
Image from Wikipedia

Well gang, it looks like many if not most of us will be hanging out at home a lot more for the foreseeable future.  I'll have you know I did warn my Beloved about all of that Plague, Inc. she was playing last year.  In all seriousness, I do hope everyone stays safe and calm and healthy.  Since much of the world is in some form of lock-down and many of us are looking at more screen time than expected, I wanted to share some suggestions on how our family is planning to ride out the upcoming season (and how gaming helps.)

Continue reading Tips On Keeping Calm And Gaming On

Posted on Mar 16th 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under People of RF Generation, nupoile, Vectrex, Odyssey2

[img width=608 height=256]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/wY20a_05yEfQeFTzs4TyymkRUQk9unIqV-BWalLM-LaUCuFY84K6EJ0_iDXbz62y6i2OFendVqqXPPyGcPkiNB3A3xefM5z1RIgCeoTrV41IYdZB7WpgOikiN_g6fgtKjAuzhwJdOyAK2lH-6lOW_5Z2EXak_gSkt_yMXgyPpoACMj3kKlHrx-BnogwxYdwIFtMHuO15Ihg2IAHiCwrn320K75p-L8yEl06KlhDQXNhPn6D88-FNAn6pef2XZayOKDoks5Y6dooVMxz7-rZNxRNbAAHuk0SjanhCzp_ubJdEcrHBMJmuasHPDSe1eXUeq1ULlMUe4QUvFW5olrkg7lIHVyn9FWLMjDts3a32Xa015wZztALqFTiTUb427TQ5VllHS7qOlKwutrN_9Rp0MR8mJfzefD8BQy2hlIUOtcYHZIw89lJeSCQezqwR7AB2KsHgL1oGOXjJ7GSMiljrgA35vpT7iI9yvntw9BfU7z8itQBLSWcTLXUsTofuuu9FF0jgAY77J8jNBeJZ8UYqVTV3-3t-qTj6kG9WsFyC0C6wDt76aeSrMZ0KwK6DrUv_1Vh6zma5-b9YiEPX9WiyJXwidkMydIOgXuGk0fgQfnkN5KXXh0LVrCYPOTl_wF94KgklyPlWbBbAM-RcnFiSZQUZTpJZcN8dWOzO3cJN5xqYFZosNq7vL4CR7VMZI_6JWbuqYNjqMD-DP1ZdryIcowBVDSj5dMtUuxUgcc1WHtHoxPJndiVo48A=w608-h256-no[/img]

Continue reading The People of RF Generation - nupoile

Posted on Mar 14th 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (Pam)
Posted under video, review, jrpg, ps1

Today I'm talking about my first experience with the Suikoden series, a JRPG by Konami that features over 100 playable characters. This is a PS1 JRPG that was never on my radar growing up with the system. I'm glad I gave it a shot and am looking forward to playing the sequel in the near future.

Posted on Mar 12th 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (EZ Racer)
Posted under SNES, games, zelda, mario, nintendo, rpg

[img width=700 height=480]http://tonsoffacts.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/news-snes-classic-20170626-thumb-1180x664.jpg[/img]

The Super Nintendo had an array of great titles, many of which are considered some of the best across all platforms. So when it came to figuring out the best games for the system, it's no surprise that it was a little top heavy. In fact out of 11 lists submitted, there were a whopping 5 games that were absent from only two lists or less. Compare that with the NES list, where with less lists, only SMB3 could stake the claim.

Comments accompany games whenever possible, reflecting the thoughts of those who submitted them. A big thank you to everyone who participated and left thoughts:

EZ Racer
Disposed Hero

Don't forget to check the submissions page for all the great SNES titles that didn't quite make the cut- http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=19263.0

Continue reading RFGen Top 20 Games- Super NES Edition

Posted on Mar 10th 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under news, Thank you, Playthrough, Shmup Club, submissions, February, Concertcast, Fundraiser

[img width=700 height=527]http://i.imgur.com/DJPSjbB.gif[/img]

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you the March 2020 edition of RF Generation's Site News! In this issue, we give a final thanks to those who supported the fund drive and reveal the total amount donated, announce our April Community Playthrough game, unveil the next game for our site shoot 'em up club, congratulate one of our most beloved members of the site, and of course, thank those members who sent in submissions to our site and registered approvals last month. Thanks for keeping it on Channel 3!     

REMEMBER: If you have any news about upcoming events or topics that you think the site needs to hear about, please PM singlebanana and put "RFG Site News" in the subject line.  Who knows, maybe your news will make our front page!

Continue reading All Our News Are Belong To You: March 2020 Edition

Posted on Mar 8th 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under Nintendo Switch, Hybrid console, game console, portable gaming

[img width=554 height=369]https://www.nintendo.com/content/dam/noa/en_US/hardware/switch/nintendo-switch-new-package/gallery/package_redblue.jpg[/img]
Image linked shamelessly from Nintendo.

3 years ago this month, Nintendo released a new console, dubbed the Switch. After all the lead-up to the reveal, and all the "NX" rumors that were flying around, the name was met with some skepticism. As someone who works in Information Technology, "switch" means something entirely different in my world, so it also hit me a little funny, because I thought it might get confusing. That said, I think the name fits, and after the underwhelming performance of the Wii U, Nintendo definitely needed to change their approach. By consolidating their home console and handheld business lines into a single product, they took a huge risk, but at this point, I think it's safe to say it was a gamble well worth taking.

Continue reading The Nintendo Switch 3 Years Out

Posted on Mar 6th 2020 at 01:00:00 PM by (russlyman)
Posted under metroid, custom,diy,how to, nes, nintendo

I love getting custom orders from people who have a favorite game. This one was for my buddy Joe and he really loves the Metroid series. He told me that he also enjoyed the bad guys a lot. I wanted to try something new for this project and make it really stand out. I used Apoxy Sculpt, acrylic paints, and hot glue to make this system. Oh....and a lot of time and hard work. Check out the video to see the process and the two custom controllers I did for the system as well.

