RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Jun 5th 2017 at 12:00:00 PM by (Addicted)
Posted under E3 2017, Ubisoft, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft

[img width=700 height=393]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v136/cisco678/e3_zpswzc1bdkz.jpg[/img]

Despite discussion regarding its relevance, E3 is still a magical place where the rumors meet the road. The big show is nearly upon us as the game industry gathers in Los Angeles to show off the big titles for the upcoming year. This year looks to be no exception with a slew of expected reveals and hopefully some out of left field. I've written down my E3 2017 expectations and predictions for what I'm most excited about and I would love to hear your predictions.

Continue reading It's Showtime!: E3 2017 expectations & predictions

Posted on Jul 5th 2016 at 12:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Playcast, Sidecast, E3, 2016, Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony, Bethesda, Ubisoft, EA

[img width=700 height=437]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/Podcast/PlayCast_zpsmi6bsclk.jpg[/img]

I'm sorry (not so sorry) to say that what you are about to hear is not the Illuision of Gaia playthrough podcast that you might have been anticipating.  No worries though, that will be available for your listening pleasure in just a few more days.  In the meantime, we hope that you enjoy this special recording that the guys and I did for E3 2016.  After watching the pressers and some of the trailers surrounding this year's event, the guys and I kept going back and forth texting about games and other things that interested us about the event.  Finally, we just decided, why not just set a time, switch on the mics, and talk candidly about our experience and the releases that we are looking forward to?  We sincerely hope that you enjoy our take on the event and items presented over that week, and if feedback is positive, we may consider more sidecasts like this in the future.  Thanks for listening!

Please be sure to subscribe to our feed through one of our media outlets so that you automatically get our new episodes on release. And as always, be sure to rate and write a review of the show on iTunes to help us increase our listenership. 

Sidecast #1 (E3) discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=17153.0

Get the show on Podbean:  http://rfgenplaycast.podbean.com/
On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...ion-playcast/id1038953364
On YouTube: https://youtu.be/_VJhFRykChM
On Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/p...ation-playcast?refid=stpr
And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs
And Twitter: https://twitter.com/RFGPlayCast

Continue reading RF Generation Playcast: Sidecast #1 - E3 2016

Posted on Dec 19th 2015 at 01:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Region locked, Region Free, Atari, Nintendo, Sega, Sony, Microsoft

[img width=700 height=353]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/RFGen%20Blog/IMG_20151218_192846_zpsfzzyuaqi.jpg[/img]

Sorry guys, you won't be getting a Top Games of 2015 list from me.  For one, I don't own a current generation console to play games released this year on, and secondly, my list of my favorite games I played it 2015 will be available early next year when you listen to the RF Generation Playcast (http://rfgenplaycast.podbean.com/) .....shameless plug!!  Instead, I'll be focusing on a topic that has baffled and frustrated me (and probably you) for years and that is, "What import games can I play on my North American consoles without having to import systems?" I certainly won't be able to cover every system, but I'll try to cover the more well-known and most-owned consoles.  I understand that some imported games can be burned or pirated for play on North American systems; however, since this method is frowned upon by a large majority of the community, I will not be covering or suggesting this method for any system here.  I hope many of you will find this article useful and please think of it and my research as my holiday gift to you!

**DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that I have not tried several of these methods myself and that the great majority of the information that I have assembled here has been compiled through research. I have verified as much of the information as possible, but some of it may be incorrect. If you find that something is incorrect, please send me a PM and I can verify and edit this post. Thank you!**

Continue reading Is it Region-Locked or Region-Free?

Posted on Sep 24th 2015 at 12:44:37 PM by (slackur)
Posted under Bias, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, corporations, none as good as the ngage

[img width=485 height=339]http://www.quickmeme.com/img/2b/2b8b6c9c65234e874cbfc3a71900d151ba52d744489459a0a7da55816f0e8ab3.jpg[/img]
Good thing it told me.  Source: Jeremysaid.com

Let's be honest here for a minute.  You WHAT?  I'm... sorry, I think I have to call the police.

Er, let's start over.  If we're truly honest about it, people tend to be pretty picky, and that includes gamers being picky about their games.  And that's fine!  After all, we're dedicating our most valuable resource; time, and usually at least some of our income toward a leisure activity.  It only makes sense that we are discerning about how and what we play, and cater our playtime to match our preferences, as we do most other things.

Continue reading Good Thing My Bias is the Right One

Posted on May 26th 2010 at 02:20:26 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Insomniac Games, Sony, Microsoft, PS3, 360, Fanboy Insanity

OH GOD! SOUND THE FANBOY ALARMS! Insomniac Games, longtime developer of exclusive Sony properties like Spyro (before it got sold to Universal), Ratchet and Clank, and Resistance have sold their souls to the devil! They are teaming up with EA Partners and making a new IP that will appear on PS3 and 360! This is the first time Insomniac has made a game for anything other than a Sony platform, and Sony fanboys are going absolutely apeshit with negativity over the announcement. "RATCHET AND RESISTANCE ARE GOING TO EA! THEY SOLD THEMSELVES OUT TO THE DEVIL! THE WORLD'S ENDING! HAVING A GAME ON ANOTHER SYSTEM ONLY SPELLS DOOM!" hahaha no.

