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Posted on Jul 31st 2021 at 12:00:00 PM by (Disposed Hero)
Posted under VGM, minecraft, cover, music

So I have a confession to make: As much of a phenomenon as it is, I have never played or really had any interest in Minecraft. This cover selection was made by others for a group competition, and upon first listening to it, I really didn't know what to do with it. Although I thought it was a nice piece, I always tend to gravitate towards more intense pieces like battle themes, and the very laidback and minimalistic tone of this one was a stark contrast to what I'm used to and also set it up as a blank slate to get very creative with. It was an interesting experiment for me, and although I'm pleased with the end result, it ended up being quite different from my usual style. Let me know what you guys think of this one!

Posted on Nov 22nd 2018 at 01:00:00 PM by (bombatomba)
Posted under Dragon Quest, Minecraft, DQ, DQB

[img width=700 height=396]http://i68.tinypic.com/ru4182.jpg[/img]

11:46 pm.

I've charged my Vita for the third and final time today, though I should mention that I rarely drain my Vita battery to (what appears to be) 40%.  Nonetheless, this represents about five and a half hours of gaming, and to this forty-one year-old full-time IT scrub/husband/father, that is rather significant, especially since this is only on one day.  Not only is this the most I've played a game in a year, but years, perhaps even decades.  So won't you join me, my friends, as we delve head-first at full tilt into Dragon Quest Builders for the Vita.  But first we need to let my Vita charge up a bit more.

Continue reading Dragon Quest Builders

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