RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Jul 7th 2007 at 02:51:53 AM by (Mr. Mysterious)
Posted under Site News, Submissions, Immortality, Cool, Geek Cred

That's right. RFGen needs your help! Working on being the best video game resource on the planet is serious business around here. The games submissions, information, reviews, scans etc. all come from it's members and staff. We are all instrumental in helping this site grow. As we approach the 30,000 games mark in our database we must remember that there is more to building the database than simply adding games. We need to all work together and fill out the pages for each game and piece of hardware whenever and wherever we can. The feeling of satisfaction and pride in having your 2 cents printed on a game's merits or having your copy of a game showcased as the site's scans or showing off a game with screen-shots can not be underestimated. Nor can the importance of a part number, bar code or a year or any other information you may have.

You've all seen the thank you posts our Site Director makes every month when he tallies up the numbers. Thousands of submissions every month, each one giving a member or a staffer a little bit of pride and immortality in having their name associated with it. Every piece helping someone choose a game, or tell the difference betwen one they already have and one they may buy. Or even re-connect with childhood memories because the screen-shots, overviews or scans help them remember forgotten games of their youth.

So we, the Administrators and Editors of RF Generation urge you to participate in this cause and help this site grow. Whether it's submitting a part number on the spine of a game case after you've played it, writing a review be it short or long after you play/beat a game, or scanning your collection, there are many ways each of you can help.

Also know that you are not alone in this, you can direct any questions you may have to any member of staff and there are FAQ's you can read to help you use the scripts and the guidelines that go with them.

Imagine this: if only 50 members of our near 1300 member community submitted only 3 times a week, be it part number, scan or what have you, that's 600 a month. Three submissions only take what? 10 minutes a week? Can you all give RFGen 10 minutes a week? Imagine what a hundred could do, or a thousand!! I try to spend at least half an hour a week while watching TV or something submitting info with a small pile of games at my side or a handy website with information I can add. It usually ends up being more personally but we all do what we can when we can and that's what counts as long as we participate. Wink

No worries about overflow of submissions either, your RFGen staff team has over 20 members to make sure all of your submissions are being taken care of and checked for mistakes. We also engage in regular discussion about how to make things easier for you the members, who make this site what it is. We also appreciate any suggestions you may have, feel free to post them in our forums or PM them to any staff member.

Thank you

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