RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Sep 8th 2008 at 03:20:06 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Playsation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PSP, DS, PS2

A little bit lighter week this time around, but it sees the release of one of the most anticipated games of the year!

Playstation 3Xbox 360Nintendo Wii
•NHL 2K9
•NHL 2009
•TNA Impact!
•NHL 2K9
•NHL 2009
•TNA Impact!
•Zoids Assault
•Cabela's Legendary Adventures
•Hell's Kitchen
•NHL 2K9
The Price is Right (One of my original ideas for the Wii. Read my comments later.)
PSPNintendo DSPlaystation 2
•Cabela's Legendary Adventures •Hell's Kitchen
•Lock's Quest
•Mazes of Fate
Mystery Case Files: MillionHeir (It's a game with no hype from Nintendo. It's gotta be good.)
•The Price is Right
•Spore Creatures
•Viva Pinata: Pocket Paradise
•Cabela's Legendary Adventures
•Dragon Ball Z Trilogy
•NHL 2K9
•TNA Impact!
Yakuza 2

This week is one full of possibly great games that are flying under the radar...along with a game that is going to be freaking huge. First up is the new game from Will Wright, the mastermind behind The Sims and SimCity. That game is Spore for Windows and Mac. What is Spore? It's a life simulation game like The Sims, but with a much larger scope. In the game, you design a species and oversee their evolution from single cell organisms to intelligent creatures. During this time you will guide the species through many phases including Tribal, Civilization, and Space. Once you reach the Space Age, you will be able to travel to the planets of other players and interact with their civilzation by trying to make peace or attacking them. I am so very interested in this game due to the fact that it could be the deepest game ever conceived. I just hope my PC is able to run it. Hopefully PC gamers actually buy this game and support EA instead of pirating it and contributing to the downfall of PC gaming.

Anyways, next game I'd like to highlight this week is The Price Is Right for the Wii. Why the hell would I mention this? Back in 2005 or so when the Wii's "innovative" controller scheme was announced, one of the first games I thought would be pretty awesome on the Wii was The Price Is Right. Imagine spinning the big wheel in the Showcase Showdown, punching out holes in Punch a Bunch, or putting in Hole in One (OR TWO!),or dropping a virtual chip in Plinko. I didn't think  much about my idea after that, but it was in the back of my head. Imagine my surprise a few months ago when I found out that UbiSoft was making a game based on The Price is Right. My hopes aren't very high for the game, but I still hope it turns out decently (and has a Barker's Beauties sex minigame).

Other games coming out this week include Yakuza 2 for the PS2, the long-overdue sequel to the original game on the PS2. Mystery Case Files: MillionHeir for the Nintendo DS, a new point and click mystery game from Nitnendo that hasn't gotten a lot of hype, so it's gotta at least be decent considering all the other games they've done like this have been good. Finally is the American debut of Masaya's truly fucked up PC Engine shooter Cho Aniki on the Wii Virtual  Console. This game is unlike anything you've ever seen. It's the first in a series of shmups with weird homoerotic overtones and a strange sense of humor going throughout the whole thing. I can't even begin to describe the screwed up goodness that is Cho Aniki, so check out Hardcore Gaming 101's look at the series and prepare to be amazed.

Posted on Sep 1st 2008 at 07:06:43 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Playsation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PSP, DS, PS2

The fall release season marches on this week...if you're a PS3/360 owner. The rest of you get nothing much at all. Here's the lineup:

Playstation 3Xbox 360Nintendo Wii
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
•NFL Head Coach 2009
•Rapala Fishing Frenzy
•Vampire Rain: Altered Species
Infinite Undiscovery
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
•NFL Head Coach 2009
•Rapala Fishing Frenzy
Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise
•Warhammer: Battle March
•Rapala Fishing Frenzy ($10 more than the PS3/360 version?!)
PSPNintendo DSPlaystation 2
...•Picto ImageMercenaries 2: World in Flames

This is actually a pretty good week considering how early it is in the season. Mercenaries 2 is the sequel to the 2005 PS2/XBox original, and expands on its sandbox style of gameplay. This new installment features enhanced physics (powered by the ever-popular Havok engine), the ability to light things on fire, swimming (along with boats as an added vehicle type), air support, a grappling hook, and more. I haven't played the first game, but the new installment looks pretty neat.