Insomniac has been never owned by anyone. They're independent and will remain so, but they still have strong ties to Sony. Sony still owns the big franchises, AND Insomniac is going to be doing further games in those series exclusively for Sony. As Insomniac's CEO Ted Price said, they will continue working on games with Sony. It's just this new IP that's going to be done with EA that will be on 360. However, some Sony fans can't really understand that and throwing huge fits about it. They just see the words "Insomniac making a 360 game" and go into instarage mode.

no see you just took a huge shit on sony so no-one who has a ps3 will like you no excuses sell outs
You money grabbing tossers. Im telling you now, if Ratchet and Clank standards continue to slip, and us PS3 owners get a WORSE game to conform to XBOX mechanics, i will never buy another Insomniac Game again.
i just wanted to say !!WHAT THE F***!! joining with EA that's one of the dumbest shit i ever heard in my gaming history. EA is going to f*** you over so bad i can't wait to see your faces and what you guys have to say. GOOD LUCK. the only thing that doesn't bother me is at least it's not with Activision and that it's going multiplatform.
you guys just lost alot of fans and respect for going multi!!! you aren't getting any money from me anymore jackass and trust me LOYALTY and RESPECT goes along way so f*** you Insomniac games!
Couldn't care less right now. I feel like your any other game studio out there and it's all about the $$$.
I will never buy an insomniac game ever again and I own every single one you have ever made. Congrates, your fan base that you have built on for over a decade is now gone and all the respect with it, have fun with those 360 fanboys

This deal is kinda unique though. As Kotaku said, there's never been a situation like this before. It's not really like Rare because Rare was owned by Nintendo then got sold to MS. Not really like Bungie because they still appear to be loyal to Sony and are willing to work on the franchises that made them a big name in the first place. It's not like Square because they aren't leaving one company to go to another (like they did with Nintendo to Sony). Not like Factor 5 or Sega either. It's a pretty unique deal and I'm excited to see what comes of it.

I wish the best of luck to Insomniac with their new IP, and hope it's a huge hit. They really deserve it. In the meantime, let's just laugh at all the fanboy hilarity that this move has generated.

In conclusion:
Stupid decision Insomniac, Hope your new project fails!!!

Posted on Jun 1st 2009 at 08:35:05 PM by (Nionel)
Posted under E3 2009, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo

The time is upon us once again, today E3 kicks off with Microsoft's press conference in less than an hour. This year's E3 is supposed to be bigger and badder than the last couple of years, as the ESA tries to recapture some of the show's glory from years past. Over the next few days I'll be bringing you lists of new software announcements, hardware announcements, updated release dates and my thoughts on the press briefings of, at least, the big three. For now, here is a list I'm working on of the games that have been annouced over the weekend and so far today. I'll be updating this as the day goes on and will likely have it posted to the main page after Ubisoft's press briefing this afternoon.

Edit: Updated with announcements from MS Press Briefing.

Continue reading E3 '09: Pre-Show and Day One Announcments

Posted on May 18th 2009 at 04:57:32 AM by (logical123)
Posted under Ask a Blog, trippy, ps2, gamecube, nintendo, sega, microsoft, sony, katamari, damacy

Welcome to ask-a-blog, where I ask you! The reader! To answer a question posed in the blog. Today's questions comes from a bout of playing Katamari Damacy: What is the most trippy game you have ever played? Make sure to tell us what console the game is on, as well as what makes it so trip inducing. Is it the gameplay, music, visuals, or something else? Tell us all about it!

For me, the award for the trippiest game goes easily to Katamari Damacy on the PS2, pictured on the right. If you have played this game, you know what I am talking about. if you haven't, here's a little summary. You are the son of the King of All Cosmos. The king, your father, has accidentally made all of the stars go away, so he commissions you to roll "Katamari", and help bring the stars back. The Katamari is formed by rolling a ball into things that are smaller than it. This makes the smaller things stick to it. You can pick up anything. ANYTHING. People, cars, buildings, islands, towns, boats. The possibilities are endless. The game is quite short, but it has a high replay value. It is also highly trip inducing, and the music is even weirder. Man is that game odd. I recomend it to anyone wishing to have lots of fun playing a quirky type of game.

So, what do you feel the trippiest game is? Be it a shoot em up, a puzzle game, or a platformer, we want to hear about it! Let's see those comments! Cheesy

Posted on Jan 20th 2009 at 05:30:09 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Playsation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PSP, DS, PS2

There's a reason why I haven't done this in three weeks, you'll see why. Here's the release list for the last three weeks.

