Now live on Japanese Wiis, the new "Everyone's Nintendo Channel" is a way of telling Wii owners about new software. A complete software listing, trailers, and demos will be available for games seeing an imminent release and those that are already on the market.
Searching for a title seems much like our own database as you can sort results by hardware, manufacturer, genre, or title. One of the caveats of the system is that you can provide feedback of games you have already tried out and it will recommend others based on your interests and the recommendations of others. Like the "Everyone Votes Channel" it might not take off right away because it has to collect information before it becomes fully active. The results are scheduled for release by the end of December.
The big winner of all the features is undoubtably the downloadable demos for the DS. Now you can try out all those demos from the comfort of home instead of embracing shame while you publicly display your infatuation with your DS Lite at the local mall.
At the moment there is no news as to when the rest of the world will be receiving this application, but it is nice to know it is out there.
UPDATE now has a video of the new channel in action. Expect to see some trailers (TVCM), Miyamoto-san trying to sell Wii Fit, and the DS demo downloads. View it after the break.