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Posted on Nov 20th 2018 at 01:00:00 PM by (slackur)
Posted under Nintendo Switch, Arcade, shmups, belt scrollers, arcadey action, I remember having time for RPGs a few decades ago

Lately, even the mighty pull of an incredible new version of my favorite game of all time (Tetris Effect) can't sit me in front of a console for very long.  Oh, I want to plop on our comfy recliner and put in a few long hours into the ever-growing stack of excellent games next to the various gaming systems connected to our best gaming TV.  I really really do.  However with so many daily tasks, back-and-forth travel, and emergency situations happening I just can't block out the time.  (I'd say 'lately,' but when topsy-turvy is more common than normal, topsy-turvy becomes the new normal.)

As in the past, Nintendo has swooped in to save the day with a game machine full of stuff I want to play on a system that can ride along with me.  As I was combing through the library of games to take along, I looked through the excellent popular titles that bring out the best of the system; Super Mario Odyssey, Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 2, Arms, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, etc.  Unexpectedly, those have stayed on the shelf lately; the majority of what I want to play these days is a compilation of arcade and retro classics that perfectly fit the few minutes at a time I have to spend.  I thought it might be fun to share my current carousel of cartridge cavorting!

SNK 40th Anniversary

Now this is how you respect the classics.  Original arcade AND console versions (where applicable) of every game, free downloads of more titles that nearly double the collection, and a bunch of worthwhile background info, trivia, and lore for each game.  Context for a game's history goes a very long way for me and helps me to enjoy and appreciate what I may not get into otherwise.  I'm just super impressed with it all.

Psikyo Collection Volume 1
[img width=700 height=700]https://cdn.eglobalcentral.co.it/images/detailed/73/nintendo-switch-game-psikyo-collection-vol-1-english-only.jpg[/img]

Strikers 1945, SOL Divide, Samurai Aces, Gunbird, and all arcade perfect.  Such a great shmup compilation, especially with save-states and on-the-go.

SEGA AGES: Lightening Force
[img width=300 height=287]https://media.nintendo.com/nintendo/bin/2r5s1v6icpKZ4beifgTiYW9SAw0BCpjG/mAQKXpiryQK0fibiWxDpKFDyOaSBneWK.png[/img]

This was a pleasant surprise for me.  (And not just for Kids Mode!)  I have yet to finish the Genesis original, so this is a great chance to finally work on checking it off my 'cleared' list.

Grip: Combat Racing
[img width=180 height=180]https://s.pacn.ws/180/vw/grip-combat-racing-english-chinese-574315.1.jpg?pf8vyg[/img]

OK, not quite in the exact same theme of arcade and classic games, but it is arcadey racing and it is pretty much a sequel to the PlayStation gems Rollcage and Rollcage II.  I'm sure this looks even better on a PS4, but the quick races and pick-up-and-play design is ideal in portable form.

[img width=180 height=180]https://s.pacn.ws/180/vq/-571475.1.jpg?pdwo6v[/img]

A superb new shmup, highly recommended, with a ton of stages and ship progression to keep the hook. 

Psyvariar Delta
[img width=180 height=180]https://s.pacn.ws/180/v7/psyvariar-delta-561677.10.jpg?pctamh[/img]

I haven't gotten to play much of the earlier incarnations, so this is a great chance to catch up.  I would have by now if it weren't for Raijin.

Namco Arcade Pac
[img width=180 height=180]https://s.pacn.ws/180/vh/namco-museum-arcade-pac-566939.1.jpg?pb9qe5[/img]

At first I wasn't as interested in another Namco compilation, but this one has a few greats not often found on the other releases.  Beyond the normal Pac-Man and Galaga etc., we have arcade versions of Rolling Thunder and its sequel, the under-rated Galaga '88, and the original Splatterhouse.

Gal Metal
[img width=180 height=180]https://s.pacn.ws/180/va/gal-metal-563453.10.jpg?pc3oct[/img]

It's like a cross between PaRappa and Taiko Drum Master with metal music.  Unexpected and delightful.

[img width=300 height=287]https://media.nintendo.com/nintendo/bin/L0_16bHW8pjQlaTD6J9ng3_wKXffeo0f/HOYnISZxdva70noB8jEQDM0px6JsFi6a.png[/img]

Yet another reason for me to try to keep playing and pretend I'll actually get good at it one day.

Arcade Archives: Punch-Out!!
[img width=300 height=287]https://media.nintendo.com/nintendo/bin/9annlz07jGAsLwta3xzLx6gdbPHmTqcr/d89m5NEdd_xVonZFuoV47mwx1VC2AyPq.png[/img]

Another surprise, as this is the first time the arcade version is officially available.  Short and sweet, perfect to play every now and then for a palate cleanser.