Playstation 3Xbox 360Nintendo Wii
• Lord of the Rings: Conquest • Lord of the Rings: Conquest• Deal Or No Deal
• Fishing Master World Tour
• Hotel for Dogs
• Neighborhood Games
• Paws and Claws Pet Resort
PSPNintendo DSPlaystation 2

• Cartoon Network Universe: Fusion Fall
• Delta Force 10th Anniversary Collection
• Lord of the Rings: Conquest
Mirror's Edge
• Bigfoot: Collision Course
Elebits: The Adventures of Kai & Zero
• Hotel for Dogs
• Inkheart
• Jumble Madness
• Lord of the Rings: Conquest
• Moon
• Paws and Claws Pampered Pets
• Personal Trainer: Math

Very exciting for not doing it in such a long time, I know. First thing worth mentioning is Mirror's Edge on the PC. If you have a good gaming PC and haven't experienced the game yet, please do so. Mirror's Edge is easily one of the five best games of last year. Yeah, the game is technically "short", but it never feels short. The pacing and length feels perfect. After you beat the game, there's plenty more to do, such as speedruns on all the game's levels and trying to beat your friend's scores on the online leaderboards. Please, don't skip this game. Give EA your support by buying the game. Let them know that they are truly headed down the right direction with innovative, original titles like Mirror's Edge.

The other title worth talking about is Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero for the DS. In case you don't know, I'm like one of two people that actually bought and enjoyed the first Elebits game on the Wii, so I was intrigued when I heard there was a DS version coming. A few weeks ago, I downloaded the demo to my DS from the Nintendo Channel on the Wii and played through it. I thought it was pretty fun, but repetitive and nowhere near as good as the original. What's different about the DS version is that it's structured more like an RPG/Adventure rather than a puzzle game. I'm not really sure what else to say about it. It's merely a decent game that's kinda fun. I certainly wouldn't rush out and buy it right now, but maybe when it hits $10 or so in a few months.

Check back very soon for this week's releases!

Posted on Jan 18th 2009 at 03:44:48 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Random Review, Review, Dead Rising, Modern Gaming, Xbox 360, Microsoft

Random Review: Dead Rising

My last review was a Famicom game, this one is 20 years newer and a totally different experience, but still a blast. Dead Rising was released August 8th 2006 for the Xbox 360 and at the time, was an exclusive for that system. It has since been announced that it will be coming to the Wii as "Dead Rising: Chop 'til You Drop". This game is huge and as my reviewing skills are not top notch yet, I probably will be excluding portions, but I'm trying more for a overall experience review anyway.
[img align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/PHP/watermark.php?type=bf;ID=U-115-S-00550-A&sizex=200[/img]
The Plot:
The plot of the game is essentially: you (an independent photojournalist, Frank West) come to a small isolated town via helicopter and after the US military forces your pilot to drop you off on the roof of the mall, you soon realize the town is infested with zombies. All you know is that you want to cover the story and the helicopter will return in 3 days. Through the game, you will uncover the mystery of the zombie outbreak if you do everything correctly, but if you don't finish a mission in time, the facts will be lost to you (and the rest of the world) forever. But, you can still finish the game and get a sub-par ending that inevitably ends in the destruction of the world. In addition to the regular missions, you can embark on numerous "side quests" rescuing survivors and killing psychopaths.

The gameplay is simple; finish the missions and kill as many of the seemingly infinite zombies as you can before your 72 hours is up. But, there are a few aspects of the game that make it unique. The first is the RPG elements the game uses. As you gain "Prestige Points" in the game (by killing zombies, taking photos, killing psychopaths, rescuing survivors, or the other numerous ways) you gain abilities like increased health capacity, increased storage capacity and new fighting moves. These gained abilities are kept once you finish the game and start again, so you can go through the 72 hour mode as many times as you need to get the abilities to finish with the best ending.
The second feature that sets Dead Rising apart, is the weapons. Of course, there is the standard handgun, rifle and shotgun of any good zombie game, but there are also items like Molotov cocktails, katanas, swords and battle axes. But, that's not all, basically anything you can pick up is a weapon, whether it's a trash can, potted plant, 2' x 4', lead pipe or one of the other 250 items in the mall. Using everyday items to kill zombies is a blast, there's nothing like slicing a zombie down the middle with one fell swoop of your Katana or using a hole digger to skewer and zombie and use his spinning body to kill more zombies. This is definitely the best part of the game for me, on my first playthrough I didn't bother with the missions, I was having too much fun slamming faucets into zombies and watching them bleed out through it and cutting up hoards of them with chainsaws and lawn mowers.
[img align=left]http://www.rfgeneration.com/PHP/watermark.php?type=bf;ID=E-115-S-00180-A&sizex=200[/img]
Sound and Graphics:
The sound effects of the game are top notch. Zombies groans and moans seem to be all around you and the screams of distant survivors make it seem more real. The weapons all have their own sounds and they all sound pretty realistic.

