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Posted on Mar 2nd 2008 at 11:21:04 PM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Jerks, Mr. McDouche, NO 360 FOR YOU!, Xbox 360

Christmas is supposed to be a happy time when you are a kid. It doesn't become faceless until you're older, but as a kid, it's quite the magical time, normally. Unfortunately, there is the Grinch. You know the being. Green, evil, that guy. Well, apparently, the grinch struck this Christmas, and it wasn't very nice.

See, the video? The kid's name is Jonathan. He got a box for Christmas. Upon taking off the wrapping, he found that it was a 360 Arcade box. Most people, including Jonathan, would be elated that they were getting a new gaming system to play on, but there seemed to be something wrong with the picture. Upon opening the box Jonathan found that there was in fact no 360 in the box but rather CLOTHES! How evil. Dreadfully evil. Certainly, someone in this story has no heart.

Thankfully, lots of people do, and have contacted the family to get the kid a 360. Kudos to Microsoft for offering to help, but it looks as though Engadget has this debacle covered.

What a mean thing to do to a kid on Christmas. I hope the Grinch in this story grows a heart.

Worst parents in the world punk kid into thinking he got an Xbox 360 [Engadget]

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