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Posted on Nov 11th 2007 at 09:10:54 PM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Microsoft Owns You, Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony, Shaft

[img align=right width=200]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/538275589473727706723cred-ring-of-death-rrod.jpg[/img]
Well, some of you may be aware of the Spike TV Video Game Awards. It's pretty much a show of which games are the most violent, bloody games on the market, not necessarily the best, unless of course you thoroughly enjoy only violent, mature games. Certainly, this list is a reflection of our culture's Roman Tendencies. I thoroughly look forward to the day when I can watch prisoner's fight to the death against each other at the local stadium. I hope they are given random weapons, ranging from truly awesome to absolutely absurd. Who wants to fight to the death with a rubber chicken? Certainly, I do not.

So yeah, without further ado, here is are the nominations for the Game of the Year:

Game of the Year
BioShock (360)
Halo 3 (360)
Mass Effect (360)
The Orange Box (360)

Hmm... how, Microsoft skewed. Apparently Microsoft is kick ass in the violence department. The rest of the nominations are found after the jump.

Continue reading Spike's VG Award Nominees Are Up

Posted on Nov 7th 2007 at 12:09:53 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, EA, Def Jam, Fight Night, SHUT DOWN

In a surprising move, EA has shut down their Chicago studio and is moving its 150+ employees to other studios owned by them. In a company memo, Frank Gibeau (President of EA Games) mentioned that the reason the studio will be shut down is that it has not been profitable and is not expected to be profitable. What's really strange about the whole situation is that they only started in 2004 and have done just two games, Fight Night Round 3 and Def Jam Icon. I don't understand why EA would close down a studio after only two games.

The future of their in-development games (a Def Jam Icon sequel and a Marvel comics fighting game using the Def Jam Icon/Fight Night Round 3 engine) is unknown. However, I do hope the those two games get made because I LOVED Def Jam Icon (the demo at least) and I would love to see a game using Marvel characters made with that same engine. It could be especially fun with all the environmental damage and weapons found in Icon, like throwing people into the car wash or into a gas pump.

If you have a Playstation 3 or an Xbox 360, consider checking out Fight Night Round 3 and Def Jam Icon as both games are quite fun.

So, best of luck EA Chicago employees. Hope the closure doesn't hit you too hard.

Posted on Nov 6th 2007 at 09:43:35 PM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Mobile Phones, MARKETING MACHINE ACTIVATE, Just plain awesome, RASTA STYLE

So, I was checking out Surfer Girl Reviews Star Wars for the latest insider gaming information, and she posted this YouTube video, claiming it was the best game trailer ever. Reluctantly, I played the clip. Five seconds in, my head asploded...

Believe? Mad World? FORGET THAT! They aren't Rasta Style, now are they? That's right, a Bob Marley mobile phone game based on crappy flash games. I...I...I can't believe that Hudson got the rights to use Bob Marley's likeness for this "game".

You know, this is why the gaming industry is going down the crapper these days. People are willing to make crappy games for a quick buck, even if it means raping the legacy of a legendary person.

Posted on Nov 2nd 2007 at 07:24:43 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Microsoft, Xbox 360, Sony, Playstation 3, EA, Harmonix, Rock Band, Best Buy, eBay

Some lucky guy in Marina, California managed to snag Rock Band early from the local Best Buy there. Instead of setting the game up as a demo, the Best Buy accidentally put it out for sale. This guy, "timenz", spotted it, bought it, and put it up on eBay. Needless to say, EA was not very pleased by this at all and gave the man a call asking him to return the game to the store. However, he did not do that. Then he got a call from Best Buy saying that if he returned it, he would receive a full refund and a $100 gift card, but he still refused to do it. He kept the eBay listing up, and now it is going for $326 (as of the time this article was posted).

So, fellow gamer nerds, what would you do in this situation? Auction it or return it for $100?

I'd auction it. He's doing quite well for himself if I must say so myself.

Source: Engadget.

Posted on Nov 1st 2007 at 09:36:24 PM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Playstation 3, Tony is one letter away from Sony, MARKETING MACHINE ACTIVATE

Typically I wouldn't cover ad campaigns, but I felt this one was kind of important to cover. Not just because it's Sony (admittedly, that's a part of it), but because this new campaign Sony is going to roll out is perhaps one of the best I've seen backing a game console.

As many of you may remember, PS3 ads from last year were filled with creepy babies, exploding Rubix Cubes, and eggs. Those ads caught a lot of heat for not showing off any games or being too artsy. Regardless, I thought they were alright in a David Lynchian abstract kind of way (speaking of David Lynch, look up his ads for the PS2, they're awesome).

