I'm sure most of you know, but for those who don't, RF Generation has a chat room! It's always great corresponding with everyone via the forum, but it's also nice to be able to chat with you guys in real time. Whether it's about gaming or nothing at all, feel free to jump in and join us!
You can use your favorite IRC client on QuakeNet (irc.quakenet.org) at #rfgeneration or just use the link below to launch it as a Java applet in your browser!
Click Here for the RFG Chat
We've been having some issues with our old chat room lately, so we've switched to a new irc server. The new server is irc.freenode.net irc.quakenet.org and the room name is #rfgeneration
Be sure to note the new server address and drop on by!
Edit: Fixed the old room, all is well. -TJ
Ed Note: Got to love logical's fervor. -TJ
So... Our great site rfgeneration.com has this really awesome thing called a chat room. And it's just that, AWESOME! I know that personally, I've had some great times in the chat room, and I can assure you all that others have too.
You got a question but don't want to wait for a reply to your post? Then you could go over to the chat and ask. you would get an answer. Bar none. At least, that's how it used to be...
The chat here at rfgeneration has become a ghost town, a miserable excuse for the BEST GAME SITE EVER! Malygris is almost always in there, and I frequently stop by. So do others. But if you're the only one in a chat room, don't you normally leave? Of course you do. It's down right boring.
That's why I am blogging to my fellow rfgen'ers, so that we can revive the chat, make it lively again. At least, I hope thats what everyone gets out of this... 
The chat is awesome, and I don't like seeing it go to waste. So, hop on over to the rfgeneration chat room, and get CHATTING! 
Some of you really, really hated our previous chat client, so much so that you decided to create an IRC chatroom and lobby for the death of our previous chat client. Well, after some introspection and the prospect of having the chat server load not be ours, we now have our chat on IRC.
IRC, you say? Well, perhaps you're scared of IRC? Don't be! We've made it easy to join our chat! You could use a client to join our chat, or you could use the applet that we provide.
Interested in joining the chat? Check this page for more details and where you can find us! Hope to see you in chat!