Next up is a game that I have tried, Facebreaker. This is the first game to be published under EA's new label: EA Sports Freestyle. Freestyle, as explained by EA Sports head, Peter Moore, provides "a lighter gaming experience and an easier entry point into EA Sports." Enough with the businessy talk, the game is pretty damned fun based on the demo. It's a simplified version of EA's own Fight Night series but with cartoony characters and a humorous tone, much like Ready 2 Rumble for the Dreamcast. FaceBreaker is nothing outstanding, but it certainly should be worth getting when the price drops to around $20 or $30. If you're interested in the game, give the demo on PSN or Xbox Live a shot.

Next up: Infinite Undiscovery, the much anticipated (Huh) Xbox 360 exclusive RPG from Square-Enix (that's something you don't see every day). I honestly don't care about this game, I only highlighted it for Square fanboys (the most annoying variety) so that they don't totally deride me and rip me to shreds.

Finally, the true follow-up to possibly the greatest game on the 360 comes out this week. That's right, Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise. The new game includes 30 new species, new areas, and an Eye of Judgment rip-off like feature which allows you to scan cards using a Live Vision camera and get new Piñatas that way. But unlike Eye of Judgment, Rare is actually going to be making these cards free on their website and maybe bundled with promotional partner products.

That's all for this week. Be sure to check back next  time!

Posted on Aug 26th 2008 at 03:22:02 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Playsation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PSP, DS, PS2

Hope you've braced yourself because the onslaught of new games starts to ramp up this week! RPG fans have two great "next-gen" games to look forward to this week, and golf fans get the latest installment of EA's Tiger Wood series. Nintendo fans also get in on the action this week with a new Mario sports game...and a shit ton of shovelware. Think this week is loaded? HA! It's only gonna get worse as we approach the holiday season.

Playstation 3Xbox 360Nintendo Wii
Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice
•Ferrari Challenge
Tiger Woods 09
•Vampire Rain: Altered Species
Tales of Vesperia
Tiger Woods 09
•Ferrari Challenge
•Freddi Fish: Kelp Seed Mystery
Mario Super Sluggers
•Pajama Sam in Don't Fear the Dark
•Rebel Raiders
•Spy Fox in Dry Cereal
Tiger Woods 09
PSPNintendo DSPlaystation 2
•Fading Shadows (GameStop Exclusive)
•Tiger Woods 09
•Commando Steel Disaster
•Digimon World Championship
•Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli
•From the Abyss
•Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness
•My Chinese Coach
•Picto Image
•The Quest Trio
•The Sims 2 Apartment Pets
•Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli
Tiger Woods 09

So, highlights this week include Tales of Vesperia, Disgaea 3, Tiger Woods 09, Mario Super Sluggers, and N+. I'm not going to spend a lot of time detailing each title, but I'll give you a brief rundown of them all. Tales of Vesperia, fun JRPG (holy shit, an RPG I like...at least based on the demo), latest in the Tales series, fans start screaming kawaii now. Disgaea 3: latest in the JSRPG (that's Japanese Strategy RPG for short) series, weeaboos rejoice and have a seat, I'm Chris Hansen from Dateline NBC. Tiger Woods 09: You know what this is about, more golf and jesus shots. Mario Super Sluggers: more casual games from Nintendo, thanks Cammie! N+: It's like the original PC/Mac/Linux or Xbox Live Arcade game on the go, you can't go wrong.

