RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on May 2nd 2011 at 06:36:54 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, Milestone, 4000, Members

Another milestone here at RF Generation! We now have over 4,000 registered members! To put that in perspective, there are six countries on this planet with a smaller population, truly this is cause for celebration. What I find is especially amazing, is how long ago we reached 3000 members, which was on June 1st 2010, less than one year ago. Its simply awesome that we've gained another 1000 members in less than one year.

So I'd like to personally thank each and every one of you who have registered, and all of you who have recommended us to your friends and fellow collectors. Without you guys, we wouldn't be here.

And if you're reading this, but aren't a registered member, what the heck are you waiting for? It only takes a minute or two, and doesn't cost a penny, ever. And you'll forever be a part of THE Classic and Modern Video Game Database!

Posted on Jun 1st 2010 at 10:51:28 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, Milestone, 3000

A huge milestone has been reached here at RF Generation! We now have over 3000 registered members! Which is more than all the people in the nations of Falkland Islands, Niue, Tokelau, Vatican City, and Pitcaim Islands. Lucky member #3000 is casey4549.
So if you're one of the 3000 members that make up RF Generation, pat yourself on the back and know that you are a part of THE Classic and Modern Video Games Database! And if you're not one of those people, then you better get with the picture and put in on channel 3, it only takes a minute as always is completely free.

And don't forget to PAIN YOURSELF WITH SUBMISSIONS to win the contest, which ends in one week! You can win your choice of gaming swag under $60 and a sweet RFGen ringer T or a chance to win a special prize pack from my personal collection including a custom painted Sega Genesis.

As always, keep it on channel 3!

Posted on Mar 7th 2010 at 12:27:41 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, Milestone, Freaking Sweet, 50000 Games

Today marks a true milestone in the history of RFGeneration, for today at 1:39:30 AM, the 50,000th game was added to our database. In under 6 years we've accumulated information on 50,000 games for dozens of systems from all over the world, this is an astounding task when you really think about it. This milestone further cements RFGeneration's place as THE Classic and Modern Video Game Database.

The 50,000th game was Toy Soldiers on Xbox Live Arcade that was submitted by Izret101.
There have literally been hundreds of member from all over the world that have helped us  get this achievement, and each one of those people and their submission(s) have been important. Some members have left a huge mark on RFGeneration by contributing over 1000 title and variation additions since we began tracking them in October 2006; and those members are ApolloBoy, Funk_Buddy, Tynstar, Madir and Belgarath.

In celebration of this momentous occasion, I'd like to announce another way to get your daily fill of RFGeneration! This new aspect of RFGeneration is a personal pet project of mine that the donors and I have been using for a little while now. This will hopefully be a tool to help get our name out there in cyber-space as well as keeping our members that decide to use it, some of the latest information pertaining to the site and occasionally the video game industry as a whole. So here it is, http://twitter.com/RFGeneration. That's right RFGeneration is now on Twitter! As you can see from previous tweets, the Twitter page will be used to promote excellent blogs as well as reminding readers of upcoming DB milestones and site news. Now that the page has been announced for everyone, I will be using it more often than I am now, so don't be discouraged by the lack of tweets there already. They should be becoming more frequent.
I'd also like to take a moment to thank Den68 for making the graphics for the Twitter page!

Posted on Dec 7th 2008 at 02:18:57 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Milestone, Games

Tomb Raider: Underworld. This game has a 78% rating on gamerankings, but the PS3 version of the game has a special designation here. See, Tomb Raider: Underworld happens to be the forty-thousandth game in our database, and well, that means we have 40000 games in our database. Talk about a milestone! When we started we had about 15000 or so entries, if not less than that. Flash forward to today and we have 40000 entries and growing. What an accomplishment.

You guys absolutely rock, and no one person and be credited for the growth we've experienced. Rather, everyone on this site is to be commended, as so many of you have made submissions to the site and kept this site as the best independent video games database on the internet!

We're all very proud of this milestone, and as the Site Director I am very proud of you guys. I am sure if Mike was still around he'd be just as proud as me. Hell, I bet he's proud up in the big pie in the sky. We couldn't have done it without you, and we really look forward to the submission that gets us to 50000 games. We know that you guys will hit that milestone someday, and when that day comes we'll celebrate the moment just like we celebrate today! Here's to the past, present and future of RF Generation!

Congrats to Tynstar for adding the 40000th game! You deserve the designation and honor! This milestone is so huge that our old RF Generation spokesman has temporarily come out of retirement!

Posted on May 12th 2008 at 06:24:57 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Collection, Milestone, Treasure, Hunt

This weekend was very bad for garage sales, I only found a couple gaming related things at garage sales and nothing at the flea market. So I was planning on postponing this until next week and do 2 weeks at once, but I got a little surprise when my cousins came to visit last night.

I don't know why the garage sales were bad, but they were, we went to maybe 30 garage sales and this is all I came home with.
[img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9375.jpg[/img]
A football PS2 skin and a Naruto demo DVD. I didn't even want them, but that's how desperate I was to buy something. I thought the Naruto DVD was a playable demo, but its not. They were $0.50 each.

In non-gaming finds, I did get this really nice bike,
[img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/DSCN9376.jpg[/img]
It had two flat tires when I bought it, one just needed air, the other had to be patched. Other than that it's like brand new, almost like the kid rode down the drive way, hit a nail and didn't want to get the tire fixed. Paid $10 for it. It's not the type of bike I was looking for, but it shifts through all the gears unlike my current bike and I'm sure I'll be able to sell it for a profit when I find a good road bike.

I also got a box of around 50 records plus some odds and ends for $2. It's mostly junk records but some good stuff as well as stuff that I don't recognize the band's name, so those are always interesting to get, discovering new bands is awesome.

And now, for what made me make this blog today. Some free Genesis stuff! This has a kind of interesting story behind it too.
Last summer, I went to a garage sale next to my aunt's house and while I was there she stopped by. She asked what kind of stuff I was looking for and I told her old video games. She said her son had an old Sega somewhere in the house that I could have, but she had to find it first. Weeks went by and I never heard anything about it again, but I was expecting it to be a small group of sports games and a bare console and didn't really care.
Now, a few weeks ago, I find out she gave the Sega stuff to my cousins. Luckily, they come over my house often and enjoy my game room a lot, and since they didn't want a Genesis, they decided I could have it. I still wasn't very enthused about it, but willing to take it off their hands. Several weeks went by but every time they came over, they forgot to bring the goods, so I was starting to think I'd never get it. But last night they surprised me and walked in with a box with a picture of a Genesis on it and a box of CIB games. I was amazed when I saw the Genesis box and games, much more than I expected. I immediately let them in my game room and let them play Wii Sports and their favorite, Warlords, while I sifted through the stuff.
[img width=599 height=800]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9368.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9374.jpg[/img]
2 Genesis 1 units
Genesis 1 AC cord
Genesis 2 AC cord
RF Switch
2 3-button controllers
2 6-button controllers
6-button High Frequency controller
2 Jurassic Park posters
Toejam & Earl poster
Sonic 2 poster
Sonic (Not For Resale, CIB)
Sonic & Knuckles (boxed)
Castle of Illusion starring mickey mouse (CIB)
Contra Hard Corps (CIB)
Ecco the Dolphin (CIB)
Shadow Blasters (CIB)
Aladdin (CIB)
Madden 95 (CIB)
Eternal Champions (CIB)
WWF Royal Rumble (CIB)
Sonic 2 (CIB) I think this is by far the most interesting thing in the lot because it is the Mega Drive version, I have no idea how it ended up here in the States, I guess this is my first import. Will this work in my US Genesis or will it need a mod to work?

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