[img width=700 height=466]https://beta.techcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/pb070221.jpg[/img] When I first started collecting games for older consoles in a serious manner and came to the decision that I'd "get a full set," this was in the early 2000s. My young, optimistically naive self always had it in my mind that I would have that done in the matter of a year or two and then I'd "beat them all" and then simply move onto the SNES and repeat the process. The harsh reality quickly set in that this wasn't a feasible goal, but the idea never left my mind. In 2011, I was still hunting for NES carts to complete my set and had only dabbled in a small chunk of the library, which were both far cries from my original intentions, but that "beat them all" concept was still gnawing at me. So finally in October 2011, I decided to start keeping track of my journey for my personal posterity. I kept a google doc and recorded each game as I completed them. I started off with a 100 NES games in 100 days challenge to get the momentum really amped up. This is a lot easier than it may sound when you have the entire library to choose from. I could knock out games I was immensely familiar with in a single day and do some cursory research or pick games from genres I was comfortable with. I had so much fun with those first 100 games, it was honestly one of the most fun gaming experiences I've ever had. I jammed through Mega Man 1-6, Super Mario Bros 1-3, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1-3, all three Contra games, several of the Capcom Disney classics, and some personal favorites like Bubble Bobble, Ninja Gaiden, Batman, Little Samson, Dr. Mario, MC Kids, Tiny Toon Adventures, Kirby's Adventure, and others. I had a great time with all of those, but also had just as much fun with the discovery of games that were new to me for the first time. New favorites like Power Blade, Xexyz, Journey to Silius and Metal Storm started to emerge. I rediscovered childhood gems like Caveman Games, World Games, and Snoopy's Silly Sports Spectacular brought back waves of nostalgia (I have always had a soft spot for sport compilation games). But perhaps most interesting to me was all the new experiences I had completely missed out on. North and South was so weird yet compelling. Kickle Cubicle was similar enough to the Lolo series that it just fit like an old glove despite my lack of familiarity. Jaws had such a different vibe to it than most of the games I was used to playing that it really stuck with me. Circus Caper, on paper, sounds like something I should be into, but it was kind of a clunky beautiful mess. Why was that? Immediately after this challenge I thought again about my goal to "beat them all" and thought I should maybe try to beat some of the games that had reputations for being brutal, unfair or impossible. The internet being what it was at that time there was not a lot to go on in this department. Youtubers and listicles featured games like Silver Surfer, Ninja Gaiden, Ghosts n Goblins, Battletoads and the like. So I found out quite quickly that those lists/videos were not great sources of information and that there was still a significant amount of the NES library that got very little attention. Around this time Nintendoage was running a community challenge to see if the entire community could collectively beat the NES library in the course of a year. I dove head first into this challenge to contribute as much as I could and try to select games that others might ignore. Thankfully they continued this challenge each consecutive year and went above and beyond in collecting data about each game. Nowadays they even have each game in the