This was my first Xbox 360 game, so the graphics blew me away at first, but after playing more games on the system, the graphics are pretty standard. Nothing super awesome, but everything is smooth and I didn't notice any kind of glitches in the game. There are numerous zombies which is nice (especially if you compare it to a game like RE4 where it seems there are only 5 different "zombies") and at first you may think they are all unique, but after a few hours into the game you'll start recognizing zombies by their appearance.

In conclusion, this is a very, very fun game and is definitely worth a pick up. I got my copy for $20 and it was well worth it. For me, it got a little boring and redundant after my 2nd playthrough, but I can see myself coming back to the game after a while.
I'm giving this game a 95% as it really is worth the money and if you've got a 360, you really do need this game. It's not a game you'll devote your life to playing, but it's good for many hours of play time.

Posted on Dec 18th 2008 at 05:01:38 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Playsation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PSP, DS, PS2

I'm not dead, I just took a week off to do my final exams and stuff like that. Plus, this time of year is dead anyways, so I figured it could wait. So, here's what came out last week and what's out this week.

Playstation 3Xbox 360Nintendo Wii
• Rise of the Argonauts
• Sonic Unleashed (get the Wii/PS2 version instead)
• Rise of the Argonauts

• Calvin Tucker's Redneck Jamboree  
• Neopets Puzzle Adventure
Rock Band 2
• Summer Sports 2: Island Sports Party
• The Tale of Despereaux
• Word Jong Party 

PSPNintendo DSPlaystation 2
• Dungeon Maker II: The Hidden War

• Band Manager  
• Lost Secrets: Bermuda Triangle 
• Hidden Expedition: Amazon
• Hired Guns: The Jagged Edge
Prince of Persia
• Rise of the Argonauts 
• RPG Fantasy Action Pack
• The Tale of Despereaux
• Zoo Tycoon 2 Ultimate Collection
• Animal Boxing 
• Australia Zoo Quest 
• Build-a-Lot 
• Candace Kane's Candy Factory 
• Cate West The Vanishing Files 
• Driver's Ed Portable 
• Dreamer: Horse Trainer 
• Dreamer: Puppy Trainer 
• Learn Math
• Left Brain Right Brain 2 
• Mystery P.I.: Portrait of a Thief 
• Slingo Quest
• The Tale of Despereaux
Rock Band 2
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
• The Tale of Despereaux

Very boring, am I right? Get used to it. That's what the next few weeks are going to be like.

The only highlight here is Persona 4 for the PS2. I don't know much about it other than it's a weeaboo JRPG with an even more weeaboo translation that keeps all the honorifics and stuff on there. Also, you commit suicide to gain powers. Apparently it's good if you're into that kind of thing, but I'll stick to Fallout 3 thank you very much.

So, next week, I don't think anything is coming out. Literally, nothing.

Posted on Dec 4th 2008 at 01:54:04 PM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Playsation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PSP, DS, PS2

Sorry for being so late with this, but this is the last week of the semester for me before finals, so the professors have been dumping all sorts of homework on me. Yippie. So, I need to keep it short and sweet this week.

Playstation 3Xbox 360Nintendo Wii
Prince of Persia
• SingStar ABBA
• Destroy All Humans 3: Path of Furon
Prince of Persia
• Bigfoot: Collision Course
• Family Party: 30 Great Games
King of Fighters Orochi Saga
Mushroom Men: Spore Wars
• My Fitness Coach
• Nancy Drew: The White Wolf
• Safecracker
• Ski & Shoot
• SPRay
• The Tale of Despereaux
PSPNintendo DSPlaystation 2

• Disney's Bolt
Grand Theft Auto IV
• Neopets Puzzle Adventure
• The Tale of Despereaux
• A Vampyre Story
• Zoo Tycoon 2 Ultimate
• Animal Boxing
• Dreamer: Puppy Trainer
• Emma at the Farm
• Emma in the Mountains
• Happy Cooking
Mushroom Men: Rise of the Fungi
• My Fun Facts Coach
• Prince of Persia: The Fallen King
• Slingo Quest
• The Tale of Despereaux
• Wordfish
Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories
• SingStar ABBA
• The Tale of Despereaux

Yet another slow week, but there's some good stuff. Such as Prince of Persia. This installment in the long-running series has UbiSoft trying to reinvent the game with a new cel-shaded Okamiesque art style and open world gameplay...and apparently the results are good if early reviews are to be believed.

