[img width=700 height=393]http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h32/grayghost81/0320162022_zpszrjbzcmb.jpg[/img] The ERISAN UC40 in all its glory.
I was originally planning to review the cheap Chinese projector I recently bought for this article, but I immediately realized that I am not willing to scrutinize this seventy-five dollar miracle in a way that would satisfy even the most casual reader. I plugged the thing in, fired up Nazi Zombies, and instantly fell in love. The End.
But I realized that perhaps a lot of my readers have not discovered the joys of gaming with a projector, and having recently purchased my third one, I thought I could offer some advice for those on the fence, or those who have never even given it a thought. So, where to begin?
Continue reading Projector Gaming
[img width=250 align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/4466831574777f6c17f667MVC-020S-17.jpg[/img]So, back in the day there was the SNES CD Add-on under development by Sony and Phillips. Clearly, it didn't work out. Phillips decided to release the add-on as the CD-i, the system with amazing games like The Legend of Zelda: Wand of Gamelon. Certainly, we are blessed that system and it's amazing games. Thankfully Nintendo has learned a thing or two about whoring out franchises, haven't they?. Anyways, yeah, there was Sony's prototype as well, and we all know what happened with that prototype.
Well, a piece of development history is currently up for auction. Someone is auctioning a dev controller for the SNES CD. Talk about of piece of history, it could be yours if you win the auction, and also have a large sum of money. It could be yours for the cool price of $2999.99. Personally, I don't have that type of money, and I am not a hardware collector. But for those of you who love to collect rare, and I mean REALLY RARE pieces of hardware, now is your chance. Happy Bidding!
[eBay] via [Gizmodo] [IMAGE]
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. Oh, and keep it on channel three