RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Mar 18th 2018 at 12:00:00 PM by (bombatomba)
Posted under New 2DS XL, New, TN, IPS, NKOTB,

[img width=600 height=600]http://i66.tinypic.com/2ni87dt.jpg[/img]

When the first real information hit, everyone thought the Big N had lost their marbles.  The 2DS, which was for all intents and purposes the whipping boy of the internet, was far from a success, and when the novelty of having a handheld game system shaped like a door wedge wore off it was almost never mentioned, save for Youtube personalities living with a two or three video a week release schedule, and during sales updates with an ever decreasing MSRP.

So, what happened when Nintendo announced they would release an "XL" version of the 2DS?  Disbelief for one, at least from this writer, but soon replaced by curiosity.  Could Nintendo actually take something that is almost universally regarded as a kid's toy and a bit of a failure and make it respectable?

Continue reading A Personal Look at the New 2DS XL

Posted on Mar 25th 2015 at 04:00:00 AM by (SirPsycho)
Posted under debate, sealed games, video games, old, new, retro, modern

[img width=350 height=465]http://i.imgur.com/DOFBV7N.jpg[/img]
Psycho cracks a seal!

Today marks our first point v. counterpoint article where two of our bloggers will go head-to-head to debate one of collecting's hottest topics: the state of collecting sealed games. In the red corner we have the man with the plan, the author of this statement, the most handsome man in the history of the universe, SirPsycho! And in the blue corner, we have the second most handsome man in the same history, slackur!

Continue reading RF Generation Blogger Point v. Counterpoint #1: Sealed Video Games

Posted on Aug 10th 2014 at 06:06:20 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under blog, front page, staff, announcement, address, state, new

[img width=700 height=379]http://www.steveboehlke.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/podium9.png[/img]

Dear Distinguished and Not-so Distinguished Members,

Recently, some of you (especially our older members) may have noticed a change to our home page. What once was a page filled primarily with announcements of podcasts and playthroughs, has been revamped with continually revolving feature stories of game reviews and video game related articles. Only a few days prior to the Metal Jesus video and Kotaku article releases that drove many members to our site, I spoke with Shadow Kisuragi about how I felt that the site was lacking in releasing quality gaming articles for our front page. Of course, Shadow (as he always is) was very receptive to my concern and agreed that we should do something to liven up the primary portal to our site. Little did I know, I would be asked to lead this charge....okay, so maybe I kind of knew.

Continue reading 2014 State of the Blog Address

Posted on Mar 3rd 2009 at 04:19:00 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, DB Staff, NEW

It is with great pleasure that I take this opportunity to welcome three new people to our DB Staff. These people have shown the drive and dedication that we've come to look for from our DB Staff, so we're elated to have them on board. Without further ado, here they are:

DB Reviewers

DB Contributor
Pop Culture Portal

We're really excited to have these three individuals on board. It's certainly a treat to have them accept the positions that they have, and we look forward to their work. I know that we can trust them to do a great job continuing to keep the databases moving forward!

Posted on Mar 9th 2008 at 04:02:37 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Statistics, NEW

Bored? Interested in knowing useless knowledge? Want to know how many total titles everyone owns? Well, you're in luck. Today we launch our new statistics page. Fun and exciting things lay there. Be sure to check them all out. Did you know that our collectors own on average about 270 titles? It's true, right now at least. What else could you learn from the statistics page? How normal are out collection's owned distribution? I don't know, and I don't believe that I'll attempt to code that. But, for those of you interested in other stats, check out the page, and keep it tuned to channel 3.

Stats Page

Posted on Dec 27th 2007 at 01:41:08 PM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Submissions System, Collection Tools, NEW

We programmers at RF Generation like to add new things. Tonight, we give you our Christmas Gift. Sure, it is not Christmas, but think of us as the side of the family you do not see on Christmas - the side who has no problem giving you that fruitcake for Christmas. In addition, similar to those gifts of old with the classic disclaimer "some assembly required", there may be some bugs. We're working hard to fix them, but if you see any let us know. Anyways, you probably would like to know what is new. Here is the short list:

  • Submissions System Improvements, as told by me:
    • Revamped Variations: We no longer discriminate variations. In addition, if you make a variation on one page it will make it also a variation on the other page.
    • Revamped Rating Systems: Does a game have more than one rating? Is the rating only valid for a few consoles? Well, we can accommodate both of those now.
    • Intelligent Submission: We figure out the region for you now. Of course, if something is realized regionwide, do let us know. We have also made the script intelligent so that selecting the country brings up corresponding countries and regions. You can now add variations across regions... because we want you to and we love you. In a platonic sense, of course.
    • Animated Flags: Game or Hardware released in more than one country? Now, the flag shows those countries, rather than the overall region
  • Collections System Improvements, as told by Eddie "The Black Perl" Herrmann:
    • You can now mark folders as "for sale" or "owned"
    • Trade Search feature now checks all folders marked "for sale"
    • All Collections page shows owned game totals
    • Statistics page updated with total owned game stats and QTY/BOX/MAN totals
    • Settings page added - can choose default region and ignore duplicates
    • Profile page added for profile stats and management
    • Simplified country/regions selection
    • Tools Page added - has links for random game selection, missing image search, collecton links, and trade match features

As a personal plea, please submit variation ties for games across regions. Adding it for one entry adds it for all. So please, please submit! You'll be my favorite member! Just kidding, you're all my favorite members. But seriously, do submit. It's fun.

If you find any bugs, let us know. From us to you, enjoy the new features, and stay tuned, you never know when that next new feature set will launch. It may be sooner than you think.

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