However on Playstation.Blog, Peter Dille, Senior Vice President, Marketing & PLAYSTATION Network, announced the beginning of a new era in PS3 ads. No more abstract ads like last year, now there will be ads actually showing off games, the online capabilities, and other features of the system. As Peter said "The games are here, the price point is now $399 and we wanted to make the news loud and clear. But we need to deliver that in a way that befits the PlayStation brand." So, the result is this new ad:


Perhaps the best console ad ever. It's so damn good it makes me want to get another PS3. Peter also says that more ads are on the way, including ads that feature "upcoming third-party exclusives such as Haze from Ubisoft and Metal Gear Solid 4 from Konami" and "other great PS3 games like Burnout Paradise, WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2008, Assassin's Creed, Madden NFL 08 and Time Crisis 4." Also, Peter stated that this new campaign is the most expensive they have ever done for hardware. Looks like Sony is trying to finally pick up the ball they dropped with the PS3 launch and everything leading up to it.

Let me just say, BRAVO SONY! Way to get your head out of your ass and make some ads that people are actually PRAISING!

Posted on Oct 30th 2007 at 03:50:28 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Microsoft, Xbox 360, Bioware, Mass Effect, MARKETING MACHINE ACTIVATE

Following in the steps of the Halo 3 Future Weapons special on the Discovery Channel, the Sci-Fi Channel will be airing a special on the making of the hotly anticipated game on November 20th at 10PM (that's Central time because it's the only time that matters). Some details on the special can be found on Sci-Fi Channel's website. Nothing really is known about the special other than it will be on Sci-Fi, will show a look behind the game, and they will be giving away copies of the game. Very descriptive, I know.

Posted on Oct 30th 2007 at 03:40:20 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Playstation 3, Playstation Network, ReVolt, Nostalgia

So, I was browsing the interwebs today, and I saw an article on Kotaku which mentioned Re-Volt in the headline. My first thought when I saw it was "OMFG!! NEXT GEN RE-VOLT!?!" but then I calmed down once I saw the article is about a new downloadable game from Sony and Game Republic called Toy Home. Skeptical about Kotaku's claim that it looks like a next-gen Re-Volt, I decided to check out the video, and lo and behold, it is!

The game, which will be released on the Playstation Store for Playstation 3, is a racing/combat game, in which you drive as supercharged wind-up cars through in evironments such as a kid's room, what looks like a daycare center, and a living room (I think).

Here is the trailer for the game:


Also, if you've never heard of Re-Volt, you owe it to yourself to hunt it down on either PC, Sega Dreamcast, Sony Playstation, or Nintendo 64. I give it my stamp of approval (mainly the PC and Dreamcast versions, as the PS1 has some trouble running it).

Posted on Oct 28th 2007 at 06:47:42 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Nintendo, Wii, Wii Remote Jacket, Lawsuit Preventor, Protection, A HORRIBLE Attempt At Humor

Today in the mail, I got a package from everyone's favorite console maker, Nintendo. Enclosed in the package were four of their new (undoubtedly court mandated) silicone Wii Remote Jackets. Now if you didn't know, because people are still morons with their Wii Remotes and throw them around like they are spears, Nintendo had to step in yet again to help save people from themselves with the all-new Wii Remote Jacket.

[img width=250 height=188]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/Tondog/wiimotejacket/jacketfront.jpg[/img][img width=250 height=188]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/Tondog/wiimotejacket/jacketside.jpg[/img][img width=250 height=188]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/Tondog/wiimotejacket/jacketback.jpg[/img]

However all is not well in the world of Nintendo. The Wii Remote Jacket has some serious issues.

First off, the new jackets cover up damn near half of the IR sensor on the front of the Wii Remote.

[img width=250 height=188]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/Tondog/wiimotejacket/wiimotesensor.jpg[/img][img width=250 height=188]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/Tondog/wiimotejacket/wiimotejacketsensor.jpg[/img]

This is not a major problem, but based on my observations in the sensitivity adjustment area of the Wii, when you have a low sensitivity and are a fair distance from the "sensor bar," having the jacket on the Wiimote will affect how well the signal from the sensor bar is read. However, if your sensitivity is adjusted properly, I found that there was no difference in the readings. A test run on Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition confirmed my findings, as it played the same with and without the jacket on.

Also, like any of the other third party Wii Remote Jackets, changing the batteries becomes a nightmare. However, it is less of a nightmare compared to the the third party ones I've used (thanks OatBob), as the official one slides onto the Wii Remote very efficiently and with very little effort. However, it still is very annoying.

But the worst thing about the remote jackets is what they do to your Wii Remote. They basically turn it into a even more of a dildo than it already was, giving people like even more fuel to their beliefs.

