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Posted on Jan 4th 2008 at 09:13:02 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Classic Gaming, Mods, Hacks, Mario

You may remember a previous post about a cool hack called Extra Mario Bros. In case you missed that post, here is the video again.


So, I have received confirmation that this game does in fact exist. Since I wish not to be sued, all I can say is yeah, look in the right spot and you might find it, and that's all I got to say about that.

Thanks for the tip!

Posted on Dec 26th 2007 at 08:05:25 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Homebrew, Mario, Metroid, DO WANT, Fan Service

So yeah, some homebrew is too damn cool to ignore. Take for instance Extra Mario Bros. I only hope that it is real. Someone thought it would be pretty neat to take Mario and place him in a Metroid Type Universe, complete with remixed Metroid Music. All I can say is -- Pure Awesome. Check for yourself:


Again, damn, DO WANT!. Awesomeness of Mario... awesomeness of Super Metroid... combined, wow. Someone find me that game.

[via Dtoid]

Posted on Nov 15th 2007 at 09:06:01 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Band Geek, Classic Gaming, Mario, Zelda, Pong, Music

I encourage you to check out this kick ass marching band routine put on by Cal. Band geeks doing video game tunes... what is geekier than that? It's too cool. I wish my high school marching band did a show like that. The only interesting theme we ever did was Halloween Themes. What is scarier than Thriller? I digress. Here is the video:


Posted on Sep 11th 2007 at 06:57:59 AM by (Shimra)
Posted under Site News, Features, Mario, Sports

[img width=200 align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-087/bf/U-087-S-01360-A.jpg[/img] Ahh yeah baby feels good to be back in style with features that aren't crapily thrown together. This time, they are actually somewhat decent and will keep me from losing my position as a features writer. So all you people out there who hate me and my sarcasm and jackass attitude, hi.

Moving on, it's Mario sports week! Ahh yeah baby. Perhaps the most fun sports games of all are the Mario sports games, so why not celebrate in style by throwing a fiesta! Go round up some illegal immigrants and have them party with you! Have them play some Mario Tennis with you or maybe even make a Mario pinata and break it with them! Ahh yeah this is going to be one hell of a week if you do that.

Ehh hem, moving on seriously, I hate getting down to the business and doing what I'm actually supposed to be doing, the featured game is Mario Hoops 3 on 3. I like it, in fact I liked it enough to include decimals in the damn score. Any collaboration with Square Enix and Nintendo is good in my book, except like some crappy game where Peach gets captured and you play as Cloud Strife to stop whoever the final boss is in any Dragon Quest game with Cloud bitching the entire freaking game. That would probably suck. Anyway, the featured image is Mario Golf for the N64. I love that game. If you don't, you aren't American, and if you aren't American, then hi. Next the featured hardware is the wii remote, or the wiimote. Anyway it puts an interesting spin on Mario Soccer. Finally the featured collection is  Magewout's because he won the 'Shimra randomly selects a user to be featured' contest. Congrats bud, congrats.

As always keep it tuned to Channel 3.

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