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Posted on Feb 5th 2008 at 01:08:51 PM by (OatBob)
Posted under Site News, Weekly Features, Rez, N2O, Nitrous Oxide, Neo Geo Pocket Color, NGPC, sharp, synesthesia

This week we get to play another game, YAY!  The surprise is that this game is so much more.  You'll see and hear bright colors, and touch the music, as it pulses to your head.  You too can experience synesthesia, and you won't need sex or drugs to get there.  Rez is a shooter like no other.  Hold the fire button and aim at multiple targets to lock on, but releasing it will destroy them in sequence with the music.  The background oscillates with to the music, and whatever haptic feedback device you're using will also pulse to the music; be it the controller in your hands, a secondary controller in your lap, or the trance vibrator in your pocket or resting under the sole of your foot.  Level up and your wire-frame man will gain polygons, and guide him through the techno landscape of cyberspace to free 'eden' from the system.

The Neo Geo Pocket Color catches our eye as this week's hardware feature.  Sure, color portables have existed before this, but SNK's experience with arcade gaming ensures we can bring those bright, flashy, and intense hues with us anywhere we go. 

The featured image this week comes from yet another colorful game.  N2O Nitrous Oxide is a tube shooter along the likes of Tempest or Gyruss.  Where it deviates is its use of bright colors and hypnotizing soundtrack.  Don't play it too long though, as you'll end up with tunnel vision for some time afterwards.

Finally, our featured collection belongs to sharp, a member of the RFgen community who's been here from almost the beginning.  This Nederlander has a lot of games for SNK systems, showing that gaming exists beyond Sega, Nintendo, and other modern parties.

Until next time, stay tuned to channel 3...

Posted on Jul 23rd 2007 at 07:44:04 PM by (Mezmoron)
Posted under Site News, Site News, Features, Handhelds, Tiger, Pinball, Harry Potter, Neo Geo Pocket Color


Another week means another week of features!  This week, we will take a look at a small part of the handheld market.  The featured game this month is Pinball.  This is a very quirky game where you get to play Pinball anywhere you want!  Well, in 1987, it was an awesome idea.  There have been many times that this game had kept me busy.  Okay, it still does sometimes!

The featured image of the week is from the Nintendo DS game Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.  I figured that since the new movie was released and the last book hit the shelves, it'd be a good time to feature one of the Harry Potter games.  The game is based off of the fourth book.  Although a tad easy in gameplay, it is a fun game to play through, especially if you like the Harry Potter series.

Our featured hardware is the poor Neo Geo Pocket Color.  The Neo Geo Pocket Color was a much maligned system that either came out too early or too late.  No one really seems to know.  It had some great games, like Bust-a-Move and Baseball Stars.  I think the biggest thing that hurt it was the price point of the parallel console system.  Many people equated Neo Geo with expensive.  That is why I have dubbed this system poor.

The featured collection this week goes to epv39.  Epv39 has quite a handheld collection, not to mention one of the cleanest and most organized collections on the site.  Take a look!

I think you all would agree that this is a very special week for the features.  I think this is the first time a game was featured that wasn't plugged into a console.  Make sure to check out the forums and keep it tuned in to channel 3!

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