The other big game I'm interested in this week is Mushroom Men for the Wii. Why is this shovelware sounding game so intriguing? First of all, the game's music was composed and performed by none other than Primus bassist, Les Claypool. However, what makes the game really interesting is that the entire game is synced to a metronome that runs at 120 beats per minute. The result is a very unique look and sound that I've never seen in a video game before. It really must be seen to be fully understood, so take a look at this trailer from GameVideos about the metronome system. IGN also has a great article about the system. Oh, I supposed I should probably mention what the gameplay is like. Well, it's basically your standard platformer, but with some neat MDK2/Fallout 3 like weapon creation elements. I just hope the gameplay is as brilliant as the metronome system, but even if it isn't, I know I'll like the game since it's a bold experiment in sound design. Unfortunately, I can't afford to buy this game right away. Sad If anyone gets this game or hears anything about it, leave a comment, because I'm dying to know how this game turned out.

Oh yeah, there's some new Kingdom Hearts game out this week on the good ol PS2. It's a 3D remake of the GBA game, Chain of Memories entitled Re:Chain of Memories (clever). Since I don't know anything about Kingdom Hearts other than a lot of weeabos that don't normally like Disney love this game...probably for "kawaii" artwork and stuff. Never understood the appeal of this game.

If you missed out on the consoles, GTA IV will hit Windows this week in all it's SecuROM-protected "glory" (if you can call it that). Hooray DRM!

Anyways, check back next week when I'll be burned out by final exams. Sad But then I'm done with school for a month. Cheesy

Posted on Nov 24th 2008 at 08:30:51 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Playsation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PSP, DS, PS2

Gaming has changed. It's no longer about top-notch AAA blockbusters and quality games, it's an endless series of shovelware developed by guys in business suits and programmed by machines that follow their every command. Gaming has changed. ID tagged consumers carry ID tagged weapons, use ID tagged gear. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their tastes. Hannah Montana. High School Musical. Imagine. The letter Z. Everything is monitored and kept under control. Gaming has changed. The age of innovation has become the age of shovelware. All in the name of making of quick buck from unsuspecting consumers. And he who controls the gaming battlefield...controls history. Gaming has changed. When the battlefield is under total control... shovelware becomes routine.

Playstation 3Xbox 360Nintendo Wii
NOTHING!• NPPL Championship Paintball 2009• AMF Bowling World Lanes
• Calvin Tucker's Redneck Jamboree
• Cake Mania: In the Mix!
• Championship Foosball
• Iron Chef America: Supreme Cuisine
King of Fighters Orochi Saga
• Safecracker
• Skate City Heroes
• Ski & Shoot
• Winter Sports 2: The Next Challenge
PSPNintendo DSPlaystation 2

• Band Manager
• Disney's Bolt
• Gothic 3 Collector's Edition
• Neopets
• Zoo Tycoon 2 Ultimate
• Age of Empire: Mythologies
• All Star Cheer Squad
Chrono Trigger
• Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force
• Cradle of Rome
• Emma in the Mountains
• Neopets Puzzle Adventure
• Personal Trainer: Cooking
• Syberia

Looking through the ashes of the holiday season, I observe three beacons of hope for this week, even if they are all rereleases of things have have been out for at least ten years.

First among them is King of Fighters: Orochi Saga for the Wii. It's a compilation including the following games: King of Fighters '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, and '99. I don't have much experience with any of those games, but I know they're well liked by many people, so I thought I'd highlight it.

The next "good" game to come out this week is a DS remake of one of the most appreciated (and expensive to track down) games ever, Chrono Trigger. Originally released for the SNES in 1995, Chrono Trigger is yet another RPG from Square, and yet another game I've never had any desire to play. This new DS edition of the game has several all-new features including a couple of new dungeons, a new final boss with his own dungeon and ending that is unlocked after getting the original ending, two modes of play (DS and Classic), wireless play for 2-4 people, and arena mode, changes to the English script to more closely reelect the original Japanese game, no load times for the anime cutscenes (the same ones from the PS1 version included with Final Fantasy Chronicles), and improved sprites/music. But I honestly don't care. I've NEVER played Chrono Trigger, nor do I have much desire to since it looks like yet another generic JRPG grindfest. OH NO! I have sinned and tarnished the name of one of the "greatest games ever". So, RPG fans, why should I care about this game? What makes it different from other JRPGs? How does it innovate? Tell me why the hell I should play this game, and maybe I will.

