RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Apr 1st 2014 at 03:58:46 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Site news, What day is it, No one reads these, April what

So, we just migrated everything over, but we're moving back!

This new server is just too fast. It reminds us on staff about broadband and new technology. Pages loading when you click them? Pshaw. We need to go back to the golden age of the Internet.

[img width=236 height=249]http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f2/01/99/f201996d43cbb404a8cee603ba919f31.jpg[/img]

Until we make this switch, I'll be artificially throttling the speed on the server so everyone can get used to it again.

Also, after working with theGrue, we're going to dump the Android app and develop only for Palm.

  Palm Generation
RF Generation coming here soon!

We feel that this will take the site back to its roots in classic gaming, when you didn't need "day one patches", "DLC on disc", and "stability updates". Things broke when they did and that's the way we liked it!

As always, be sure to keep it on channel <4-1>...

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