Posted on Aug 18th 2008 at 05:38:18 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Playsation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PSP, DS, PS2

The strength of last week carries over into this week as well with the launch of a game that's been in development for 10 years, the first true sequel to Galaga, and a bite-sized follow up to one of the greatest PS3 games.

Playstation 3Xbox 360Nintendo Wii
...•Smash Court Tennis 3 
Too Human
PSPNintendo DSPlaystation 2
•Fading Shadows (GameStop Exclusive)•Commando Steel Disaster...

Not a big list, but there's a lot of great stuff coming out. First is Too Human, the long in development Action RPG from Silicon Knights and The Canadian Loudmouth, Denis Dyack. In case you don't know, Too Human is an third person action/Dungeon Crawler RPG. I played the demo last week, and my impressions were that it was pretty fun, but chances are that the game could get very boring if it's stretched out to (supposedly) 10 or more hours. Not to mention replaying the game with all the various classes. So, I'd check out some footage or the demo if you're unsure about it. The buzz so far has been very mixed.

Also coming this week is the stunning sequel to Galaga, Galaga Legions. Galaga Legions is like the original game, but with several new features that change up the gameplay. What those features are, nobody really knows outside of a greater emphasis on combos, multidirectional attacks, and some serious bullet hell patterns. The game was made by the same team at Namco-Bandai that did last year's Pac-Man Championship Edition, which is an incredible game. So considering the team and the INCREDIBLE footage released so far, this game should be a winner.

The final highlight this week is Ratchet and Clank Future: Quest for Booty for the Playstation 3. This pirate themed downloadable follow-up to last year's installment is a 3-4 hour experience with a heavier emphasis on platforming and puzzle solving than seen in the most recent games in the series. Insomniac has also introduced several new gameplay elements into the game including the ability for Ratchet to pick up and manipulate objects with his wrench, puzzles involving shadows, and more. What's awesome about this game is that it has all the polish and graphics of a $60 game, but as a 2GB download for only $15! I'm sure a lot of you would bitch about the $15 price, but I'm willing to pay that price in order to support Insomnaic and what they are doing. Hopefully this sells well enough to warrant future downloadable episodes.

Have a great week everyone.

Posted on Aug 11th 2008 at 05:26:22 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Playsation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PSP, DS, PS2

This week marks the "unofficial" start of the fall game season. I know it's not fall yet, but in the biz, Madden usually marks the start of the rush to the holiday season. So, get your wallets out and make it rain on this industry!

Playstation 3Xbox 360Nintendo Wii
Madden NFL 09 (Also released in a 20th anniversary edition, detailed after the list.)Madden NFL 09 (Also released in a 20th anniversary edition, detailed after the list.)Madden NFL 09
PSPNintendo DSPlaystation 2
Madden NFL 09 (Also available this week: the Madden NFL 09 PSP Entertainment Pack, which includes a limited edition metallic blue PSP system, the Madden NFL 09 game, NFL: In Just One Play on UMD Video, and a coupon to download the game Beats from the Playstation Store on your PC. Retail price is $199.99)Bangai-O Spirits
•The Cheetah Girls: Passport to Stardom
•Imagine: Teacher
Madden NFL 09
Madden NFL 09

