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Posted on Aug 25th 2015 at 12:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under kids, video games, how to, getting started, introducing, family

[img width=700 height=537]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/RFGen%20Blog/2240AAC1-0CD7-49F0-B3DF-9685FEC07189_zpsaokoyqbp.jpg[/img]
The hook brings you ba-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.

One of the things I love most about RF Generation is the great diversity of members that I get to converse with on our forums.  Our members vary in gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, social beliefs, and especially in their game system/developer preference.  Even so, our community has always been the kind where difference of opinion is accepted and embraced, and is even used as a means for looking at video gaming in general in a different light.  As an older member of the site, I've always felt right at home reminiscing about classics with the rest of the "geezers" (like Duke, who is much older than me) and having great conversations with younger members regarding their gaming history.  Though many of us differ in age, there is one thing that many of us have in common.......kids.

At this point in my life, I have two young kids, ages four (a boy) and seven (a girl). Like some of you, I've always had this dream of sharing my collection with my kids and playing alongside them through the same games I grew up on.  Though some of you may not be at this point in your lives yet, but may be considering having kids, you've probably at least had the same thought at some point.  I'm by no means the perfect parent, and when it comes to getting my kids involved in gaming, I've had my share of failures and successes.  However, my kids have really gotten into gaming recently and are begging me every night to go up to the gameroom.  Honestly, it's f@*king awesome!  So, in the course of coming up with an article for the front page, I decided that reflecting on what methods in getting my kids interested in gaming worked for me, as well as what I could have done better to peak their interest, might be a good topic. Below are a few observations that may be helpful if you want to get your kids to enjoy gaming:

Continue reading What to Expect, When You're Expecting Your Kids to Be Gamers

Posted on May 4th 2011 at 05:03:24 PM by (blcklblskt)
Posted under Nintendo 64, Controller, Joystick, How to

Is your Nintendo 64 controller joystick loose and worn out?  If so, you will be pleased to know that it is very easy to replace a loose joystick with either a replacement one, or a good one from a donor controller.  In total, this swap will take about 15 minutes if you're switching joysticks between two controllers, or half that if you have a replacement.

I have always used joysticks from used Grey or Atomic Purple controllers, simply because they are plentiful and cheap as most people tend to use the colored controllers more often than their "boring" brothers.  I have never used a replacement joystick, so I cannot comment on their quality.

After the swap, you will have an N64 controller with a nice tight joystick, and if you used a donor, one with a loose stick.  I will usually sell the loose controllers for what I paid for them, around $5, so that no one feels ripped off.  The buyer gets a cheap official controller, and the seller gets his money back. Smiley

Tools needed: Philips head screwdriver set

Time Required: 5-15 minutes

Difficulty: 2/10

Continue reading How to Swap an N64 Controller Joystick

Posted on Nov 1st 2007 at 08:26:46 PM by (OatBob)
Posted under Mods, Guitar Hero, RedOctane, Gibson, How To

So, you think Guitar Hero makes you a rockstar?  Yet, your mighty axe resembles a children's toy.  Maybe something can be done about it.  Better yet, someone has done it already, right on time with the recent release of Guitar Hero III.

[brandon] decided to rebuild a Guitar Hero controller out of a real Gibson electric guitar.  Best part is he managed to do it at a budget price.  US$69 for the guitar (found at Target) plus $60 for the controller is less than $150... a budget price indeed.  I suppose it's one way to "hack the Gibson" without becoming "zero cool".

The construction method is similar to most other case mods... pull out the electronic guts and give them a superior new home.  Special features include using the guitar's volume tuning knob in replacement of the whammy bar, and the strum bar tucked neatly between the pickups.

The finished product can only be described as "very stylish, and competitive".  Certainly it would draw a lot of attention at your student dorm's next Guitar Hero tournament (which replaced the former air guitar competitions).

The creator of this is also interested in doing a similar guitar mod for Rock Band in the future, with a few more ideas to apply.  We can expect more to come.

Full building instructions can be found at: XYHD.TV

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