And here are a few on the way I'm pretty pumped for:

Atari Flashback Classics
[img width=180 height=180]https://s.pacn.ws/180/w3/atari-flashback-classics-switch-577729.2.jpg?ph6vhr[/img]

150 games.  I'm in for Black Widow, Centipede Arcade, Final Legacy 5200, and Tempest Arcade.

Darius Cozmic Collecion
[img width=180 height=180]https://s.pacn.ws/180/vh/darius-cozmic-collection-566925.1.jpg?pb9o65[/img]

Arcade perfect versions of Darius, Darius II, Sagaia, and Darius Gaiden?  Space seafood for everyone!

Capcom Belt Action Collection
[img width=180 height=180]https://s.pacn.ws/180/vw/capcom-belt-action-collection-574001.1.jpg?pf6tlt[/img]

The only physical version I'm aware of, and with English language options.  Between couch co-op on the dock and the option to go portable, I'm sold.

Psikyo Volume 2
[img width=180 height=180]https://s.pacn.ws/180/vy/psikyo-collection-vol-2-multilanguage-575241.2.jpg?pfsxat[/img]

Strikers 1945 2, Tengai, Gunbird 2, and Dragon Blaze follow the original compilation.  Glad this was announced before I bought more than Dragon Blaze on the eshop.

So that's what has been home on my Switch.  What's in your current gaming carousel?


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I'm buying a switch just so I can have all of these arcade releases on the go. The schmup love/compilations are enough to justify the purchase.

There's a PS4 physical version of the Capcom Belt Action Collection.
This is a great list! I was unaware of the Atari Flashback collection - I will have to get on that when it releases!
At the front of my gaming queue is STARLINK: BATTLE FOR ATLAS. I figured I'd see if it will rekindle my interest in the whole toys-to-life deal after I tracked down a Switch starter set (starring Fox McCLoud and arwing fighter!) for a song. Guess I'll find out soone enough...

As for the whole arcade-classics-on-Switch deal: I've been aware of the Namco Arcade Pac and Atari Flashback Classics collections. However, seeing as how I have dozens of these compilations over countless consoles, I probably will hold off getting either one until I find 'em really cheap.

Speaking of cheap: the one item that really caught my eye was the very first one pictured, but wasn't discussed in the blog: the DIY Hardwood Nostalgia Arcade Cabinet. Although it's very minimalist, I kinda like the look. And after seeing the asking price for it on Ammy, it's definitely something this skinflint is willing to pick up toot-sweet. BTW did you actually pick up one of these, Herr Slackur? If so, do you find it pretty solid? Thank you for your attention...

@Addicted:I missed the PS4 version of the Capcom Belt Action, thanks for correcting there.  I'd also love the CE version, but that price is too hard a hit with all the Black Friday sales...
...and I still feel bad about not mentioning your Yoku review. Sad

@MetalFRO:Yeah, that Atari comp is practically a stealth release, as are many Switch games in our collection.  This is one interesting system to collect for already...

@Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq.:I think Starlink is great, and the toy element is a nice balance of useful but not required.  The ships are outright cool and well detailed also.

Yeah, the Namco and Atari games I have a few times over (although as mentioned above the Namco has some nice uncommon surprises) but the shmup library is incredible, particularly the imports, and the e-shop has some arcade and rare or previously unreleased games that make me actually buy digital.  Definitely been worth it for me.

As to the arcade cab, I don't own the one pictured, as I'm waiting for this:
[img width=700 height=394]https://www.gamestop.com/gs/images/content-pdp/Loot_images/TOKI_BeautyShot.jpg[/img]
erk, lemme try that again:

@slackur: Don't worry about it. :-) Speaking of Yoku Gamestop opened the new copies and is selling them as used for $10.

Here's the link to the PS4 Collection:
Those are some very nice looking compilations, and one of the few times that I begin regretting getting a Vita instead of a Switch.  The Vita has some amazing comps, but none of them are physical (and are mostly really PSP releases).  That Atari collection looks very tasty.  It's $40, but for 150 games (mixed 2600, 5200, and arcade) it sounds right to me.
I'm with you - Switch is easily my go-to system for arcade games... or just retro games in general. Or really... GAMES right now. Such a brilliant console.
Don't forget about the Sega Genesis Collection coming to the Switch in December!
All the classic arcade games get ported but I rarely see newer ones coming over. It still happens but seems less common.
I just happened to catch the Giantbomb "Quick Look" on the SNK collection and man, it looks awesome.  Taking into account the Atari Flashback game and the sequel to one of my games of the year (Dragon Quest Builders) and man...  I may have bought the wrong portable console.  Ug.

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