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Posted on Jun 7th 2021 at 12:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under Crowdfunding, Kickstarter, indie gaming, development cycles

[img width=616 height=353]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/589500/capsule_616x353.jpg[/img]
Ah, Shovel Knight. The poster child and gold standard for a successful Kickstarter. Also an excellent game!

In decades past, development studios would plot out a game concept, determine its viability, assign a team, and dedicate funds and resources to make the game concept a reality. Sometimes the funds would come from an outside publisher or other interested party, and other times the development studio was part of a publisher, so it would be funded internally. If a game was fully developed, it would "go gold" and be submitted for approval by the company whose platform on which the game was to appear. Once approval was given, it would go into a queue for manufacturing, and the advertising hype cycle could begin.

That model still exists, of course, and is still used by many companies. But over the last decade, a new paradigm has gone from a novelty to a norm. With the rise of indie gaming, many smaller studios have sought other means of funding their creations. Couple that with developers from the old guard who want to continue to make retro-styled games or smaller adventures that don't warrant big budgets, and the larger publishing houses often see those projects as loss leaders, and they get very little attention next to the big franchises. The new paradigm for self-contained experiences is crowdfunding.

Continue reading Crowdfunding And The New Normal

Posted on Sep 1st 2016 at 12:00:00 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Mighty No. 9, Mega Man, Inafune, Platformer, PS4, Wii U, Xbox One, Kickstarter, Capcom, Review

[img width=640 height=360]https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8227/28738225674_57637b13a2_z.jpg[/img]

I want to take a brief break from my usual blogs about my store to talk about Mighty No. 9 now that I've had several weeks to take it all in. If this is something you'd be interested in reading about please click the link below. If not then we can't be friends......

Continue reading Mighty No. 53......%

Posted on Oct 30th 2015 at 12:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Friday the 13th, Jason, Kickstarter, survival horror

[img width=679 height=393]https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/004/665/343/0f26a23fb688810b663f1096201d2e8c_original.JPG?v=1444458567&w=680&fit=max&auto=format&q=92&s=398ad457ff1ca7281c807eb03e9438d5[/img]

If you grew up in the 80's, at some point your dreams were probably plagued by images of at least one of the super iconic kings of the slasher film.  Though Freddy, Jason, Michael Myers, and even Leatherface were not totally absent from appearing on the home console, most of these games (if not all) were very poor representations of their movie license. Of course, this had a lot to do with early censorship issues, which prevented fantasy blood, gore, and other forms of more "adult" content. Thanks to ESRB ratings (established in 1994), parents can now be more aware of what their kids are playing, and on the flip side and much to the joy of many modern gamers, the amount of mature content has greatly increased in modern gaming.  Prior to ESRB ratings, many licensed horror games were "forced" to keep their games behind the counter or dull down the content for younger gamers. One of the most notorious (as in notoriously bad) games to come out pre-ESRB was Friday the 13th on the NES in 1989.  Since then, no one has even attempted to make a more violent and mature video game based on this series.......that is, until NOW!

Check out more details, watch the project creators talk about the game, and JOIN THE KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN HERE!!!: https://www.kickstarter.c...h-the-game?ref=nav_search


Continue reading Friday the 13th on Kickstarter

Posted on May 29th 2015 at 12:14:40 PM by (Fleach)
Posted under Opinion, Indie, Games, Bloodstained, Yooka Laylee, Elsinore, Game Development, Kickstarter, Crowdsourcing

[img width=479 height=466]http://techexcel.com/images/gameRight.gif[/img]

Video games are expensive products to make. The multi-million dollar project is not uncommon in the modern game development industry, in fact it's become the standard. It's like proclaiming the cost of production is some kind of bragging right owed to the developer. But now it's become popular to discuss how minuscule a game's team was or how it was made of a six figure budget.

Continue reading Indie is Indie

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