As you can tell, the big game this week is of course Madden NFL 09 for all systems (including the ORIGINAL Xbox!). The 20th anniversary installment in EA's long-running franchise promises to be something truly special, boasting upwards of 85 new features and enhancements.  Among the new features include adaptive difficulty (which tests your and tailors the game to your abilities), online leagues, EA Sports Rewind (kind of a mulligan like feature if you screw up a play badly and want to learn from your mistakes), Backtrack (which acts in cooperation with Rewind and breaks down your last plays and tells you what you could have done better), new animations and models, new commentators (and no Madden!), more characters on the sidelines, user controlled celebrations and taunts, and so much more. Who says EA doesn't improve Madden each year? Because they're WRONG. Anyways, for you PS3 and 360 buyers, you also have the choice of buying the 20th Anniversary Collector's Edition for $89.99. This edition of the game includes Madden 09, NFL Head Coach 09 (also coming out separately from this edition next month), a fully playable version of Madden 93, Retro Playbooks, Retro Madden player models, and exclusive video content.  Wii owners get a special version of the game dubbed "All-Play", an EA Sports initiative that aims to make their games easier to learn for players of all types. Features of the Wii version include an arcadey 5 on 5 mode, use of the Wii remote to deliver tackles, single button play calling, and more. Regardless of which version you get, Madden 09 looks to be an awesome update of the long-running series. Also, PS3 owners, the game actually runs as good as the 360 edition this year. Cheesy
Perhaps football isn't your thing and you would rather play a more traditional game. Well, this week has plenty to offer you. First up on the list is Bangai-O Spirits, the latest from fan-favorite developer, Treasure. As you may have guessed, Bangai-O Spirits is a sequel to the cult classic N64/Dreamcast shooter Bangai-O. If you haven't played the original, the game is a free-roaming, multidirectional 2D shooter. The DS version promises to retain the spirit of the original, including the insane number of bullets on screen at once. What's neat about Spirits is that the levels have been designed around co-op, so you can jump in with up to 3 other people and play the game together. However, the coolest feature about the game is that it includes a level editor which allows you to build your own levels and share them with your friends. However, since Treasure is a quirky developer, they had to go about sharing them in the most bizarre way possible. The created level is encoded as a modem-like sound that is played over your DS speakers and transferred to your friend’s system using the microphone. The sound can also be output over the DS headphone jack and recorded on your computer to share with the world in MP3 format or over YouTube. This feature will not only work with levels, but you can also send high scores and replay videos. Pointless? Sure, but at least you don't have to deal with friend codes. Awesome? Totally.
But there's more! This week also sees the release of the long-awaited Bionic Commando Rearmed on Xbox Live Arcade, Playstation Network, and PC (via Steam, Direct2Drive, and other digital distribution platforms). Rearmed is a remake of the NES classic which features the same great gameplay as the original, but with new 2.5D HD graphics, new areas, online leaderboards, and other features. The game does not have any Nazi references as seen in the original Japanese game, but the voice acting and script of the game does make fun of the fact that it's censored. People buying it on the PS3 will also be able to play the game on their PSP using the remote play feature, and can also look forward to trophy support in a future patch for the game. The game will cost $10 on both XBLA and PSN, while it's going to be $15 on PC.
Finally this week, the latest episodic series from one of my favorite developers, Telltale Games, begins. The series is Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People, based on the popular web toon Homestar Runner. The first episode of the five episode series, Homestar Ruiner, releases on Monday and is about Strong Bad's scheme to win the tri-annual Race to the End of the Race and his attempt to get Homestar out of the house. The game has full creative input from the creators of Homestar Runner, the Brothers Chaps, with original stories written for the game. The game will be released on both WiiWare and on PC via the Telltale Games website. The Wii version will cost 1000 Wii Points ($10) per episode with no option to buy the whole series, bringing the total to $50) for the entire series. The PC edition sells for $8.95 an episode, or you can pre-order the entire season for only $34.95! If you go the PC route, you can download all the episodes as they come out, and you'll be able to get a DVD of all the episodes at the end of the season for the cost of shipping. Not a bad deal at all.

Sorry for the long post, but there's a lot coming out that I wanted to highlight!

Posted on Aug 4th 2008 at 05:19:37 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Playsation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PSP, DS, PS2

Why do I bother anymore? Enjoy your week of summer shovelware everyone!

