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Posted on Jan 8th 2013 at 03:17:55 PM by (wildbil52)
Posted under Secret Santa, Not so Secret Santa

[img width=700 height=466]http://i1129.photobucket.com/albums/m503/wildbil52/RFGen/IMG_0007_zps3525a0f4.png[/img]

Alright, the cat is out of the bag.  I guess the secret is out that everyone's secret match with their Secret Santa is no secret.  Several people sent PMs letting me know that they had figured it out and asked if this was done by accident.  It was not.  Let me explain.

Last year (2011) I was late to sign up for the RFGen Secret Santa and was matched up with one of the only remaining members who didn't have a match, Techie413.  I figured it out, as most of you did this year, when I saw a very familiar return address.

Fast forward to the middle of November just this past year (2012) when I asked Shadow if a Secret Santa was going to happen on RFGen this year.  He told me that the staff was swamped with other work related to the site and I offered to organize the SS campaign.  I made the decision to match members up 1-1 because of the RFGen buddy I gained in Techie by knowing that he was my Secret Santa.

A Secret Santa is a lot of fun, but this site is about collecting.  I believe that collecting is as much about the relationships that we make with awesome people as it is about the awesome things that we acquire.  I hope that by knowing who you were matched up with, you gained an RFGen buddy like I did a year ago.

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