However, the absolute highlight of the week is the long-awaited Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (aka: Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Dub Edition Remix Gaiden: The Director's Cut: Deluxe Edition). In addition to being the newest member of the ridiculously long name club (along with Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars), it's a member of the awesome downloadable games from Capcom club. What makes this remake so great and worth getting? First off, the sprites have been upgraded, BIG TIME! Just check out this comparison of Ryu, this one of Ken, and this one of Akuma. Quite the difference if I must say so myself. These awesome sprites will be rendered in 1080p HD goodness along with plenty of new features including an optional "rebalanced" mode that changes around the balance of the characters, training mode, both widescreen and standard 4:3 aspect ratios, a remixed soundtrack created by people at OverClocked Remix (the original soundtrack is there too if you prefer to hear that, the ability to use either the new sprites or the old ones from the original, and, of course, online play with voice chat, matchmaking, stat tracking, and leaderboards. The best part is that this whole package is going to be selling for only $15 on both Xbox Live Arcade (out Wednesday) and Playstation Network (out Tuesday). In addition, PSN people will be getting a free Street Fighter Underground soundtrack with original songs by hip-hop artists like Redman, DJ Qbert, and Heiroglyphics. I don't know about you, but I am ultra pumped for this game because I haven't played Street Fighter II (or any fighter) in quite some time, and I really want to get back into the groove of things. In addition, the online modes sound awesome as well. So, anyone getting it for PS3? Wanna set up some matches? I bet I know the answer to that: no. Whatever. Hope you like not having fun. Cheesy

That's all for this week. Hopefully you all enjoyed my pretentious as hell intro.

Posted on Nov 23rd 2008 at 04:36:43 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming , Microsoft, Xbox 360, Birthday

Three years for the 360! On November 22, 2005 the Xbox 360 was released in North America to a gaming mass waiting for the next iteration of Microsoft’s gaming console. Unlike its predecessor, the 360 was a stylish system that when it wasn’t greeting players with a red ring was rather sexy when compared to the black paperweight known as the Xbox. Surely, Microsoft was off to a better start from a design point with its system, and there were plenty of other things for 360 fans to be excited about.

I’d be lying if I told you I owned a 360 or desired one. The truth is that I have no desire for a 360. That said, the 360 does have several things that go great for the masses. If you were to ask me which system appeals most to true gamers right now, it sure as hell would not be the Wii. It depends on the avenue, but if you’re looking for games for adults that will make you say wow then the 360 is the system to have. From Halo to Dead Rising to Bioshock to GTA IV, there have been some heavy hitters for the 360 that would make the most hardcore gamers squeal with delight.

Of course, that’s not the only thing that appeals to true gamers. Of the three console manufacturers, Microsoft really does know how to best do an online product. Sony’s working on creating a good online product and Nintendo is being Nintendo, and while the bar has been set rather low by the competitors Microsoft has delivered a product that quite frankly trounces the competition. It’s really quite amazing and I give Microsoft kudos for their online platform. Their competitors could learn a thing or two from Live... they really could… especially Nintendo.

Of course, Microsoft is not the market leader anymore this generation. While they were in the beginning, the behemoth known as the Wii has taken the title and ran with it. Is Microsoft going to sit there and just watch that happen? No! They decided they were going to revamp their dashboard and create a new experience that is enjoyable for all. It just launched, and as someone on the outside looking in I have to say that the avatars do look really cool. They offer customization that I only wish Nintendo had for their Miis. Did Rare rip off the Mii concept? Who the hell cares! Rare has created something with much more depth than the Miis of Nintendo, and I give them full credit for creating something much more interesting than the Mii Channel. Good job Microsoft and keep pushing along with the new experience.

Every console has its fair share of issues, and the same can definitely be said for the 360. Probably the most notable of these issues was the Curse of the Red Ring. Chances are you know someone who has suffered from the Red Ring of Death. In fact, you might know someone who has suffered from it multiple times. Truth be told, the initial batches of the 360 had some design issues. No one really knows what is it, but rather than screwing over consumers, Microsoft did a noble thing and extended everyone’s warranties. That’s pretty nice, and it suggests that perhaps Microsoft is not the cold hearted bastard that its Windows operation suggests that it is (and it is).

So sales have been down in recent history for the 360, and one has to wonder what the future holds for the console. I honestly don’t know if the console will see a rebound in sales, but I don’t know if that is necessarily a bad thing. 360 owners like to buy third party titles, so it’s an enticing console for those developers and publishers. So for developers, I don’t see as much as a risk for releasing games on the 360 that I do for releasing non casual games on the Wii. While casual gaming dominates the Wii, real games dominate the 360, and that’s a great selling point for the console. Why not capitalize on that, Microsoft? Push your strengths, and it might help you in the long run.

Three years for the 360. What do you think has been the good, the bad, and the ugly? What do you think the future holds for the 360? Does the four year lifespan still hold true for Microsoft? Well, in a year we might just know. What do you think?

Posted on Nov 20th 2008 at 01:03:40 PM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Playsation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PSP, DS, PS2

Again, more games.