Playstation 3Xbox 360Nintendo Wii
Monster Madness: Grave Danger
...•Little League World Series
•King of Clubs
•Summer Athletics
PSPNintendo DSPlaystation 2
...•The Cheetah Girls: Passport to Stardom
•Little League World Series
•Professor Brainium
•Quick Yoga Training
•Rock Blast
•Hannah Montana: Spotlight World Tour

Asking me to pick a game to get out of those is like forcing me to stab myself in the eye with a rusty knife, so I'm going to highlight Braid, this week's new Xbox Live Arcade game, and recipient of the 2006 Independent Games Festival award for Innovation In Design. The game is a puzzle platformer that features the ability to "rewind" your actions in order to help solve puzzles and correct your mistakes. However, rewinding creates the puzzles. For example, there are objects in the levels that cannot be rewound, alternate realities, and more. I have never played the game, but judging by the videos and various interviews with the game's designer, Jonathan Blow, this is going to be an incredible game. It comes out on XBLA this week and on PC sometime later this year.

Here's a link to the official website of the game: http://www.braid-game.com/

Posted on Aug 4th 2008 at 01:46:50 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Virtual Console, Classic Gaming, Nintendo Wii, Capcom, Mega Man

Look at that box art. Damn. You know, most people wish for their box art to look somewhere close to what the game is like, but instead, the original Mega Man's box art is that. To me, it looks like the artist or marketing team were on an acid trip while going over / creating that box art, and that is why we have that. Certainly, some creative liberties were taken with that box art.

Anyways, I am not writing this article to talk about that, but instead this. Capcom has finally realized that they can make a lot of easy money by rereleasing Mega Man for the Virtual Console. You know, as a kid, Mario was great and all, but at least for me Mega Man stole the show. I loved that series, and well, Mega Man 2 is a masterpiece. I bet there are a lot of other people who hold a similar nostalgic value for Mega Man.

Well, fortunately for people like myself, Capcom has decided to start the hype train for the release of Mega Man 9, the game that is quite possibly going to be the hardest Mega Man of all time, if what they said is to be believed. All I know is that I want the game, and to further make me want the game, Capcom is releasing Mega Man for the Virtual Console, tomorrow. That's right, tomorrow kids, at least stateside. And even better news for me, Mega Man 2 is coming out for the Virtual Console in early September.

Let the hype train roll, Capcom, I bet you'll see some healthy sales with those two releases, as well as the release of Mega Man 9.

The Blue Bomber is coming to Virtual Console [Dtoid]

Posted on Jul 30th 2008 at 07:40:13 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Playsation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PSP, DS, PS2

This week is highlighted by a fighter, a downloadable platformer, and a shooter.

Playstation 3Xbox 360Nintendo Wii
Soul Calibur IVSoul Calibur IV
•Spectral Force 3
•King of Clubs
•MLB Power Pros 2008
•Summer Athletics
PSPNintendo DSPlaystation 2
...•Suzuki Superbikes•MLB Power Pros 2008

My pick this week is Soul Calibur IV for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. SCIV is the latest installment in Namco's popular fighting franchise, and features Star Wars characters, Yoda on the 360 and Darth Vader on the PS3. However, that may change since rumor has it that you will be able to purchase the character the other system has via downloadable content. The game is averaging 90% on GameRankings so far.

But my real pick of the week goes to the surreal PS3 downloadable platformer PixelJunk Eden. The demo came out last week, and I was completely blown away by what Dylan and the team at Q Games did with this one. I highly recommend picking it up if you're a PS3 owner looking for something relaxing but challenging...or if you're a Trophy Ho since Eden is the second game on the PS3 to support trophies.  For you 360 owners, Geometry Wars 2 comes out this week as well. Geo Wars 2 is the sequel to the wildly successful Xbox Live Arcade original. New features include additional gameplay modes, and four player online co-op.

Posted on Jul 23rd 2008 at 10:36:07 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Playsation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PSP, DS, PS2

Ok, this week, there's damn near nothing coming out. That's the summer game drought in full effect.

