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Posted on Dec 23rd 2007 at 07:13:45 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sega, Xbox 360, Rez HD, MUST BUY GAME

The first glimpse at Rez HD for the Xbox 360 (distributed via Xbox Live Arcade) in action has been unleashed onto the internet by GameVideos. Rez HD looks like it will become the version of Rez to get due to its low price, and superior visuals to the PS2 and Dreamcast versions.  Or, if you don't like downloadable titles or don't think they count as "having" the game, then go for the PS2 version as it runs much faster than the Dreamcast one and has better audio thanks to the PS2's optical audio output. Anyways, check out the footage of Rez HD for the Xbox 360 right here:

You can also check out these videos in high definition:

Area 1:
Quicktime format
Windows Media format

Area 2:
Quicktime format
Windows Media format

All you 360 owners out there who have never played Rez (damn near all of you I bet), you must buy this when it comes out. Rez is one of the most original and enjoyable games ever created, and your purchase may persuade Sega to make a sequel (at least I hope).

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