RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Oct 7th 2016 at 12:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under news, thank you, Playthrough, 100 games, RWX, International Play Your Vectrex Day

[img width=600 height=427]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/RFGen%20Blog/tv_zps2q0ywpgm.gif[/img]

Welcome to another edition of RF Generation's Site News!  In this issue, we announce the Playcast's VERY special November playthrough, publicize an appearance by two site members who represented RF Generation on the latest N.A.R.C. podcast, make a final plea for YOU to attend Retro World Expo, get an early glimpse of how to join in on early November's annual "International Play Your Vectrex Day," and lastly, thank all of those members who sent in submissions to our site during the month of September.   

REMEMBER: If you have any news about upcoming events or topics that you think the site needs to hear about, please PM singlebanana and put "RFG Site News" in the subject line.  Who knows, maybe your news will make our front page!


[img width=700 height=393]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/Playthroughs/heavy-rain_zpsz6srjevs.jpg[/img]

This November, we celebrate a HUGE milestone for the Community Playthroughs!  In December of 2012, our friend Crabmaster2000 jumped on the forums and asked site members to join the Collectorcast crew in playing The Last Story.  The following April, he formally announced a "Community Playthrough" of Batman Arkham Asylum and was joined by several other eager site members.  During this playthrough, current Playcast veteran Fleach proposed a monthly, more consistent and organized site playthrough, and in June, the monthly playthoughs officially began with a handful of Disney games lead by our own wildbil52.  July and August saw Fleach leading the charge for a playthrough of Super Mario RPG. It was during this time that singlebanana approached Fleach about becoming involved in the playthroughs and adding an additional playthrough each month, one retro and one modern.  To handle the workload, GrayGhost81 and techwizard were brought into the fold.

With the success of the Collectorcast and looking to further discuss each game, the four playthrough directors decided that a podcast might be a good idea, so in February of 2014 they recorded a pilot for the Parasite Eve and Kingdom Hearts playthroughs, and the RF Generation Playcast was born. Since then, we have seen the departure of techwizard, and the arrival/departure of a new voice, Disposed Hero. Over the years, we have enjoyed many guests on our show including various site members and YouTube personalities.  It's been a wild ride and an exciting journey playing games with the entire community here at RF Generation, and there's no signs of stopping!

In November, we celebrate our 100th playthrough game as a site.  Though it's hard to believe, the numbers don't lie.  Expect an extra special Playcast in November, as we rattle off the entire list of 100 games, talk about our fondest memories over the years, and are joined by a very special guest. We hope that we have brought our site members a little closer together through gaming over the years, and we sincerely hope that we can gather a HUGE number of participants for this November's 100th game.  Please join us!

Without further adieu, the choice for November's Community playthrough is Heavy Rain for the PS3/PS4.  Written and directed by David Cage and developed by Quantic Dream in February of 2010, Heavy Rain is an action/adventure, film noir thriller that follows four characters involved in the mystery surrounding the murders by someone known as the Origami Killer.  The story contains multiple endings that are earned based on character choices and the successful/unsuccessful completion of fast-paced quick time events.  Heavy Rain sold over 3 million copies and earned several awards, including IGN and Gamespy's Playstation 3 Game of the Year awards.

We hope that you are as excited about this pick as we are!  Please join us by signing up on our Discussion Thread located HERE


[img width=295 height=295]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/658837031737556992/59SIwwNu.jpg[/img]


If you're not a subscriber to the N.A.R.C. (North American Retro Collective) podcast, then you might have missed the latest episode that came out this week.  Their October edition included two members of our site, Duke.Togo and singlebanana, who joined the N.A.R.C. guys to discuss RF Generation, RWX, their podcasts, recent video gaming news, their thoughts on Halloween, and of course participate in N.A.R.C. trivia.  How did ya boys do against their formidable N.A.R.C. foes, Chris and John?  Download the newest N.A.R.C. podcast HERE and find out.

Rip, Chris, and John put out a great show and if you like what you hear, please SUBSCRIBE and give them a follow @NARCpodcast.


[img width=427 height=427]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/717358826060587009/nG_iDZ1E.jpg[/img]


RetroWorld Expo is now only a few days away.  Any RFGeneration member planning on attending is invited to a special RFGen meetup at the humble home of wildbil52 on Thursday, October 13th.  There will be food, drink, indoor and outdoor games, and some other special events that you definitely won't want to miss.  If you're not able to meet up at Bil's house, be sure to stop by the RF Generation table at RWX and say hello to some of our site members.

Visit this thread, and let us know if you plan to attend: http://www.rfgeneration.c...topic=17432.msg242158#new

Also, there will be some fun games and events for attendees this year.  Shop for games, systems, and other video game related merchandise from many of the vendors on hand. Take a break in the arcade/pinball lounge or head over to the tabletop section to compete. Listen to the live bands, attend the auction, or make some music of your own at the karaoke happy hour.  All of this and more at the 2016 Retro World Expo. Be There!!

For a complete list of Exhibitors, Vendors, Bands, and more happening at RWX, check out http://www.RetroWorldExpo.com



[img width=700 height=591]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/collections/necrom99/Vectrex.JPG[/img]

November 1, 2016 is International Play Your Vectrex Day! This is not your typical Vectrex Day this time around. As it was recently discovered, the Vectrex hit over 100 individual cartridge releases (official and homebrew) sometime within the last year.  Since it only took over 30 years for this to happen, let's all make this an extra special one to honor of our favorite (and only) home vector console!

[img width=700 height=158]http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag160/TrekMD/Banners/Vectrex%20Day%20Forum%20Banner_zpscwl2uu4p.png[/img]

To join in on International Play Your Vectrex Day:

1. Play your Vectrex on November 1, 2016;
2. Keep track of what you played; and
3. Edit the Vectrex wiki page or contact Vectorguy via private message and he will enter it for you.
4. Have fun!



[img width=700 height=393]http://www.boweryboogie.com/content/uploads/2014/11/iron-sheik.jpg[/img]

This September, we surpassed our total from August (1,357) with a total of 2,258 submissions. Of these entries, 2,091 games and 167 hardware items. Of these submissions, 643 were new images. Thanks to all who submitted items to our database in September! We appreciate your time and effort in keeping our site updated and making RF Generation one of the most accurate and useful communities on the Internet!

Our top submitters (those with a minimum of 50) for September were:
Bear78                                357
Bildtstar                              343
Schlibby                              215
matt                                    162
Kam1Kaz3 NL77                 129
Shadow Kisuragi                124
Pop Culture Portal                94
Peaky                                    81

Looks like we have a few new submitters. Thank you all for another great month of submissions!   

Top approvers for the month included:

Schlibby                             617
Shadow Kisuragi               472
Bildtstar                            295
Tynstar                                45
ApolloBoy                            37

Great work everyone! 


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Still no Father Jack. Hope he's ok
@Schlibby: Was about to say that myself. Glad I'm not the only one who's concerned about the padre.
Dang, I did a lot of submissions Tongue
@Bear78: Great job!

@Zagnorch: Starting to get a little concerned myself.
@Duke: Who has the story of the Dilly bar?

That was a great episode of the NARC podcast. It went off the rails quickly and everyone just went with it.

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