library ranked from 1-10 in terms of how rarely each title has been beaten every year since they started collecting data. So over time genuinely difficult or obscure games are getting highlighted. Beyond that not every game has a well defined "ending" so with the help of the community over the years they've come up with a pretty comprehensive list of what is required for a game to be considered "beaten". It's been an invaluable resource as I've continued to dig deeper into the NES library. *Big props to scaryice (formerly of Nintendoage), who has been running that thread and collecting data even after Nintendoage disappeared on the newly minted videogamesage.com*Last year I ran my own version of this on rfgeneration, both as a fun community building project (which even though we came up a bit short of completion was a fantastic success in terms of players involved and NES discussion), and also as yet another way to motivate myself to continue on my quest to keep having fun playing NES games from my collection. I started a new job late 2019 which dramatically changed my lifestyle and I wasn't sure how much time I was going to have to contribute to this goal anymore. With some sacrifices, such as missing out on some really great Playcast games this year, I have been trying to stay focused on my NES playing and started off 2020 with a big old bang. Which leads me to this reason behind this blog post. Unofficially starting this around 2002-3, but actually starting in 2011 this pipe dream is just now feeling like it might be a reality at some point. Just one day ago I beat my 569th NES game. That sounds like a weird number to be excited about as a milestone....BUT if you remove from the list of total licensed games that were released in more than one format (Stadium Events/World Class Track Meet or Mike Tyson's Punchout!!/Punchout!! featuring Mr. Dream) that leaves you with exactly 100 games left. 669 games always felt daunting and honestly overwhelming so I tried not to think to hard about it. I made smaller goals for myself and helped other communities reach their goals which simultaneously chipped way at one of mine. 100 games though. That feels very achievable. That's something I've done in about 3 months more than once in the past. I have a great new wave of excitement, and enthusiasm towards this goal that I can honestly say I didn't have just a few games ago. It's by no means a given as I've still got a small handful of games that will truly challenge my skills, a few in genres that I'm a relatively weak player in and a few games that I honestly don't quite know what to expect from. But on the other hand I didn't want my final 100 to be all unknowns so I purposefully have been holding back several games I very much expect to enjoy, a few that I beat before I started this challenge and know I can do again and a couple soft ball games should I just need quick pick me up if my progress starts to get stagnant. I'm very happy and excited about the final 100 games I've left for myself. Thanks so much to all of you for supporting me in this goal over the past decade + and I'll need that support more than ever going forward to make this happen. Beaten Since Oct.8th 2011 ( click on a title to see the video) Super Mario BrosSuper Mario Bros 2Super Mario Bros 3Mega ManMega Man 2Mega Man 3Mega Man 4Mega Man 5Mega Man 6CastlevaniaAdventures in the Magic KingdomDuck TalesDuck Tales 2Chip 'n Dale Rescue RangersChip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2Felix the CatBugs Bunny Birthday BlowoutRen and Stimpy Show: Buckaroo$Double DragonContraSuper CContra ForcePower BladePower Blade 2Dynowarz: The Destruction of SpondylusMetal StormJourney to SiliusAir FortressTeenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesBlaster MasterTeenage Mutant Ninja Turltes 2Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3Legendary WingsBreakThruCommandoGuerrilla WarWorld GamesSnoopy's Silly Sports SpectacularCaveman GamesDK ClassicsJawsNinja GaidenWhere's Waldo?Bonk's AdventurePanic RestaurantBubble Bobble 2Dr. MarioBubble BobbleMC KidsBatmanCircus CaperRoller GamesWidgetTiny Toon AdventuresTiny Toon Adventures 2The JetsonsThe Little MermaidMonster in my PocketGremlins 2Kirby's AdventureKickle CubicleKung FuYo! NoidXexyzPuss 'N Boots: Pero's Great AdventureWall Street KidThe Karate KidArchonGolfSuper DodgeballSuper Spike V'BallJakcie Chan's Action Kung FuThe Three StoogesIce HockeyTecmo BowlTrack & FieldMario BrosNARCNorth and SouthBarbieBattle ChessThe Simpsons: Bart vs. The WorldThe Flintstones: Surprise at Dinosaur PeakSnow BrothersLittle SamsonSky SharkNinja Gaiden IIMike Tyson's Punch OutThe Simpsons: Bart Meets Radioactive ManStarTropicsLittle Nemo: The Dream MasterRiver City RansomStarTropics 2: Zoda's RevengeThe Jungle BookCastlevania III Dracula's CurseMario is MissingBlades of SteelHogan's AlleyWild GunmanBurger TimeSilver SurferNinja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of DoomDouble Dragon II: The RevengeDouble Dragon III: The Sacred StonesGhosts n GoblinsTetrisPro WrestlingGradiusZanacAdventure IslandKarnovTrojanExcitebikeBaseballSpy HunterAdventure Island IITennisBattletoadsShadowgateBattletoads/Double DragonPinball QuestSection ZGodzillaHydlideMarble MadnessBack to the FutureDarkmanTerminator 2RobocopTotal RecallPredatorRobocop 2Robocop 3Hudson HawkHome AloneHome Alone 2Batman ReturnsGhostbusters IIGhostbustersDie HardA Nightmare on Elm StreetThe Krion ConquestAdventures of Dino RikiUltima: ExodusLegacy of the WizardUltima: Quest of the AvatarDarkwing DuckUltima: Warriors of DestinyLegends of the DiamondPro Sports HockeyDusty Diamond's All-Star SoftballYoshi's CookieKick MasterZombie NationStadium EventsSuper Jeopardy!JoustYoshiDance AerobicsAdventures of Bayou BillyPipe DreamsSki or DieWerewolf: The Last WarriorSimpsons: Bart vs The Space MutantsCity ConnectionAmerican GladiatorsRoundball 2-on-2 Challenge720Athletic WorldSuper Team GamesRomance of the Three KingdomsGumshoeBases LoadedThe Addams Family Pugsley's Scavenger HuntKings of the BeachThe Blues BrothersVolley BallLode Runner3D World RunnerTwin EagleDragon's LairThe Adventures of Rad GravityBreak Time: The National Pool TourBases Loaded IIRainbow IslandsConquest of the Crystal PalacePeter Pan And The PiratesKid Kool and the Quest for the Seven Wonder HerbsAdvanced Dungeons & Dragons: Dragon StrikeSlalomWrath of the Black MantaRace AmericaTreasure MasterKrusty's Fun HouseKing's KnightMighty Bomb JackBases Loaded 3CastelianFlying Dragon: The Secret ScrollDirty HarryConanCobra TriangleSpider Man Return of the Sinister SixTag Team WrestlingEliminator Boat DuelGalaxy 5000George Foreman's KO BoxingFerrari Grand Prix ChallengeThunder & LightningHeavy Shreddin'Flying WarriorsRocket RangerRoger Clemens MVP BaseballBill & Ted's Excellent Video Game AdventureDestination EarthstarStreet CopShort Order/EggsplodeStar VoyageurDays of ThunderLaser InvasionSilent ServiceBack to the Future 2 & 3OverlordHigh SpeedSesame Street CountdownTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tournament FightersShooting RangeSpace Shuttle ProjectDouble DareWin, Lose or DrawOthelloWhomp EmDragon FighterBugs Bunny's Crazy CastleFamily FeudTale SpinPlatoonGotcha!Gun SmokeKiwi Kraze10 Yard FightTom & JerryWrecking CrewHatrisTime LordOrb 3DWheel of Fortune JrWheel of Fortune Family EditionCaptain America and the AvengersWheel of FortuneWheel of Fortune Featuring Vanna WhiteThe Adventures of Rocky & BullwinkleBo Jackson BaseballJeopardy! JrJeopardy!Jeopardy! 