Want proof of how horrible the jackets look on the Wii Remote? Consult the following comparison:
[img width=250 height=188]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/Tondog/wiimotejacket/wiimotenojacket.jpg[/img][img width=250 height=188]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/Tondog/wiimotejacket/wiimoteandjacket.jpg[/img]
[img width=250 height=188]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/Tondog/wiimotejacket/wiimoteandjacketside.jpg[/img][img width=250 height=188]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/Tondog/wiimotejacket/wiimoteandjacketback.jpg[/img]

Notice how the normal Wii Remote on the left hand side looks like a regular old remote, but the one on the right hand side looks like it is some kinky sex toy your girlfriend might enjoy (just add this program and you'll be set). Also notice, it is ribbed for her pleasure!! This new jacket is a first step towards this and this this (both links=NSFW).

However, as much as I think the new Lawsuit Preventing Wii Jackets are a lame idea overall, I do like a few things about it. First, it's pretty comfortable to hold and doesn't affect the feel of the remote too much. But if you are like me and get sweaty palms while playing games, it will feel slippery while using it. Second, they are padded pretty well to prevent a TV breakage, but I still think that you could break a TV even with it on if the remote flys with enough force. Third, I like that they used a decent amount of silicone. That will cause a shortage of silicone, thus not as many people will be getting breat implants. NATURAL BOOBIES FTW! Also, the built in cover for the accessory port is a very nice thing and should have been on the Wiimote from the get-go.

[img width=250 height=188]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/Tondog/wiimotejacket/wiimoteacccoveropen.jpg[/img][img width=250 height=188]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/Tondog/wiimotejacket/wiimoteacccover.jpg[/img]

That about wraps up my look at the new Wii Remote Jackets. If you want to get them, all you need to do is go to http://www.nintendo.com/c.../jacket/jacketrequest.jsp and you can order up to four of them for free. It should take less than two weeks from the time you order them to the time it shows up in your mailbox. Also, for our friends in Canada (aka: Tan), this offer is open to you as well. Free Wiimote Condoms for all! Isn't Nintendo wonderful?

Posted on Oct 25th 2007 at 11:31:35 PM by (OatBob)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Nintendo, Wii, Sega, Samba de Amigo, Dreamcast

Japanese Samba de Amigo coverWith a year of speculation and anticipation, a Wii version of this Dreamcast classic has made its rounds in the rumor mill, and last month's announcement in Nintendo Power only caused more head scratching.  Now comes news straight from Sega themselves confirming that this title is indeed coming to Wii.  Developed by Gearbox Software (makers of Brothers in Arms and the PC Half-Life expansions) this title will be Wii exlusive with a release date of Spring 2008.

Recently Sega and Nintendo have made all buddy-buddy, producing big license titles for Wii titles like Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games, NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams, Sega Superstar Tennis, Alien Syndrome, and Sonic the Hedgehog's appearance in Super Smash Bros.: Brawl.

Source: Sega Europe

Posted on Oct 18th 2007 at 11:08:56 PM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, No Surprise, Playstation 3, Sony, Another Day Another Model, Price Drops

In a completely unsurprising move, Sony has announced that they are bringing the 40 GB Playstation 3 model to America on November 2, selling for $399.99.

This new model will have a 40 GB hard drive built in instead of 20, 60, or 80, and will include a free copy of Spider-Man 3 on Blu-ray Disc (presumably the standard edition Blu-ray release). Unlike the earlier 20 GB model, this one will have built-in WiFi in addition to the standard ethernet port. However, this new model will be eliminating many things that are standard on both the 60 GB and 80 GB models.

First up on the chopping block: USB ports! On the new model, there will only be two ports as compared to four on every other model that has come out. This is not a huge problem for most people, but it could be if you use a USB keyboard and mouse on your PS3 or want to charge your Warhawk headset, a controller, and have your USB external hard drive plugged in.

Next items to be cut: Media Card slots! Just like the earlier 20 GB model, the new one will not have slots for SD/miniSD cards, Compact Flash cards, or Memory Sticks. Not a huge loss, but a loss nonetheless.

Final item to not make the roster, backwards compatibility?! Yes, you read right. On the 40 GB model, there will be ZERO BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY. Yup, you will not be able to play your Playstation 2 or Playstation 1 games on this system. Reason why? It would have to be done with software emulation just like how the Xbox 360 does its Xbox compatibility, and Sony decided that it would not be worth it to make software emulation for each and every game. As SCEA president Jack Tretton stated, "Backward compatibility is a nice secondary consideration, but it's far from the number-one priority." Well, when you have no good games to play, it sure is a major consideration.