Playstation 3Xbox 360Nintendo Wii
......•Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 
•Order Up 
SNK Arcade Classics V.1
PSPNintendo DSPlaystation 2
...Final Fantasy IV
•Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
•New International Track & Field
•Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

The SNK compilation might be neat but it was on PS2/PSP not too long ago. That leaves Final Fantasy IV, and I don't like JRPGs...so, there's nothing coming out this week. Oh, Siren: Blood Curse comes out on PSN this week along with 1942: Joint Strike on XBLA and PSN! I'll probably get 1942 because it looks like an AWESOME update of the original classic.

Posted on Jul 14th 2008 at 10:07:53 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Playsation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PSP, DS, PS2

Probably the worst week in quite a while...unless you happen to like college football, then more power to you.

Playstation 3Xbox 360Nintendo Wii
•NCAA Football 2009•NCAA Football 2009
•Space Chimps
•NCAA Football 2009
•Rock Band Track Pack Vol. 1
•Space Chimps
•We Love Golf
PSPNintendo DSPlaystation 2
•Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity
•NCAA Football 2009
•Mister Slime
•Nancy Drew: Clue Bender Society 
•Space Chimps
•NCAA Football 2009
•Rock Band Track Pack Vol. 1
•Spce Chimps

Honestly, I don't care about any of the games this week. Rock Band track pack could be neat for all you owners of the gimped editions of the game and seems fairly priced. NCAA 09 is by far the biggest game of the week, but again, I don't care about sports. Soooo...stay tuned for exciting E3 news!

Posted on Jul 7th 2008 at 12:51:06 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Playsation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PSP, DS, PS2

Looks like 2K Games pulled a fast one on us this week!

Playstation 3Xbox 360Nintendo Wii
•Beijing Olympics 2008
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution
•Beijing Olympics 2008
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution
Unreal Tournament 3
•Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon
•Purr Pals (if you buy this, you are part of the problem, not the solution)
•Wonder World Amusement Park 
PSPNintendo DSPlaystation 2
...•Carnival Games
•Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution

Apparently Civ Rev is coming out this week instead of last week. Again, it's my pick of the week because the demo I played on the PS3 is pretty fun if you're a strategy game fan. The PC versions of the game are better, yes, but there's really nothing else like it on a console right now. Give it a shot by downloading the demo on your 360 or PS3 and see what you think.

Also of note this week, Unreal Tournament 3, the latest installment in Epic's long-running shooter franchise, hits the Xbox 360. The game came out about 7 or 8 months ago on the PS3 and PC...and didn't sell verry many copies on either system. Now Epic is going to try their luck on the Xbox 360 where it might do better since shooters sell very well on that system and they already have a huge fanbase from Gears of War. Hopefully it does well enough for Epic to consider supporting the game even more on the other platforms. Even though the 360 edition is lacking custom mod support and mouse/keyboard control, I highly recommend picking it up if you're looking for a fun, fast-paced, old-school shooter.

Posted on Jul 1st 2008 at 09:59:01 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Playsation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PSP, DS, PS2

Light week. Nothing very good at all really. One game might be pretty cool but that's about it really.

Playstation 3Xbox 360Nintendo Wii
•Hail to the Chimp
•Guitar Hero: Aerosmith
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution
•Hail to the Chimp
•Gears of War Refresh
•Guitar Hero: Aerosmith
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution
•Guitar Hero: Aerosmith
•Purr Pals (if you buy this, you are part of the problem, not the solution)
PSPNintendo DSPlaystation 2
...•1 VS. 100
•AMF Bowling Pinbusters
•Ducati Moto
•Smart Kids Game Club
Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2
•Guitar Hero: Aerosmith

It's the 4th of July. Go buy some fireworks instead of games. But Civilization Revolution looks cool if you're into that kind of thing. Not sure if it is? Download the demo from the Playstation Store or Xbox Live. I did it, and I must say it was pretty nifty. Didn't get a chance to play much of it, but it I liked what I played. Oh and Guitar Hero: Aerosmith comes out this week for all two people that care. Enjoy your game with effing Aerosmith (uggghhh). For the rest of us, Rock Band 2 has been announced.