Posted on Mar 4th 2020 at 01:00:00 PM by (zophar53)
Posted under RF Cinema, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic, Sega, Sega Genesis, movies

[img width=300 height=450]https://i.imgur.com/TA1BDtA.jpg[/img]

Regular RF Cinema readers know I had pretty low expectations for the Sonic the Hedgehog movie. Between Hollywood's less-than-stellar track record of turning video games into compelling film experiences, the series struggling to reach the heights of its glory days on the Genesis, and that whole thing of the title character's first CG iteration being borderline horrific, there wasn't much reason to give it the benefit of the doubt.

After a months-long delay to redesign the little blue blur, the film is finally here. The good news: it's not a dumpster fire! The bad news: it falls victim to the same traps of most other video game movies. Read on for the details in the latest episode of RFGeneration's exploration of video games in cinema.

Continue reading RF Cinema: Sonic the Hedgehog

Posted on Mar 2nd 2020 at 05:00:00 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Fighting Games

[img width=700 height=393]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49593327463_d9e8394c44_b.jpg[/img]

Modern gaming has many advantages and disadvantages depending on your outlook. Many of the things that I don't care for in the modern arena are tied closely to things that really don't interest me all that much anyway so I don't fret too much about them. I'm not a big indie guy so the fact that most indie games are digital only doesn't typically bother me. I can play Dark Souls from start to finish without messing around with the online mutliplayer aspects which don't excite me. Since I don't have a particular fondness for MMO style games persistent online worlds and the joys that accompany them are a non-issue for me.

There is one particular genre that I love and have grown up with my whole life that I no longer play these days. The advances of modern gaming have pushed me completely out of Fighting games and I didn't realize until recently how sad that makes me.

Continue reading Fighting Against Current Trends

Posted on Feb 29th 2020 at 01:00:00 PM by (Disposed Hero)
Posted under Review, Lufia, RPG, SNES, Natsume

[img width=700 height=511]https://i.imgur.com/SKC1B8D.jpg[/img]

With the Super Nintendo being possibly my favorite videogame console and the JRPG my favorite videogame genre, I feel like I have played most of the heavy hitter RPGs from that console over the years. However, the Lufia series has always eluded me, despite being aware of them ever since I was a kid. After doing some research, the consensus opinion on these games is that the first title is good, but it is the second that is really great and deserves to be placed alongside the other favorites on the system. I decided to start at the beginning and play the first game in the series, Lufia and the Fortress of Doom; however, after spending a few hours with it, I felt that it was fairly mediocre and decided to move on to its sequel, Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals.

Continue reading Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals

Posted on Feb 27th 2020 at 01:00:00 PM by (SirPsycho)
Posted under South Park RPG, PS4, Xbox One, Xbone, Switch, PC, turn based

[img width=700 height=350]https://screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/South-Park-Fractured-But-Whole-Game.jpg[/img]

South Park is one of the longest running shows still being produced and aired in the United States. It's been an extremely popular show since it started in 1997. A few South Park video games were produced early on in the show's history, starting with the titular, first person shooter South Park in 1998, followed by the game show trivia game South Park: Chef's Luv Shack in 1999, and the kart racing South Park Rally in 2000. After these first three games, the creators of South Park, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, stopped allowing games to be made based on South Park. These early games were not of the highest quality and the pair wanted more creative control. This would not last forever, as 2007 saw the release of platformer South Park 10: The Game for mobile phones of the era, to celebrate the show's 10th anniversary. In 2009, another game was released, South Park: Let's Go Tower Defense Play! for Xbox Live Arcade on the Xbox 360. Another platformer would be released on Xbox Live Arcade in 2012, South Park: Tenorman's Revenge.

In 2014, a new South Park game was released, and it changed the way many future South Park games would be viewed. That first trio of South Park games is often lambasted for being sloppy, unpolished, uninspired license cash ins, and the second trio is basically forgotten and almost never mentioned. But, starting in 2014, any news of future South Park games would be viewed with delight, as South Park: The Stick of Truth would feel less like a South Park game, and more like an interactive season of the show.

Continue reading South Park: The Fractured But Whole

Posted on Feb 25th 2020 at 01:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Playcast, playthrough, Nintendo, Star Fox,

[img width=700 height=487]https://i.imgur.com/JFeJ8kQ.jpg[/img]

This month, Rich (singlebanana) and Shawn (GrayGhost81) discuss three games from Nintendo's popular Star Fox franchise: the original Star Fox on the Super Nintendo, Star Fox 64, and the previously unreleased Star Fox 2. The guys go through the ins and outs of these shooters as they discuss the stories, the gameplay, the graphics, the music, and which of the three titles is their favorite. While Shawn is a fan and veteran of the series, Rich only dabbled in the original game when he was younger and had a less favorable opinion of the game. Will these games hold up for Shawn?  And will playing the newer iterations of the Star Fox series change Rich's mind? Tune in to find out!
As always, we are happy to hear your thoughts on the games we play on our discussion page (linked below). We will respond to your comments and are always happy to discuss these games more. Please be sure to rate and write a review of the show on iTunes and/or Podbean to help us increase our listenership. Thanks for the listen, we hope you enjoy the show!

Episode 70 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=19276.0

Get the show on Podbean:  http://www.rfgplaycast.com/
On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...ion-playcast/id1038953364
On Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/p...ation-playcast?refid=stpr
And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs
And on Twitter: @thesinglebanana & @RFGPlayCast

Continue reading Episode 70 - RF Generation Playcast

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