25th AnniversaryCowboy KidCrash n The Boys: Street ChallengeGalagaColor A DinosaurMillipedePopeyeSesame Street 123Sesame Street ABCSesame Street Hide & SpeakSoccerClassic ConcentrationFisher Price I Can RememberFisher Price Perfect FitMickey's Safari in LetterlandMickey's Adventure in NumberlandNES Open GolfPictionaryChessmasterAnticipationDK Jr MathDonkey Kong 3Urban ChampionBalloon FightPinballQixHollywood SquaresTwin CobraFlintstones Rescue of Dino & HoppyTiger-HeliWinter GamesNES World Cup SoccerDefender IIM.U.S.C.L.E.MTV's Remote ControlSpot The Video GameSpy vs SpyTaboo The Sixth SenseGemfireMonopolyLegend of the Ghost LionJackalRad RacerRad Racer IIArch RivalsDeja VuNightshadeMickey MousecapadeKing's Quest VVegas DreamsMagic Johnson's Fast BreakTouchdown FeverCaesar's PalaceCasino KidPrincess Tomato in the Salad KingdomVideomationBram Stoker's DraculaBucky O'HareThe Incredible Crash DummiesJoe & MacTotally RadLifeforceWolverineManiac MansionPuzznicTrack & Field IISwords & SerpentsTombs & TreasuresAdvanced Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes of the LanceTokiZen: Intergalactic NinjaToxic CrusadersShadow of the NinjaThe UntouchablesShingen The RulerBad DudesPhantom FighterThunderbirdsRomance of the Three Kingdoms IILunar PoolGenghis KhanKid IcarusDragon SpiritBatman Return of the JokerDr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeStarship HectorRockin' KatsRally BikeSuper Spy HunterSolar Jetman: Hunt for the Golden WarpshipFlight of the Intruder1942Monster Party1943Deadly TowersSolomon's KeyX-MenMission ImpossibleRobo WarriorMetal MechMotor City PatrolT&C Surf Design II: Thrilla's SurfariThe Last NinjaLethal WeaponSilk WormHookStealth ATFThe Hunt for Red OctoberBoulder DashWizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad OverlordDigger T. RockAlfred ChickenAthenaDig Dug II [URL=https://youtu.be/uRtt86sZpIg]Danny Sullivan’s Indy HeatWacky RacesBigfootRaid on Bungeling BayMs. Pac ManMonster Truck RallyStingerWizardry: Knight of DiamondsIndiana Jones and the Temple of DoomSqoonMappy LandNinja KidF-15 Strike EagleBard's TaleBases Loaded 4Jimmy Connors TennisAll Pro BasketballBad News BaseballStar WarsEmpire Strikes BackAdventure Island 3Defenders of Dynatron CitySwamp ThingMad MaxDragon WarriorAttack of the Killer TomatoesCaptain Planet and the PlaneteersJames Bond Jr.Cool WorldAdvanced Dungeons & Dragons: Pool of RadianceAdventures of Gilligan's IslandFist of the North StarYoung Indiana Jones ChroniclesRobin Hood: Prince of ThievesPower Punch IIMichael Andretti’s World GPCastlequestDay Dreamin’ DaveySuper CarsThe Lone RangerArkanoidSnake Rattle n RollGolgo 13TrogLemmingsCaptain SkyhawkAbadoxCybernoid: The Fighting MachineCyberballHarlem GlobetrottersNFL FootballRollerblade RacerMagmaxCabalSeicrossKarate ChampWWF WrestlemaniaWWF Wrestlemania ChallengeBurai FighterHoopsThundercadeCliffhangerJordan vs Bird: One on OneImage FightLee Trevino's Fighting GolfMuppet Adventures Chaos at the CarnivalGolf PowerMechanized AttackLast Action HeroThe PunisherOperation WolfCode Name: ViperAlien 3The Addams FamilyUltimate BasketballGolf Grand SlamPaperboyPaperboy 2AmagonBombermanCastle of DragonCobra CommandDefender of the CrownRamboBarker Bill’s Trick ShootingFun HouseDash Galaxy in the Alien AsylumDick TracyA Boy and His BlobFreedom ForceWho Framed Roger Rabbit?World ChampIndiana Jones and the Last CrusadeRampageLow G-ManM.U.L.E.Goal!Goal! 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That's so awesome!! I should try beating more of the NES library. What are the 100 games left? I'm excited to see this play out!
