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Posted on Sep 27th 2008 at 07:15:29 AM by (logical123)
Posted under Online Stores, Online Stores trading ebay evilbay video games sega atari nintendo sony microsoft

This is now my second online selling/buying/trading review, and I have a great site for y'all; gameTZ.com!


GameTZ is not your everyday game site, in that it isn't an actual store, much like the dreaded e(vil)bay. But that is where the likeness stops. Due to this 'non-storelike' nature, I will not be rating this site on a point system.

Simply put, the site is designed for the trader, with ease in mind. You can add games you want to the creatively named Want List, you can add games to your Trade List, and you can even compile a Collection List!

After signing up and adding games to their respective lists, you then can search for matches, or other people that have things you want, or you have things they want. You can then start a Trade Offer, in which you write out the exact terms of the trade. The other party then can accept, or deny the trade offer. The trades don't necesarily have to be 'trades' to be trades. Example: You want Super Mario Bros. They want $6 + Shipping. That is done all the time. It doesn't have to be a trade.

Another neat feature is their 'Star System'. Depending on certain criteria, you can earn a Bronze, Silver, Gold, Double Gold, Triple Gold, etc, etc. Also, If you do international trades, you can get a Normal Globe and a Gold Globe. Some of the criteria are such things as: How many trades you have, when the last time you logged on was, etc. This star system, again, is in great likeness to ebay's star system.

Now many may be reluctant to use any other site other than ones that they are familiar with, and ones that have a firm, rooted background. Gametz has been online since October 20, 1997, and to date, 177197 completed trades have gone through.

All in all, gametz.com is a great website. They also have a great forum community. I give them an all around 'THUMBS UP'! "The best part?", I bet you're wondering... It's all free. laugh

EDIT: I am logical123 on gametz.com, if you were wondering. My profile is here.

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