Playstation 3Xbox 360Nintendo Wii
•Alone In The Dark: Inferno
•Disney's Bolt
•Karaoke Revolution: American Idol Encore 2
•Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe
•NCAA Basketball 2009
•Need for Speed Undercover
•NPPL Championship Paintball 2009
Rock Band Track Pack Volume 2
•Shaun White Snowboarding
Tomb Raider Underworld
•Disney's Bolt
•Karaoke Revolution: American Idol Encore 2
The Last Remnant
Left 4 Dead
•Lips (Oh, how far iNiS has fallen)
•Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe
•Naruto: The Broken Bond
•NCAA Basketball 2009
•Need for Speed Undercover
•NPPL Championship Paintball 2009
Rock Band Track Pack Volume 2
•Shaun White Snowboarding
Tomb Raider Underworld
•You're In The Movies
•Agatha Christie: Evil Under the Sun
•AMF Bowling World Lanes
Animal Crossing: City Folk (Nintendo's hardcore game for this Fall!)
•Castlevania: Judgment (It's the crappy looking fighter, move on)
•Championship Foosball
•Cooking Mama World Kitchen
•Disney's Bolt
•Gallop and Ride (HAWT! Rated AO!)
•Karaoke Revolution: American Idol Encore 2
•Merv Griffin's Crosswords
•Need for Speed Undercover
•NPPL Championship Paintball 2009    
•Petz Crazy Monkeyz (THIS IS THE PERFECT EXAMPLE OF WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE WII! Someone kill me now.)
•Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party (For the love of God Ubisoft, make a REAL Rayman game again!)
Rock Band Track Pack Volume 2
•Shaun White Snowboarding
•Skate City Heroes
Skate It
Sonic Unleashed
Tomb Raider Underworld
•Ultimate Band
PSPNintendo DSPlaystation 2
•Need for Speed Undercover
•Shaun White Snowboarding


•Chronicles of Mystery: Scorpio Ritual
•CSI: New York
•Disney's Bolt
•Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead
•Lord of the Rings Online: Mines of Moria
•Need for Speed Undercover
•Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir
•The Sims 2 Mansion & Garden Stuff
Tomb Raider Underworld
•Spore Comic Book Creator 
•Spore Creepy and Cute Parts Pack
•Cradle of Rome
•Disney's Bolt
•Hello Kitty: Big City Dreams
•Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades
•Imagine: Ballet Star
•Imagine: Movie Star
•Iron Chef America: Supreme Cuisine
•Luminous Arc 2 (More FATlus RPG action. Go nuts fanboys.)
Metal Slug 7
•Need for Speed Undercover
•Petz Catz Clan
•Petz Monkeyz House
•Petz Rescue Endangered Paradise
•Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party
•Rune Factory 2: Fantasy Harvest Moon
•Shaun White Snowboarding
Skate It
•Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff
Tomb Raider Underworld
•Tony Hawk's Motion
•Ultimate Band
Burnout Anthology
•Disney's Bolt
Dynasty Warriors 6
•NCAA Basketball 2009
•Need for Speed Undercover
•NPPL Championship Paintball 2009
•Pop Star Guitar
Rock Band Track Pack Volume 2
•Shaun White Snowboarding
Sonic Unleashed

Things are starting to slow down as we approach the holidays, in fact, next week there will be next to nothing released, but it's not next week, so we have an insane amount of games to deal with.

First among them is Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, which is getting surprisingly great reviews, a 79 on MetaCritic at the moment. As you can figure out from the title, it's a new Mortal Kombat game, but featuring characters from DC Comics. For those of you not well-versed in your comic knowledge, DC includes Batman, Superman, and Green Lantern. Oh, and get this, the story is apparently pretty damn good, especially for a fighting game! But all is not rosy, because the American version is censored in order to maintain a Teen rating.

Don't want a fighting game? Then maybe Tomb Raider Underworld would be a good choice. Underworld is the latest installment in the long-running series with gaming's best-known female star. This time, it looks like they're trying to follow in the footsteps of Naughty Dog's incredible PS3 exclusive from last year, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Interesting that a franchise that inspired a game is getting inspiration from that same game, but such is life. However, one that that Underworld innovates on is truly adjustable difficulty, which allows you to change all sorts of settings including enemy damage, damage you take, ammo capacity, and more. To find out more about the innovative approach Crystal Dynamics took to the game's difficulty, check out MTV Multiplayer. I've not played the game, but I hope others take a hint from Underworld and give us settings like Underworld has.

And because we need more installments in long-running franchises, Sonic Unleashed comes out this week (at least for PS2 and Wii, the 360 version has apparently been delayed to next week, and the ps3 edition isn't coming until next month). So far, only the Wii version has been reviewed, and it's been scoring decently. Everyone seems to say that the daytime speed levels are awesome ane a throwback to the glory days of Sonic, but the nighttime levels are slow and tedious. Why does it seem like for every good idea in a new Sonic game, there has to be something that totally screws up the rest of the experience? No clue. I honestly think Sega needs to take a good look at Bionic Commando Rearmed and Mega Man 9 and see what they are doing and apply those lessons to Sonic.

Yet another entry in a long-running series comes out this week. Metal Slug 7 for the DS. It's pretty much what you expect, Metal Slug, but on the DS. There's really nothing else to say about it. It's Metal Slug...in your pocket. Speaking of more of the same, Animal Crossing: City Folk comes out this week and according to reviews, it's pretty much the same thing as the GameCube edition, but now with online play.