A new model is not the only thing announced by Mr. Tretton today. He also announced that the 80 GB model with Motorstorm will be receiving a $100 price drop, making it $499.99 instead of $599.99. However, the 60 GB model has not received a price drop, most likely because Sony is disillusioned into believing that they are all sold out. So, now the 80 GB model with limited backwards compatibility and Motorstorm is the same price as the 60 GB model will full backwards compatibility.

Now that you know the details, what's your take on it? Leave a comment here, or in the thread about it in our forums.

Source: Reuters

Posted on Oct 18th 2007 at 05:59:55 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Music, LittleBigPlanet, Cool

I'll admit, I really dig the idea of LittleBigPlanet. If Sony wasn't so keen on dicking over consumers with each new iteration of the PS3, I'd almost be tempted to buy one. The game is so damn cute.

Asides from the innovative gameplay and graphical style, the thing I tend to have embedded in my mind is the really catchy theme that plays during the previews. It's mesmerizing. Well, I was listening to my favorite internet radio station when I heard the LittleBigPlanet theme playing, in all it's mesmerizing glory. I thought that was pretty damn cool.

Well, it turns out that the LittleBigPlanet theme is actually Get it Together by The Go! Team, based out of Briton England.  I recommend that you check out the theme if you have not done so already. I've embedded it for you listening pleasure.


Rock On, rock on.

Edit: Changed from shitty embed to decent embed.

Posted on Oct 15th 2007 at 11:14:57 PM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Microsoft, Xbox 360, Another Day Another Model

An update on an earlier story we had, it looks like the Xbox 360 Arcade model is real, as it has been spotted on shelves at stores.

Microsoft apparently is utilizing the stealth release approach that worked oh so well for Sony's Playstation 3 price drop.

As previously reported, the system will include five games from Microsoft's Xbox Live Arcade service (Boom-Boom Rocket, Pac-man, Uno, Feeding Frenzy, and Luxor 2), a 256MB memory card, and a wireless controller, all for the price of $279.99.

So, the console game has just got even more confusing...

Source: ShackNews

Posted on Oct 8th 2007 at 12:36:10 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Independent Gaming, Project Offset, AMAZING

As a reminder that small, 17 person teams, can make a game that looks far better than anything ever seen in gaming, I present Project Offset from an independent developer named "Offset Software".

After looking at this video you'll say "Gears of What? Crysis? Killzone Who? Those are *SOOOOOOOOOOOO* last gen."


Here's a link to an "HD" version of the trailer:

And the game itself doesn't look like just a gigantic graphicsfest. There seems to be some real substance to it. Check out Project Offset's site to learn more about the game.

Posted on Sep 30th 2007 at 10:41:43 PM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Playstation 3, New Model, THREE HUNDRED NINETY NINE US DOLLARS

The rumored 40GB, $399, model of the Playstation 3 bundled with Spider-Man 3 on Blu-ray is looking more and more likely. First, there's the rumor that Sony is turning to FoxConn to help make the new model. Then there's the picture of the label of the new model from the FCC website with the new model number of CECHG01. Now, the latest proof of the new PS3 model is on the Blu-ray Savings website. The new program lists a new PS3 model, CECHG01, which is the same one seen on the FCC website. Now, if you know your PS3 models, you'll know that CECHG01 does not match any current model. CECHA01 is the 60GB model, CECHE01/98137 is the 80GB+Motorstorm model, and CECHB01 is the discontinued 20GB model.

Is CECHG01 the new $399 40GB model? All signs point to yes. Now all that's left is for Sony to step forward and confirm it.

Posted on Sep 29th 2007 at 12:57:55 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Damn, Rock Band

[img align=right width=200]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/180407488746fd6a4042c40Rock_band_cover.jpg[/img]

Joystiq is reporting a price point and release date for the Harmonix developed Rock Band. Who wants to take a stab at the price and date? No one? Well then, there it is:

PS3, XBox 360 - November 23, $170

PS2 - December 10, $160

I could have sworn that they said that the prices would be manageable, not nearing the price of a PSP! Holy crap! Certainly my desire to get this game has significantly dropped off, even if it promises me a harem of women I will not be purchasing this game at that price point. What's even more fun is that November 23 is a special day in the US. It would be... Black Friday. Who wants to fight hordes of shoppers for their copy of Rock Band? Certainly not me.

Sorry EA, but you just killed my interest in your Guitar Hero killer.

Ed: It should be noted that this price is for the Rock Band Bundle. The game is still listed to be $59.99 for the PS3/360 and drums / guitar look to be $80.

[Read on Joystiq]

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