RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Oct 9th 2018 at 12:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under news, thank you, Playthrough, Shmup Club, submissions, October

[img width=700 height=527]http://i.imgur.com/DJPSjbB.gif[/img]

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you October 2018's edition of RF Generation's Site News! In this issue, we announce our November 2018 community playthrough title, unveil the next game for our site shoot 'em up club, and of course, thank those members who sent in submissions to our site and registered approvals last month. Thanks for keeping it on Channel 3!     

REMEMBER: If you have any news about upcoming events or topics that you think the site needs to hear about, please PM singlebanana and put "RFG Site News" in the subject line.  Who knows, maybe your news will make our front page!



[img width=700 height=350]https://i.imgur.com/8AVg5KB.png[/img]

Get ready to lock and load again this November as the Playcast guys attempt to tackle their second first-person shooter of the the year with 2007's smash hit, Bioshock!  It's hard to believe that 11 years have passed since the release of this multi-award winning and high-scoring Metacritic title, and it's time to see if this game stands the test of time. Bioshock has not only been praised for its gameplay, but also for its incredible art design. Join fellow RF Generation members as we explore the depths of the underwater, once Utopian city known as Rapture. Can you unlock the mysteries of it's demise?  And what dangers lie in wait for you many fathoms down?

While Bioshock was released on several platforms, including PS3, XBox 360, Windows, Mac, and iOS, a remastered version, called Bioshock: The Collection, which features all three Bioshock titles, is available on PS4, XBox One, and Windows. With so many options to choose from, we hope to have a good number of participants next month.

We hope that you are as excited about this pick as we are, so be sure to grab yourself a copy of the game before the month begins! Also, please join in to discuss the game by signing up on our Bioshock HERE.



[img width=600 height=450]http://images.nintendolife.com/games/3ds-eshop/steel_empire/cover_large.jpg[/img]

What do you get when you combine steampunk and horizontal shoot-em-ups? You get Steel Empire! Originally released in 1992 on the Mega Drive/Genesis line of consoles, this unique horizontal scrolling shooter combined the steampunk theme and aesthetic with an interesting shooting game that adds a couple different mechanics to make the game stand out. Instead of only scrolling from left to right, some areas have you scrolling right to left at different times, as you pass back and forth over some bosses or landscape. There are 2 different craft to choose from, each of which has different attributes, and gives the player a very different experience. The large dirigible is slow and a bit clunky, but it's quite powerful. The biplane is weaker, but faster and far more nimble, in addition to being much smaller, and better able to weave through bullet spam. Choose either craft, and prepare to take on the Motorhead Empire, as you fly into their strongholds to attack their bases, and take out their forces, to weaken them and stop the tyranny. You play as a pilot for the Silverhead Republic, the only free state left in the world, on a mission to free the rest of society from the Morothead Empire.

This game is available on many platforms. In addition to the original Sega Genesis and Mega Drive release, it received a remake on the Game Boy Advance, as well as a later remake on the 3DS, available via the eShop. Recently, the game was remade again, based on the 3DS remake, and given a release on Steam, with updated graphical elements. No matter which you play, you're sure to have fun shooting bullets, dropping bombs, and blowing up elaborate tanks, canons, and other fantastic flying machines from a fictional steampunk universe. Whether you play on console, PC, or on the go, be sure to join us for the Shmup Club game of November 2018, Steel Empire!



[img width=550 height=345]https://media1.tenor.com/images/96070aef30df554309ba8d120e134511/tenor.gif[/img]

In September, site members contributed a total of 2,883 submissions to our database! Of these additions, 2,850 were game submissions and 33 were related to hardware items. Of this total, 889 contributions were new images and 886 of these images were game submissions. A big thanks to all who submitted items to our database and to those who reviewed them all for the month of September! We appreciate your efforts in making our database and community a great tool for our users.

Our top submitters (those with a minimum of 50) for September 2018 were:

Schlibby                             1018
Fleabitten                            476
Kam1Kaz3 NL77                  403
Bear78                                 117
sharp                                   113
kaysow                                  94
Socialiste                               85
GamerNick                             69
ApolloBoy                              45
(so close!)

Thanks for another great month! 

Top approvers for the month included:

Fleabitten                           307
Raidou                                266
Schlibby                              130

Great work everyone! 

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