@shaggy: This is what's left for me as of today:
Bandit Kings of Ancient China Baseball Simulator 1.000 Base Wars - Cyber Stadium Series Battle of Olympus, The Battleship Battle Tank Bill Elliott's Nascar Challenge Blue Marlin Championship Pool Clash at Demonhead Clu Clu Land Conflict Crystalis Demon Sword Dragon Warrior II Dragon Warrior III Dragon Warrior IV Duck Hunt Dungeon Magic Evert & Lendl Top Player's Tennis F-117A Stealth Fighter Faxanadu Formula 1: Built to Win Friday the 13th Gauntlet Gauntlet II Ghoul School Goonies II , The Guardian Legend, The Gyromite Ikari Warriors Ikari Warriors II: Victory Road Ikari Warriors III: The Rescue Immortal, The Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Ubisoft) Infiltrator Ivan "Iron Man" Stewart's Super Off-Road Jack Nicklaus' Major Championship Golf Kung Fu Heroes Last Starfighter, The Legend of Zelda, The Little League Baseball: Championship Series Little Ninja Brothers LoopZ Mach Rider Mafat Conspiracy: Golgo 13 II, The Magician Magic of Scheherazade Metal Gear Metroid Might & Magic: Secret of the Inner Sanctum Milon's Secret Castle Miracle Piano Teaching System Mutant Virus, The NES Play Action Football Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing Nobunaga's Ambition Nobunaga's Ambition II Palamedes Pinbot Pirates! Q*Bert R.C. Pro-Am II R.C. Pro-Am Racing Racket Attack Rampart Rollerball Rygar Side Pocket Skate Or Die 2 Sky Kid Smash T.V. Snake's Revenge: Metal Gear II Solstice Spelunker Stack-Up Star Force Star Soldier Star Trek: 25th Anniversary Star Trek: The Next Generation Super Glove Ball Tecmo Baseball Tecmo Cup Soccer Tecmo NBA Basketball Tecmo Super Bowl Tecmo World Wrestling Times of Lore Top Gun: The Second Mission To the Earth Town & Country Surf Designs Track & Field II (Redo Video) Ultimate Air Combat Uncharted Waters Uninvited Wario's Woods Wayne's World Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? World Championship Wrestling Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
@Crabmaster2000: That's an awesome feat! You know we're all rooting for you to beat the whole set!
I was surprised looking through the games you have left to beat that there are still quite a few good games left. I thought you'd be scraping the bottom of the barrel by now.
@Disposed Hero: I was very careful to not let that happen. Currently very much loving Dragon Warrior II at the moment 
I'm actually surprised at the list. Some of those games are slogs, but you have a lot of really fun games in there that are more about time commitment than attrition. I guess I figured it would have been the opposite, kind of like how the 2019 Challenge turned out. But man, Zelda 1 and 2, Demonhead, Kung Fu Heroes, Metal Gear 1 and 2, Olympus, Mafat Conspiracy, Rygar... And the list goes on.
Of course, Ikari I is in there, and I hope you post a video on your Youtube channel for that one (smashed my head against that one for a week). Man, I really dislike that game. Only game on the SNK Anniversary I couldn't finish.
@bombatomba: I'll definitely post a video of Ikari when it's done. Just havnt been in the mindset for a hard as hell game like that during quarantine so instead I've been enjoying some RPGs at the moment. Ikari Warriors, Q Bert, Championship Pool and Mutant Virus are the only games left on my list that I have some worry about actually beating.
Good luck with the last 100 games!
80 hours of miracle piano awaits you
That's quite a list. You're a beast my man. Respect.
@Schlibby:bring it on!
@Cowtipp Neo:thanks!
@Crabmaster2000: You have some great games left! You are in for a treat!
Can you even beat Duck Hunt?
@shaggy: For games like Duck Hunt that don't have typical endings the goal is usually to play the game until it loops stages/enemies and have the highest score on the leaderboard
Excellent work. I remember you starting a lot this back when, and it doesn't seem like it's been that long. Curious to see what you'll save until last, but may I suggest Wario's Woods as it also being the last NA NES game released?
@Duke.Togo: a keen eye with some personal knowledge of my collecting journey could probably sleuth out the game I'm saving for last 
100 games left? Amazing! I know it's going to take me a very long time to get through the entire Game Boy library, and I don't even intend to "beat" every game, because as far as I'm concerned, they're not all worth the time to do so. But I'm hoping to beat as many as I can, and at least make a good effort. A word on Ikari Warriors - isn't that port broken, and not possible to "beat" without invincibility, or some kind of cheat code? I thought it had some kind of bug that made it essentially unbeatable, unless I've read/heard wrong.
@MetalFRO: it's a bit of a mess, but possible to beat without the ABBA code. It's been done by a couple people that I'm aware of. It's just going to take a lot of dedication for one game.
@Crabmaster2000:Really? Seems an interesting one to save for last, but I hope you enjoy the coup de gras.
@Duke.Togo: it feels like the right game for me to end on 
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