Perhaps the most surprising game of the week has got to be Skate It for the Wii. I thought it had the potential to be as good as the PS360 version of the game, but figured it would suck. However, IGN gave it a GLOWING reivew that really piqued my interest. In case you don't know, Skate It is a toned down version of one of this generation's best games, skate., but with added Wiimote and Balance Board controls. I don't know that I want this game right now considering skate 2 is coming out in January, but I'm so happy to know it doesn't suck.

But the biggest game of the week is undoubtedly Valve's co-op zombie shooter Left 4 Dead. Based on the demo, this game is DEFINITELY one to get! I'll be getting it very soon, probably for Christmas. Who's up for some online action (on the PC)?! I really don't have much to say that hasn't already been said about the game. So go look up one of the many other previews. Smiley

Also out this week is The Last Remnant, some Square RPG I don't care about, and a track pack for Rock Band for those of you who hate downloadable content (most of you here, unfortunately).

Check back next week for a rather subdued list...and the return of RF Generation's most-read blog article EVAR!

Posted on Nov 14th 2008 at 05:25:57 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Playsation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PSP, DS, PS2

So, uh, past tense. Here's what came out this past week:

Playstation 3Xbox 360Nintendo Wii
Call of Duty: World at War
Mirror's Edge
•Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
•WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
Call of Duty: World at War
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
Mirror's Edge
•Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
•WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009
•Big League Sports
•Block Party
•Bratz Kidz: Slumber Party
Call of Duty: World at War
•Candace Kane's Candy Factory
•FaceBreaker K.O. Party
•Guinness World Records: The Videogame
•Hasbro Family Game Night
•Imagine: Party Babyz
•Kung Fu Panda: Legendary Warriors
•Luxor 3
•Monkey Mischief: Party Time
•Mortimer Beckett and the Secrets of Spooky Manor
•Pet Pals Animal Doctor
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
•WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009
PSPNintendo DSPlaystation 2
•Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
•WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009


Call of Duty: World at War
•CSI: New York
•History Channel Civil War: Secret Missions
•Petz Horsez Club
•Sacred 2: Fallen Angel
•Secret Service: Ultimate Sacrifice
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
•Amazing Adventures: Forgotten Ruins
•Avatar - The Last Airbender: Into the Inferno
Call of Duty: World at War
•futureU: The Prep Game for SAT
•Guinness World Records: The Videogame
•Hello Kitty Daily
Kung Fu Panda: Legendary Warriors
•My Stop Smoking Coach with Allen Carr
•National Geographic Panda
Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia
•Pony Friends: Mini Breeds Edition
•Sally's Salon
•Six Flags Fun Park
•Star Wars Clone Wars: Jedi Alliance
Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff
•Zoo Vet: Endangered Animals
•Winx Club: Mission Enchantix
•WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009
•Eternal Poison (It's a FATlus RPG, go nuts fanboys)
•Hasbro Family Game Night
•Onimusha: The Essentials (This is NEVER coming out)
•Pop Star Guitar
•Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
•Think Fast
•WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009

One of the biggest games this week is Call of Duty: World at War, the first game in the popular series since last year's awesome Modern Warfare. This game takes the series back to its WW2 roots...and back to off-year developer Treyarch, two strikes against the game in the eyes of many fans of last year's Infinity Ward developed installment. However, don't be worried because I think the game looks great, especially since it keeps the same addictive multiplayer XP/perk system found in 4...AND BECAUSE IT HAS NAZI ZOMBIES! How can you say no to that?! Well, other than saying "I'm waiting for Left 4 Dead next week".

Next up is Mirror's Edge, the ambitious first person running game from BattleField developers, EA DICE. In case you've been living under a rock, Mirror's Edge is a first person game inspired by Parkour, or free running, in which you play as Faith, a messenger who is being pursued by the man. Based on the demo on PS3, I must say it's one of the best games I've played this year, and definitely the most original big-budget disc-based game of the year. Don't let IGN's BS reviews fool you, Mirror's Edge is a game worth getting.

Of course the biggest game of the week is World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Litch King, the latest expansion to the wildly popular MMORPG. I really don't know much about WoW except it steals your life and turns you into a fatass basement-dwelling neckbeard nerd. Needless to say, I've never played it, but I've seen what happens to friends that get into it, and it scares me off from playing...plus the game looks boring as heck.

Also out this week is Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts (the awesome N64 platformer is back...with little platforming and lots of vehicle building), Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 (360 this time, in case you missed it on the PC), Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff (The classic is back...with no NFL license), Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia (moar Pokemans, hopefully moar mudkipz), and Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (people like the Tales series from what I know...)

So, next week, I WILL DELIVER ON TIME! I promise!

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