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Posted on Nov 15th 2011 at 12:32:50 AM by (Shadow Kisuragi)
Posted under Secret Santa, Holiday Celebration

The holidays are fast approaching, and I thought I'd bring up something for the RFGeneration members to try this year: Secret Santa!

All that would be needed is to put your name on a list of interested members and opt in/out for international shipping. At that point, a list would be needed for items you would be most interested in, along with reasonable items if your aspirations are quite high (I'm not sending you Cheetahmen II, Crabby!). Shipping information would also be needed.

During the first week of December, you'll be matched up with another forum member here and be sent their shipping information and list of interests. Traditionally, trading items from your collection is desired, but feel free to go wild on what you send. It doesn't have to match exactly what the person is asking for, as long as it's done in the spirit of the holidays. General value is the items should be around $20, but I won't stop you if you send more.

Contacting a member about their wants/interests will be done through a neutral third party so that the person sending the gift won't be identified until after the holidays (or never, if they so wish!).

Is anyone interesting in doing this? I've done it on Digital Press for 2 years, and had a blast doing so. We won't be able to go all out like they do on their forums for the entire month, but I figured it would be a great way for people to receive new and interesting things in their collections and meet their fellow

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