RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Feb 1st 2011 at 09:43:50 AM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Podcast, rf generation, nation, guest

We have a new episode out with our first interview. This is another first for us, both on our delivery and for the recording itself. Please let us know if you had any issues actually hearing anything as well as any topic suggestions, interview suggestions, or anything else you want us to talk about in the locations below.

The Episode:
  • 0:00: Intro
  • 0:57: ReddMcKnight Interview
  • 7:39: What's New on Channel 3?
  • 8:32: Gaming News
  • 26:52: Gaming Shoutout!/I'm Sorry...
  • 36:50: Top 5
  • 37:40: Outro

You can comment in the forums, comment in this blog post, e-mail us, and even call us. We hope to be able to take your quick questions over any subject via e-mail at podcast@rfgeneration.com. You can also call us and leave a message! We can play your question or comment in the episode and we'll even respond to it! That number is (318) RFG-TIP5 or (318) 734-8475.

Here is the forum thread to comment: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=10730.0

The podcast, as usual, can be found and subscribed at http://rfgeneration.podomatic.com as well as in iTunes!

Posted on Jan 14th 2011 at 03:07:20 AM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Podcast, rf generation, nation, gaming history museum,

What's this? A new episode within 30 days of the last one? That's right! With the new year, we're going to try to get on a schedule!

The Episode:
  • 0:00: Intro
  • 1:26: Site News
  • 2:23: Gaming News and Discussion
  • 26:13: Gaming History Museum
  • 29:39: Top 5
  • 30:24: Outro

You can comment in the forums, comment in this blog post, e-mail us, and even call us. We hope to be able to take your quick questions over any subject via e-mail at podcast@rfgeneration.com. You can also call us and leave a message! We can play your question or comment in the episode and we'll even respond to it! That number is (318) RFG-TIP5 or (318) 734-8475.

Here is the forum thread to comment: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=10730.0

The podcast, as usual, can be found and subscribed at http://rfgeneration.podomatic.com as well as in iTunes!

EDIT: Going to try this. PodOmatic has an embedded player if you don't want to go to the site or use iTunes.

Posted on Dec 31st 2010 at 01:23:46 AM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Podcast, rf generation, nation, awards, year in review

So, we made it. Our last episode of 2010 is here! We decided to do a little year in review episode complete with awards just as meaningful as the Spike VGAs! We have a little discussion and each of us has our viewpoint (as usual), but we also want your input on what you thought of this year in gaming! We didn't go the normal route of "Best game of the year", but once you check out our categories, we'd love to hear what you think about things. Did you agree? Disagree? Were we way off? Or do you have something else entirely that you think fits?

You can comment in the forums, comment in this blog post, e-mail us(!), and even call us(!!!). We hope to be able to take your quick questions over any subject via e-mail at podcast@rfgeneration.com. You can also call us and leave a message! We can play your question or comment in the episode and we'll even respond to it! That number is (318) RFG-TIP5 or (318) 734-8475.

Here is the forum thread to comment: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=10730.0

The podcast, as usual, can be found and subscribed at http://rfgeneration.podomatic.com as well as in iTunes!

Posted on Nov 3rd 2010 at 06:40:19 AM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Podcast, rf generation, nation

Well, this episode took a lot longer than everyone was hoping. We had some things planned that didn't pan out, but we also have some cool new features that will help make the future episodes even better!

0:54 - What's New on Channel 3?
1:17 - Gaming News
12:15 - PlayStation Move/Kinect talk
28:53 - Brand Old Game: Eternal Darkness
36:57 - Top 5
37:37 - Outro

You can now comment in the forums, comment in this blog post, e-mail us(!), and even call us(!!!). We hope to be able to take your quick questions over any subject via e-mail at podcast@rfgeneration.com. You can also call us and leave a message! We can play your question or comment in the episode and we'll even respond to it! That number is (318) RFG-TIP5 or (318) 734-8475.

EDIT: Here is the forum thread to comment: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=10730.0

The podcast, as usual, can be found and subscribed at http://rfgeneration.podomatic.com as well as in iTunes!

Posted on Sep 23rd 2010 at 06:31:45 AM by (bickman2k)
Posted under podcast, rf generation, nation

Well, this one is much longer than the first episode, we cover some recent and some retro, and the audio, well, it's clear! Thanks to den68 for the iTunes logo! Here's the breakdown:

Topic List
Our Gaming Past
What's New On RF Generation?
Anniversary Spectacular
Brand Old Game - Gate of Thunder
Top 5

Catch it here: http://rfgeneration.podomatic.com or subscribe to us on iTunes!

As always, we're happy to hear from you guys about topics, questions, comments, suggestions, etc. either here in the blog comments or in the RF Generation Podcast thread found here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=10730.0

Posted on Sep 9th 2010 at 07:48:27 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Podcast, rfgeneration, nation, ideas

So, the first episode has been released, I'm going to be working on getting it up on iTunes for easier subscribing, and now it's time for you guys to chime in for an upcoming episode. (We have the next episode blocked out and should be recording very soon!)

What we want from you is to ask us some questions. slackur and I both agreed that there should be some sort of an introductory episode that lets you know just where we are coming from when we are giving our opinions. The time between our ages is about the same as a console generation, so while we have probably played many of the same games, we are bound to have different viewpoints on different games and topics. So, we would like to get some input from you (yeah, you, the listener!) about what you want to know about us. We'll be answering your questions in an upcoming episode. You can comment here or in the thread here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=10781.0

Look for more episodes soon (with your input!) and don't forget to keep it on channel 3!

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