RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Jan 17th 2018 at 01:00:00 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under People of RF Generation, NeoMagicWarrior, Gundam style, cleaning sucks, Never gonna give you up

[img width=608 height=256]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_ySPSYPEMMj0ymOCD9-0j8I72SXp3QOSV0VU4lBt_63JKbZhh9piJu5yvcfDVfBkBLK7P_c1NmJL0ZyoF1aL68SvvGUDxoc4Kg3Kbngwg78PIRWYm7zmuR9nscLbhh4gN7PV0p4Q4-D0-RL4kAz25wzVLgghF43zoKrfNEVianMLHP03bJvG8zTXZxTz1Ez-lxwSwz9D2DA-Kull-waSBCdRHUGl6g06QkNHt8L19HtR8V6fmwELNAizxNzdfCecyjerVtbON6FA3fsoELFsMBcAeedqHulyPUW-lD6CUPKPsSASbHN6u8ekpQHijhzqQliBrvLurK_sFBhkqGpd3SVJgsLwufFEJnegr2T2U92lI9l2WitP8aBIHLeP08Dl-TqNwqLmj63t0dsQLG8RdaLvTKscV8_NSK-y0ilQ_EJZ5E_2pwuIAyWQG-0PUboaic_9WVpx3BsvcZ7wxWddaJPUELM_5c0idadFYSC5855WksLKbT5n4yqUGGFNsDtynvmdxEB6WwYjMl8IxGxlXVsEXhth1AOJquGhU0fLBqLOoa7TBgcjsSa1_zpnvABrlwXfpCy_uMbhVrgxs2klLJlqdgAj-DJNrGdtq9kawbeSI9Hmzlpa1TlLRoixOazSQcnB0GGTVXrQ1PyItXeQ41BVEC5W_WzZJg=w608-h256-no[/img]

Continue reading The People of RF Generation - NeoMagicWarrior

Posted on May 30th 2017 at 12:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under game room, NeoMagicWarrior, setup, collection, photos

[img width=700 height=393]http://i.imgur.com/iVy5wqM.jpg[/img]
Where the NeoMagicWarrior magic happens...hey, I'm talking about video game magic you sicko!

Welcome to the first installment of my new series where we take a look at some of our site members gaming spaces!  I was overjoyed by the excited messages that I got from several of our members regarding this project and I hope that it will not only entertain, but make us closer as a community.  I had several great ideas for titles for this series (thanks to bickman2k for the main inspiration), and I had a good number of members asking to be featured in upcoming months. Rest assured, if you contacted me or posted in the comments section regarding featuring your game room, I have you on my list and will contact you when your name is up.

During this series, I hope that you gain some new perspectives on game room and console set ups, storage ideas, and an insight on what makes each space work for its owner.  And who knows, you may even want to steal borrow some ideas to implement in your game room, or future gaming area. I hope that you will participate in the comments section and interact with each owner by asking them questions or discussing the features that you like.

**If you are a member and have a game room or gaming area that you would like to share, please send a PM to singlebanana and I will add you to our list.**

Continue reading A Wild Game Room Owner Appears! starring NeoMagicWarrior - Episode #1

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