*Note: the views of Tony are those of himself and do not represent the views of anyone else. If you have a problem with it, please direct complaints to the OH NOOOO Otter.*

Posted on Jun 23rd 2008 at 11:27:26 PM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Playsation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PSP, DS, PS2

What the hell happened this week? Is it last fall again? Goddamn...

Playstation 3Xbox 360Nintendo Wii
Battlefield: Bad Company
•Hail to the Chimp
•Hellboy: Science of Evil
Overlord Raising Hell
Top Spin 3
Alone in the Dark
Battlefield: Bad Company
•Hail to the Chimp
•Hellboy: Science of Evil
•Operation Darkness
Supreme Commander
Top Spin 3
•Big Beach Sports
Rock Band (This is actually out already. I think I missed it on last week's list.)
Top Spin 3
PSPNintendo DSPlaystation 2
•Hellboy: Science of Evil
•Naruto Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2: The Phantom Fortress
•American Girl: Kit Mystery Challenge
•Cake Mania 2
•Code Lyoko: Fall of XANA
Final Fantasy Tactics A2
•Gourmet Chef
Guitar Hero: On Tour
•Mega Man Star Force 2 Zerker X Ninja
•Mega Man Star Force 2 Zerker X Saurian
•Midnight Play Pack
•My Weight Loss Coach
•Smart Kids Game Club
•Top Spin 3

There's far too many games coming out this week, but what's worth checking out? Alone in the Dark and Overlord Raising Hell look pretty neat. Final Fantasy Tactics A2, Top Spin 3, and Supreme Commander have been getting great reviews, but I would recommend Battlefield: Bad Company above all the other games this week. If you haven't seen anything about the game it's basically a wartime FPS, but unlike most other games of this type (Call of Duty 4 for example) it is actually pretty lighthearted in tone and contains a good amount of humor. The gameplay is like many other FPS games, so it's nothing completely new, but it's still very fun. If you're interested, give the demo a chance on either the Playstation Network or Xbox Live.

Posted on Jun 16th 2008 at 08:09:11 PM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Playsation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PSP, DS, PS2

Pretty light week for consoles, but a great week for handhelds.

Playstation 3Xbox 360Nintendo Wii
Go buy MGS4 you tool.
•Deadliest Catch: Alaskan Storm•Wacky Races: Crash and Dash
PSPNintendo DSPlaystation 2
Secret Agent Clank
Space Invaders Extreme
•Code Lyoko: Fall of XANA
•Imagine: Rock Star
•Petz Dogz Fashion
Space Invaders Extreme
•Tamagotchi Connection Corner 3
•Wacky Races: Crash and Dash

Secret Agent Clank seems good enough based on the demo, but sort of lacking the heart and soul of the Insomniac developed games. However, there is one game that each and every one of you must buy and that is Space Invaders Extreme. I don't care if you hate buying games for full price, this is one that you need to buy. I've played the Japanese demo for the PSP, and it is a STUNNING update of the classic. The game is just like the original but now there's boss stages, bonus stages, colored enemy matching, and a new remixed techno soundtrack. Just go buy it dammit! It's only $20 on your platform of choice.

Quick update: The US edition of Space Invaders Extreme does not have support for the DS rotor controller. If you want to play this game with the rotor controller, import it.

Posted on Jun 8th 2008 at 11:14:55 PM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Playsation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PSP, DS, PS2


Oh and Blast Works for the Wii looks great as well.

There's also Nascar 09 (PS3, 360, PS2), Dragon Ball Z Burst Limit (PS3, 360), Don King Presents Prizefighter (360), Backyard Baseball '09 (Wii), Jake Hunter: Detective Chronicles (DS), and more crappy DS shovelware, but who cares? There's only one game that TRULY matters this week.

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